Who dresses the news anchors

Viewers of television programs are accustomed to seeing TV presenters in bright, pleasant clothes that blend perfectly with the surrounding scenery. Those who have ever paid attention to costumes have always wondered whether presenters can choose their own outfit, or is it prepared in advance for a specialist?

Who dresses the news anchors

Who dresses the news anchors

It is impossible to say unambiguously about who chooses the outfit for the presenter, since everything is individual and depends to a large extent on the program itself. In most cases, an outfit is prepared in advance for them that complies with the established regulations. All the TV presenter does is just indicate the size of his own clothing, but he can also ask specialists for a certain style of selected clothing, based on his preferences.

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As for the news program, stylists select the most strict version of clothing in which a person would look decent and serious.The color of the product is also chosen to be softer, so that viewers can focus on the available information, and not on the bright appearance of the news presenter.

Reference! Costumes that are provided to specialists are usually purchased for a period of time - this is the most common method when filming television programs. But also, some companies spare no expense and can purchase outfits on an ongoing basis. After filming, they can be presented to a specialist or given to people in need as a donation.

Is it possible for presenters to broadcast in their own clothes?

As mentioned earlier, when filming news programs, there are general regulations that provide for conducting the program in clothing established by the standards. It is simply not profitable for management to have their subordinates come in some of their own costumes, as this can often lead to conflict situations.

Only a few who are most popular in the country get the opportunity to choose their own outfits. As a rule, these are people who have been working at federal channels for many years. But they, of course, try to adhere to the recommendations of the management.

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Things are much simpler for the hosts of entertainment programs, as specialists can dress however they like. Of course, there are certain restrictions in the work, but they are much weaker than when working in news programs.

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