DIY men's Halloween costume

DIY men's Halloween costumeThe mystical night of Halloween is getting closer. Many are planning to spend it at a themed party, so they are now looking for a costume.

Nowadays, stores offer a choice of ready-made outfits for the holiday. But why waste money and buy a banal outfit.

Use your imagination and come up with a truly interesting image. It's not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

We will tell you how to make an interesting suit for men with your own hands.

How to make a men's suit with your own hands

A good outfit for the holiday will not take more than two hours. Especially if you use our tips. Below are images that can easily be brought to life in one evening.


To make this costume you will need a minimum of things.

  • Old clothes, preferably shabby.
  • Dark Shadows for makeup.
  • Wig.
  • Metal mug.

Clothes need to be cut so that they turn into rags. Use paint to create dirty stains on your clothes and wig.

Apply shadows to your face, giving the impression that it is sickly and smeared with dirt. You can also make yourself a stick on which the beggar leans, and also put some coins in the mug.


The main attribute of this villain is a cloak. It can be made from a suitable red or black fabric.

  • To do this, place it on the table and draw a semicircle from the long edge.
  • Fold it in half and cut a corner for the neck hole.
  • Cut the collar or hood and sew it to the neckline.
  • Finally, make an interesting clasp, and also come up with an unusual pattern or design for the cloak.

It is better to wear a white shirt and black trousers underneath, and wear shoes on your feet. A vampire should look elegant and seductive!

If you have a vest of a suitable color at home, then you can wear it too; it will fit well into the image of Dracula.

IMPORTANT! Don't forget about scary makeup, which can be done with shadows and white paint, and also take with you the main thing - fangs.


For this outfit you will need:

  • black clothes;
  • acrylic paints;
  • paper;
  • white felt.

This outfit can be done quite easily at home. You need to find a skeleton on the Internet and choose one of two options for making a costume:

  • paint on fabric;
  • sew material onto things.

In the first case you need draw bones directly on the fabric. In the second case you need first make templates, attach them to the material (felt) and cut out the parts, which need to be sewn on later. The second method is suitable for those who have chosen casual clothes that they are going to wear after the holiday.

IMPORTANT! Wait until the paint on the costume is completely dry, it is better to do this in advance, and not on the day of the party.

It is also recommended to iron the suit from the reverse side after the paint has completely dried.

This suit has several advantages.

  • You don’t have to paint your face, but just buy a mask; it’s very easy to find.
  • No need to do a hairstyle, just a hood is enough.

However, this costume is quite common and it is very difficult to surprise anyone with it, so you will have to use your imagination in the preparation process.

Jeff the killer

Jeff the killer
This one of the creepiest characters in history. However, making such a suit for a guy is quite easy.

For this take a light shirt, sneakers and black trousers.

  • We take red paint and casually apply it to the shirt and a little to the trousers.
  • The main thing in this image is not the clothes, but the makeup. You can also dye your hair black with tonic, cover your face with white paint, and draw circles under your eyes with shadows.
  • The mouth is drawn with regular bright red lipstick., but if you want to make a cut mouth, then you need to make a small gap with black lipstick.

IMPORTANT! Don't forget that creepy eyes require special lenses that you need to find or order in advance.

Tips for Making a Men's Halloween Costume

Many have already decided what costume they will wear to the party. As you prepare for it, pay attention to these tips so as not to overdo it and become a laughing stock.

  • You should not choose costumes that ridicule or parody the characteristics of other nations.. There is no need to paint your face black, dress in a native costume, or glue on a mustache and talk as if you are from the Caucasus. There is no need to smear your face with black paint, use self-tanner, or glue on your hair, mustache and eyebrows. This is at the very least unsightly and puts other people in an awkward position.
  • If you choose a Superhero costume, forget about tight tights. They are suitable only for children, and went out of fashion in the last century.Moreover, not everyone has the kind of body that can be shown off in a tight suit.

IMPORTANT! You can choose a superhero costume, but make it more masculine and truly interesting so that it is suitable for a respectable man.

  • Everyone is already tired enough of zombie costumes., because in reality, a stained shirt and semblance of bruises on the face is not exactly a Halloween outfit. Add a little imagination if the image of a zombie is really close.
  • No need to put on makeup that will look creepy and instill fear in others. In our country, not everyone celebrates this holiday, so others may not understand what happened and may not appreciate the idea. It's better to pay more attention to the suit.

Important! For Halloween, you don’t have to dress up as someone scary; you can choose a famous person or a good character.

  • Don't forget to consider the size of your suit. Many people choose a dinosaur or robot costume, but they forget that it is not only uncomfortable to walk in, but can also prevent others from having fun and feeling comfortable at the holiday.

Get ready for the holiday, show more imagination, have fun from the heart!

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