Beautiful clothes for newborn girls: how to choose an outfit, list of brands for children

Clothes for newborn girls

The arrival of a child in a family is always a holiday. Men most often want a son, but women dream of a daughter, imagining what a fashionista she will be, how they will braid her hair, how they will take her to first grade.

But for the arrival of a baby, just like a baby, you should carefully prepare. It is necessary not only to tidy up the room where the baby will be brought from the maternity hospital, but also to purchase the necessary clothes.

For a newborn baby, you should choose clothes exclusively from natural fabric, and there should be no seams or zippers on them. Naturally, a little princess should be a fashionable girl, but you shouldn’t buy a huge amount of clothes, the child grows very quickly, and if there are a lot of clothes, he won’t have time to wear them all.

Types of clothes for a little fashionista

Clothing for babies today is quite diverse. Each parent will choose their own taste and color. The most popular types of clothing include:

  1. Bodysuit – this type of clothing is very convenient because it has fasteners between the baby’s legs. Moreover, it can be either with or without sleeves. It is very convenient because the fasteners hold the product and it does not ride up when the child moves.
  2. Slip, it is very similar to a jumpsuit. It is convenient to use due to the presence of convenient fasteners.
  3. Baby vests and rompers. Everyone has known about such clothes for a long time. It is convenient to wear, and many grandmothers are accustomed to these clothes today, while young mothers prefer bodysuits and slips.
  4. Caps and caps. The little man will definitely need hats and bonnets. At home, you shouldn’t cover your baby’s head, but when going out for a walk, even in hot weather, you shouldn’t forget about this wardrobe item.

In addition, it is worth taking care of what clothes the baby will wear when leaving the maternity hospital and coming home. Naturally, if we are talking about summer, then you need a minimum of clothes. A thin suit or slip and a cap will be enough. But if we are talking about a colder season, then you will additionally need an envelope or blanket. Depending on the time of year, its density is also selected.

What clothes should be

Baby Clothing

When choosing clothes for a newborn, you should pay attention to the fact that they are loose and do not restrict movement. The materials from which it is made must be of high quality and should not cause allergies. It is worth paying attention to clothes made of cotton or cotton fabric. For a newborn, you should not buy clothes that fit over the head.

If we are talking about the colder season, then you should give preference to clothes made of soft wool. For winter, it is better to buy a warm jumpsuit with fur. It will keep your baby comfortable and warm.

List of baby clothing brands

Today there are a lot of companies producing children's clothing and clothing for newborns. Such brands include:

  • O'STIN. The brand produces clothes from zero to 14 years. These outfits delight not only mothers, but also the kids themselves. They are convenient and safe.
  • Gulliver. Very comfortable clothes from this brand. The color scheme is varied, suitable for both daily use and festive events.
  • Benetton. Such clothes are made according to all standards, look bright and are very comfortable.
  • Choupette. Beautiful clothes, however, cost an order of magnitude higher. This brand is represented by different types of clothing made from different materials.
  • Tria. This brand represents not only clothes, but also baptism kits, discharge clothes and much more.

These are not all brands that produce high-quality clothes for newborns. There are actually a lot of them, so don’t be upset if your favorite brand doesn’t produce this or that product. You can easily buy it from another manufacturer, and the quality will not suffer.

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