DIY sparrow costume for a boy

DIY sparrow costume for a boyOn the eve of the New Year holidays, parents begin to think about preparing carnival costumes for children. There is a wide range of options on the shelves of specialty stores, and many establishments provide costumes for rent. But such products have a high price, which is not always affordable.

You can make a sparrow costume for a boy yourself. The outfit will have a bright appearance and will stand out with special originality. We'll tell you how to make such a costume with your own hands.

How to make the base of a costume

The base of the costume can be done in different ways.

Easy way

simple option
The simplest option is a suit assembled from ready-made clothes.

Suitable for a boyan array of products in gray and brown tones. For example, a gray T-shirt or sweatshirt without bright patterns or ornaments can be complemented with brown trousers or loose-fitting sports tights.

For shoes - sneakers or sneakers to match the pants.Additions include a beak, a headdress and wings made with your own hands.

ADVICE: The T-shirt can be replaced with a white turtleneck and a gray or brown vest.

Cape for a suit

Many parents approach the process creatively, making original and bright carnival costumes by hand. In this case the basis of a sparrow costume for a boy can be a cape. It is very easy to sew it yourself.

Materials and tools

To work you will need the following:

  • satin in brown shades;
  • black satin;
  • piece of chalk;
  • sewing meter;
  • scissors;
  • safety pins;
  • sewing machine.

ADVICE: instead of satin, felt of a similar color scheme is also suitable.

Completing of the work

Using a meter We calculate the child’s parameters. The cape will require shoulder width, neck circumference and the length of the product (it can vary to the elbow or wrist).

On brown satin we build a cone-shaped pattern, leaving a socket for the neck. Don't forget about seam allowances - 1-2 centimeters. Cut out the finished pattern using scissors.

IMPORTANT! The edges of the cape can be made zigzag. It will act as an imitation of wings.

We decorate the edges with black satin. To do this, cut out a long strip of material. For the front part it should be longer, since this is where the ties are located. We fasten the materials with safety pins and proceed to work on the sewing machine. The cape is ready.

Making your own suit

Making a costume yourself will help each parent create a bright and unique holiday outfit. A vest and loose-fitting trousers are suitable as a base.

Sewing materials

When starting work, take care of the following materials and tools:

  • sewing meter;
  • brown satin;
  • piece of chalk;
  • scissors;
  • safety pins;
  • rubber;
  • sewing machine.

Making a costume

At the initial stage measurements need to be taken. For a vest you will need the back length, shoulder width, and chest circumference. For panties - the length of the product from the waist to the foot and the volume of the hips.

When creating trouser patterns, you should take a few extra centimeters, not forgetting about seam allowances. Then the product will have a loose fit, and it will be convenient for the baby to play outdoor games and perform at a concert.

When the patterns are ready, we cut out and sew the parts. We skip the elastic on the belt, then add the last lines. A white turtleneck will go under the vest. This costume can be used in combination with a cape.

Attributes of a sparrow

It is difficult to imagine a famous bird without a small beak, a small crest on its head or bead-sized eyes. All attributes can be purchased in specialized stores for a nominal fee. But with a little effort, you can easily make them yourself.

Cap and nose

There are several options for creating a headdress. The simplest option is a headband. You can stick a small image of the hero’s face on it.

head adornment

ATTENTION! The headband can be replaced with a mask. It is cut out of cardboard according to a ready-made template and brightly painted.

A cap or scarf is a more complex option. They serve as a headdress; the nose and eyes of the bird will be located here.


cap and beak
To prepare a headdress in accordance with the image, you need to prepare everything you need in advance. You will need:

  • sewing meter;
  • gray or brown cotton;
  • colored paper in white and black shades;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • pencil;
  • piece of chalk;
  • needle;
  • scissors;
  • rubber;
  • padding polyester;
  • sewing machine.

Making a hat

Using a meter, measure the circumference of the child's head.

We make a pattern on the fabric, not forgetting about the allowances. Cut out using scissors.

REFERENCE: It is recommended to make the product looser in cut.

We hem the edges, passing the elastic inside. It will help fix the product on your head.


The beak will be located in the middle of the forehead on the cap.

  • For him cut out two triangles (about 10 cm one side) and sew them together.
  • We fill the internal space with padding polyester.
  • Sew the nose to the hat.

The final stage is the eyes. You can purchase ready-made products that are used to make toys yourself. However, among their variety, it is difficult to find a suitable size, since the shelves mostly contain small eyes. You can solve the problem using colored paper or cardboard. A small white circle and a slightly smaller black one are cut out of white paper. We glue the black one in the middle of the first one and place it on the sides of the beak. The hat is ready.


Imitation of wings is the most difficult part of the costume preparation process.. You can use a cape with zigzag edges, which is described above. You can use a more complex method: sew two separate wings.

Materials for manufacturing

To make sparrow wings, you need to stock up on the following materials:

  • satin or velvet in brown and gray shades;
  • padding polyester for filling;
  • scissors;
  • rubber;
  • sewing machine.

Completing of the work

On fabric cut out two cone-shaped wings with zigzag edges, cut them out. Throughout the area skip lines at the junction of zigzags. The result is a kind of compartment that is filled with filler. Finally, you need to sew on elastic bands that have been previously covered with satin. With their help, the child will be able to put wings on his back.

ADVICE: wings can be made in 2 or 3 multi-colored layers. Each plumage is sewn slightly shorter than the previous one.

The sparrow costume is ready.

Useful tips


  • The suit can be complemented with a small tail, the pattern for which is made following the example of the wings. The difference is the width: the tail should be slightly wider than the boy’s back.
  • For shoes, use sneakers, slip-ons or sandals in matching colors: grey, brown, black.
  • The cap can be replaced with a black plain scarf, which is complemented by eyes and a beak.
    In this case, the costumes are also suitable for girls.

Every child excitedly awaits the approaching New Year celebrations. Garlands, Christmas tree decorations, gifts and costume parties help maintain an atmosphere of magic and wonder. Every holiday is necessarily accompanied by original and colorful costumes. A sparrow carnival costume will become a favorite holiday outfit for any boy.

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