DIY plum costume for a girl

plumEvery mother wants her daughter to be the most elegant at a children's party. It’s easy to make a princess or a snowflake look elegant, but what to do when, according to the holiday scenario, a girl needs a plum costume? It’s not at all necessary to run to the store and spend a considerable amount for this. You can make the outfit yourself. How to do this will be discussed in the article.

What could a plum costume be like for a girl?

plum costume 2Plum is a sweet and tasty fruit, so the outfit should be bright, with rich colors. For girls, the costume is made in 3 versions:

  1. Suit using a basic dress or skirt in plum color. A voluminous hat is made to match the basic clothing.
  2. A costume made of a voluminous sundress and a head mask. This outfit is made from ordinary bright fabric. Stuff the hem of the dress with felt so that it becomes voluminous. The mask is made of thick paper.
  3. A costume consisting of a vest and a cap. The vest is cut out of foam rubber in the shape of a plum, covered with bright fabric, and leaves are sewn on.The hat is sewn from the same fabric.

Important! Each mother decides for herself how to dress up her daughter. But you need to remember that a suit should first be comfortable, and only then beautiful!

Making a plum costume for a girl with your own hands

plum costumeThe best option is an outfit using a basic dress and a voluminous hat. This option can be produced quickly. A dress with a simple cut will not restrict the child’s movements. The dress should be plum-colored, plain and unadorned. If a young fashionista doesn’t have such a model in her wardrobe, you can sew it yourself. No special sewing skills are required here. It is enough to cut out the details along the contour of any T-shirt and lengthen them in accordance with the height of the child. The whole job consists of making several seams on a sewing machine. It is better to make the dress sleeveless and not too long. If it is cool in kindergarten, choose a lilac or pink knitted sweater under the dress.

On a note! Before you run to the store to buy fabric for a dress, you can look in your own closet. Perhaps there are forgotten curtains or a skirt in matching shades lying there. Why not use them?

The hat is easy to make. For it they take the same fabric that was used for the dress. Cut out a large circle and tie it with an elastic band around the edge. Green leaves are sewn onto the top of the head.

Tools and materials needed to make the costume

To make a plum costume based on a dress and a voluminous hat you will need:

  1. toolsBright plum colored lining fabric. You can use any fabric, but it’s better to use one that is easy to work with.
  2. Scraps of green fabric for leaves.
  3. Linen elastic.
  4. Purple and green glitter.

Costume elements

costume elementsThe bright plum image includes a dress and a cap.As an addition, use a lilac knitted blouse. Sequins are sewn onto the dress to make the costume more elegant. The hat is decorated with beautiful leaves on the top of the head.

By the way! Small leaves can be sewn onto a girl’s socks or tights. This way the image will be more complete.

Step-by-step execution of the plum costume

stages of workSewing a suit is carried out in several stages. In order not to be distracted by trifles, it is better to prepare the necessary materials in advance. Cutting parts should be done on a flat surface and with sharp scissors.

The entire sewing process consists of the following steps:

  • Taking measurements. To sew, you need to know the length of the dress and head circumference.
  • Making a dress pattern. A children's T-shirt is placed on the fabric and a sleeveless outline is cut out. Lengthen the dress from the waist according to your measurements. And be sure to expand.
  • We wash out the patterns and try them on the child. If everything fits, we sew it at the seams. Don't forget to trim the armholes and hem of the dress. The plum should look neat.
  • Turn the dress right side out. The bottom can be gathered with elastic to add volume and make the “plum” round.

Important addition! You don't need to tighten it too tightly. The legs should be free. A tight dress is not only uncomfortable for a girl, but will also ride up when she moves.

  • The final touch is to manually sew on purple sequins. This can be done in different ways: sew all over the dress or decorate the edges with them.
  • step by step executionPreparing the hat pattern. Cut out a circle of fabric with a diameter of approximately 30 centimeters. For the hem, leave an additional 2.5 - 3 centimeters. We collect the edges by basting. Let's try on the hat. If everything fits, sew it together and insert the elastic.
  • Cut out leaves from green pieces of fabric.
  • Trying the hat on your head.We determine the area that is located on the top of the head. Sew on the leaves.
  • The leaves on the cap can also be decorated with sparkles.
  • If desired, you can cut out small leaves from green scraps and sew them along the edge of the socks.

The costume is ready! In such an outfit, the girl is guaranteed to brilliantly perform the role of a plum.

Additional details for the plum image

To prevent the suit from looking boring, it can be supplemented with small elements. The scope for imagination is unlimited here. The following details will complement the image well:

Face paintingFace painting. You can draw a bright plum on the little beauty’s cheek. Usually, girls like this kind of “makeup”.

Attention! It is better to avoid face painting if the room is very hot. Children forget about drawings on their faces. In a stuffy room, the paint will bleed a little. Any careless movement and the pattern will spread out like an ugly spot across the face, and will also leave stains on clothes.

Pink manicure and lipstick. The main rule is that these elements should not be too bright. It is recommended to use only special children's cosmetics.

Image of a plum on the chest.Image of a plum on the chest. You can print a picture of a plum on a color printer and glue it onto thick cardboard. The image is sewn with thread to the dress or made in the form of a medal. To do this, attach a thin satin ribbon to the paper and hang the medal on your chest.

Purple bows.Purple bows. It is better to braid long hair into two neat braids. Decorate your braids with beautiful purple bows.

On a note. With a hairstyle in the form of ponytails it will be awkward. Ponytails, even the smallest ones, can interfere with the hat.

Trying on the role of a beautiful plum will be interesting for every girl. And the emotions that a beautiful costume and holiday will give her will be remembered for a long time.

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