How Americans replace swimsuits with duct tape

Americans never stop striving for freedom of expression. That's why at New York Fashion Week duct tape swimsuits have become a real trend. Many girls rushed to buy stylish tape from a fashion brand and design original bikinis. Instagram is literally filled with a variety of minimal swimsuits. Shiny multi-colored electrical tape pasted directly onto the naked body is the only clothing that covers the girls’ charms.

How Americans replace swimsuits with duct tape

What surprised the American designer?

It should be noted right away that photographer Joel Alvarez, who is the ideological inspirer of all this disgrace, has nothing to do with the fashion industry. The idea of ​​​​creating an unusual swimsuit from scrap material came to him eleven years ago. Then the model girl asked to take pictures of her, after applying pieces of tape to her body.

designer Joel Alvarez

Important! The photographer's very first experience of using black adhesive tape to create an unusual costume was very upsetting.This was not what he imagined in his fantasies.

Unexpected use of electrical tape

To date electrical tape from Black Tape Project is available in several colors, including “silver” and “gold”, as well as in various sizes, from the widest to the ultra-narrow. Now you can create unusual beach looks every day. Besides, the electrical tape is very convenient to attach to the body, and it does not restrict movement like clothing.

It should be noted that No one has ever tried to use household electrical tape in this way..

From a moral point of view, of course, there are a number of issues. But from the point of view of convenience and cheapness - absolutely none. With tapes like those from Alvarez's company, you can change your beach looks every day and remain attractive in any situation.

How did you feel about the design idea?

Designer creativity liked it trendsetters and all people who care about modern fashion.

fashion Week

Interesting! The liberated images pleased many women who are not shy about attracting everyone’s attention and looking too open.

Models with elastic bodies walked along the catwalk conventionally naked. All the most intimate parts of the body were covered with small pieces of tape. The author of the idea believes that it is very beautiful, inexpensive and practical.

with the author of the idea

Girls are already trying en masse to come up with the most original swimsuit. By experimenting and posting their images on social networks, they give a huge boost to a brand that just sells rolls of duct tape.

different types of swimsuits

Important! Many fashion critics have admitted that a girl decorated with pieces of gold or silver tape on her naked figure always looks attractive and aesthetically pleasing.

In addition, you can always use your creative thinking and come up with a bright, unforgettable image.

Is duct tape instead of a swimsuit serious?

It is not yet clear how closely such outfits will fit into our lives. However in America, girls rushed to actively take part in the new fashion trend. They en masse decorate their bodies with duct tape in gold and silver shades, take photographs and post them on their accounts.

Joel Alvarez explains with a laugh that these posts are the main way he markets his products. The popularity of special electrical tapes is growing every day. Girls want to look stylish and original even on the beach.

It seems that such a fashion is unlikely to take root in our country. Models can still walk the catwalk for some time in such revealing bikinis, but the result will be very small. In our country, old traditions are still highly respected and they are not so actively fighting for freedom of expression.

image in a swimsuit made of tape

In addition, it is unknown how such a “swimsuit” will perform if used for its intended purpose. Will it stay on the body after swimming?

What do you think of this design idea?

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