Do-it-yourself cloud costume for the autumn festival

cloud costumeThe range of costumes for children's parties in stores is not particularly original. Meanwhile, if you use your imagination and a little patience, it’s quite possible to create a creative outfit with your own hands. To do this, it is not necessary to have the skills of a professional seamstress. The article will tell you how to make a simple but unusual cloud costume with your own hands.

Options for a cloud costume for the autumn holiday

costume option 1There are several ways to complete this outfit. If you wish and have certain skills, you can use ready-made patterns to sew stylized items of clothing for a cloud costume: dress, pants, skirt, vest. This option requires thorough preparation, so it is not suitable for everyone.

costume option 2If your mother is not a professional seamstress, then you shouldn’t despair. You can create a costume by adding appropriate elements to basic clothing items.

Important! The main rule of a suit is that the child should be comfortable and cool in it.At the holiday, children are mobile, which means that it is better to avoid elements that will get underfoot, hamper movement or constantly fall off.

DIY cloud costume for a girl

cloud costume for girlIt’s not difficult to make an outfit for a girl who will play the role of a cloud at the autumn festival. You can come up with various models, but the article suggests a suit based on a dress.

Costume components:

  • Dress in blue, gray or white.
  • Plastic hat decorated with cotton wool.
  • White tights or socks.

What you need to make a costume

toolsA cloud costume based on a dress is made by simply adding decorative elements to its components: dress, socks and hat. For production you will need:

  • PVA glue.
  • Plastic hat.
  • Cotton wool.
  • Scraps of fabric whose edges do not fray. The shade of the fabric depends on the color of the dress. So, if the dress is deep blue, then white and blue shades will do. If the dress is white, then the patches should be blue.
  • Blue or white wool thread.

Step-by-step execution of a costume for a girl

suit for girlNow let's start making the costume.

  • Getting the hat ready. To do this, apply glue over its entire surface and glue the cotton wool. It is better to glue the cotton wool in small pieces. The hat should look like a cloud. But you shouldn’t get carried away with volumes. The girl in this hat still has to dance and play.
  • Cut out water droplets from scraps of fabric. There should be a lot of droplets. They can be made in different sizes.
  • We hang each drop on a woolen thread. To do this, we either glue it or sew the elements together with a thin thread in color.

Important! There is no need to hang the drops on long threads, otherwise they will get tangled with each other when the child moves. 10 centimeters is quite enough.

  • Sew the droplets onto the dress. Distribute them evenly along the hem. You can add droplets to the edges of the sleeves and the neck of the dress.
  • Decorate the elastic socks with droplets. But we sew them on without woolen thread, otherwise the child may stumble and fall.

In this simple way, any mother can turn her girl into the most elegant cloud at the holiday.

Cloud costume for a boy

cloud costume for boyFor boys, a cloud costume can be made bright and beautiful. Typically, this outfit also involves the use of basic clothing. Consider an option based on trousers.

Costume components:

  • T-shirt in blue or gray.
  • Trousers. There is no need to run to the store and buy expensive dress trousers, which will become too small in six months. Any denim or sports pants will do. The main thing is that the color evokes associations with a thundercloud and rain.
  • Paper mask with the image of a cloud on the head.
  • Vest in the shape of a cloud.

On a note! It is better if the T-shirt and pants are the same color. This way the suit will look harmonious.

Required materials and tools

Now stock up on the necessary materials and tools. We'll need it.

  • PVA glue.
  • Thick white paper.
  • Stapler.
  • Scraps of fabric in gray and blue shades. The color of the fabric should be several shades darker or lighter than the color of the base clothing. It is also better to choose a fabric that will not fray.
  • Chintz or fleece to match the T-shirt.
  • Sintepon.
  • Braid for straps.
  • Image of a cloud. It is better to print a picture from the Internet with the image of a cloud. If this is not possible, then you can draw the cloud yourself using gouache.

Sewing a cloud suit for a boy: step-by-step guide

suit for boyLet's start sewing the suit.

  1. Head mask.To make such a mask, you need to measure the circumference of the child’s head and cut out a strip of thick paper 6–7 centimeters wide. Length of the strip: the circumference of the child’s head and 3-4 centimeters for fastening the edges. We connect the edges and try the product on the child. If the strip does not fall into your eyes and does not put pressure on your forehead, then paste on an image of a cloud.
  2. We cut out droplets measuring 3–4 centimeters from scraps of fabric. Distribute the droplets over the legs and sew them on.
  3. We sew a cloud vest. For this you will need fleece or chintz. Cut out 4 identical parts in the shape of a cloud. We are also preparing 2 similar patterns from padding polyester. We divide the patterns into front and back parts and sew them in pairs. You need to insert tape for the straps into the front part. Don’t forget to add padding polyester to both parts so that the cloud is voluminous and holds its shape well. When the parts are ready, you need to adjust the straps and sew them on the back. The sides of such a vest can be fastened with buttons, press studs or Velcro.

The cloud costume for the boy is ready. In such an outfit, he will definitely not go unnoticed at the autumn festival.

Cloud costume for adults

cloud costume for adultsOften at holidays in kindergartens, parents not only admire their children while sitting on chairs, but also take an active part. If the teachers asked the mother to act as a cloud, then she can also make a costume for herself from scrap materials. The article provides a version with a cap at the base.

Components of a costume for an adult

  • Hat. Straw or plastic. The main requirement is a wide hat brim.

Important! You will have to apply glue to the cap, therefore, it will be impossible to restore its original appearance. Therefore, it is better to take a hat that you don’t mind ruining.

  • A dress or suit in blue, blue or white.
  • Satin shoulder cape.

What is needed for work

Making such an outfit will not take much time. It will require the following materials:

  • PVA glue;
  • cotton wool;
  • satin blue, dark blue or gray;
  • scraps of fabric for making droplets.

Making a cloud costume for an adult with your own hands

costume for adultThe work takes place in several stages:

  1. Getting the hat ready. This is the most important element of the costume. We treat the surface of the hat with PVA glue. Next, we take a lot of cotton wool and put it on the glue, piece by piece. It is better to press each piece firmly with your fingers for a few seconds. The cotton wool needs to be glued until the “cloud” becomes voluminous. To do this, apply glue to the lower layers of cotton wool and apply new pieces.
  2. We cut out a rectangular scarf from satin and trim the edges. We sew ties to the corners of the scarf, quite long, so as not to pull the cape tightly at the neck.
  3. We cut out droplets from scraps of fabric and sew them evenly over the entire area of ​​the cape. If the dress under the suit is plain, then such droplets can be sewn along the hem of the dress.

The adult outfit is ready! Without a doubt, the children will be pleased with such a cloud.

Tips for sewing a cloud costume for the autumn festival

original cloud costumeMaking a costume for the autumn festival is not so difficult. To ensure the job is successful the first time, it is better to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • You need to choose fabric that is as convenient as possible for sewing. Such fabric should not crumble too much, be difficult to iron or be unpleasant to the body.
  • It is better to attach an elastic band to the hat. The headdress will become heavy and large. In order not to pick up the hat from the floor during the holiday, it is better to fix it on your head.
  • To prevent the basic clothing from losing its original appearance, the droplets do not need to be sewn too tightly.One small knot is enough, which can be easily removed later.
  • If the color of the base clothing is gray or dark blue, then the sewn elements should be light and bright. Otherwise the suit will look dull.

You can make the autumn holiday especially memorable if you get a little creative and sew an unusual outfit. It is interesting for both children and adults to try on the role of a “cloud”, which is not necessarily gloomy. And photographs from such entertainment will become a beautiful and vivid gratitude for the work done.

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