DIY Rowan costume for a girl

Rowan suit 5Now the season of balls, matinees and carnivals is open in all children's institutions. And the parents went crazy, looking for a special costume for their beloved child in order to create a unique image for him, his beloved. But not everyone goes shopping.

The most conscious mothers sit at home, trying to create a unique masterpiece with their own hands..

One of the non-standard, but very attractive ideas for a little princess is The image of the mountain ash is bright, colorful, unique!

Of course, you will waste precious time, but the baby’s party will be simply unforgettable!

What does the children's Ryabinka costume consist of?

Rowan costume 2A tree can be depicted simply by dressing a child in brown leggings, wood tones golf.

The main highlight of the look will rightfully be a colorful wreath with bunches of rowan berries for girls and a crown and hat with berries for boys.

Artificial rowan branches can be purchased.

To increase the effectiveness of the image, you should lightly tint the baby’s lips.

Necessary materials for the “Rowan” costume for a girl

We will need:

  • skirt material;
  • petticoat, maybe creolin;
  • rubber;
  • application of berries;
  • ribbons;
  • scarlet beads;
  • wreath;
  • real or artificial berries.

Step-by-step instructions for making the “Rowanka” costume

If available, remove the white blouse from the closet. Glue or sew an applique onto the sleeves, and glue it onto the red ribbons. Scarlet rowan beads will become a bright accent of the image; you can collect real berries on a string, or you can replace it with jewelry made from round beads.


Rowan costume 6
There are 2 options:

ANDfrom snow-white linen material with scarlet polka dots cut a circle with a radius similar to the length of the skirt with an addition of 16 cm. In the middle, cut a circle with a radius of 14 cm. Insert an elastic band and hem the hem. A petticoat made of starched cotton or creolin will help make the skirt much fuller. We cut it in the same way as a skirt.

Looks no worse flared skirt made of red material. Cut rowan leaves from malachite velvet. Make them quite large, about half the length of the flares. It is advisable to sew them to the belt. If you can get natural berries on the street, you should decorate your belt with them. Or replace natural richness with beads.

Sew scarlet beads onto snow-white knee socks and tights. Decorate your child's shoes in the same way.

Rowan suit skirt pattern

How to make a wreath (diadem) on your head from rowan?

The main accent of the costume is, of course, headdress.

There are many more options here:

  1. It is clear that if you weave in natural berries, it will be beautiful. If possible, take bunches of rowan berries and secure with a satin ribbon, which you wrap around your head, making a modest bow at the back.
  2. If the rowan season is over, purchase a white ribbon and decorate with a themed applique. Glue berries, branches, leaves.The material will be at your discretion - from paper of a suitable color to berries made of beads and leaves made of fabric. It all depends on desire and tastes.
  3. A rowan wreath is the most preferred option. On dark winter evenings, a photograph with warm notes will cheer up anyone, and at the holiday your child will be the center of attention. So, we intertwine real rowan with autumn leaves, branches, other berries and beads. We attach each part of the wreath to a wire, intertwine it and wrap it around the hoop. You can weave both real and artificial berries from the store into a wreath.
  4. Don't forget about other head decorations. Girls can make a headband of autumn leaves and rowan or a real crown.

Hair ornaments

Rowan suit 4 headband

Suitable for this costume:

  • hairpins;
  • hats with berries, etc.;
  • live berries, leaves, beads, fabrics, ears of cereals, fruits.

Now let's pay attention to other nuances.

Rowanberry costume 1 kokoshnik with rowanberryGirls definitely need jewelry:

  • scarlet earrings;
  • bright beads;
  • round bracelets.

Not a single detail should be missed!

Rowan costumesIf you want your princess to feel happy at the baby shower, put in the effort. Sew a costume that will be remembered next year, it will capture the imagination! And the child’s grateful face will thank you a hundredfold for your efforts!

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