How to iron a leather jacket at home

Leather clothing has long established itself as a favorite not only among people who follow fashion trends, but also among those who prefer clothes that are durable and easy to care for.

Leather JacketLeather items are practical, but over time or as a result of improper storage they can become wrinkled. In the jacket, where the arm bends at the elbow joint, and in the collar area, creases in the leather material often form.

You can iron and “refresh” leather outerwear without professional dry cleaning, at home.

The most effective ways to straighten a leather jacket at home

For smoothing use:

  • iron;
  • steamer;
  • press;
  • special humidifiers;
  • oils;
  • water, both hot and cold;
  • creams for the care of genuine leather products.

Is it possible to iron a jacket made of leather or faux leather with an iron?

To smooth the skin with an iron, resort to the following actions:

  1. The item of clothing is laid out on a horizontal, flat surface.
  2. Rollers or a special ironing board are placed in the sleeves.


Ironing should not be done using the generally accepted method, but simply by placing the iron on the fracture site and holding it for 3-5 seconds.

iron the skinTo ensure that the process does not have unpleasant consequences, take into account the following tips.

  • You need to iron on silk mode and always through a fabric with a dense structure.
  • The process begins with the inner lining then ironing the collar and sleeves.
  • The ironed item must be immediately hung on hangers; the heated skin will smooth out due to the gravity of its own weight.

Disadvantages of this method: Not suitable for fine leather textures. Requires certain skills and great care.

How to steam a leather jacket at home

steam a leather kurta with an ironIf you don’t have a steamer, you can use a regular iron with a steam function.. The main condition: the product must be steamed using steam so that it is in a vertical position. If the item is bulky in size, then it can be hung on the back of a chair.


When using an iron and steamer, it is necessary to prevent steam from entering the front side of the product.

  • Steam treatment should begin with the collar and sleeves. The steam jet should be released from a distance of 20 centimeters and brought closer to the surface to a distance of 15 centimeters, but no closer.
  • The treatment is carried out quickly, without delaying more than 1-2 seconds at each place. After which the product must be hung vertically on hangers.

Disadvantages of this method: Suitable for thick skin texture only.

How to straighten creases using a press

straighten out creases using a pressA press as an option to smooth out a leather jacket is certainly one of the simplest, however, it is effective only if the model has a simple classic cut without lapels or pads.

You can smooth the product using a press as follows:

  1. The jacket is laid out on a flat surface.
  2. Then it is covered with a rough-textured material.
  3. Next, it is covered with a heavy weight that has a perfectly smooth surface that will come into direct contact with the product being smoothed.
  4. The jacket should be left in this position for at least twenty-four hours (this is the minimum).

Disadvantages of this method: takes a lot of time, is useless if the product is seriously creased or severely dented.

We use hot water

smooth a leather jacket with waterThis procedure must be carried out in the bathroom.


Before doing so, study the label; it will usually indicate whether the leather has been treated with a waterproof compound or not. If such processing has taken place, then this method is impractical. The same rule applies to the method of smoothing leather clothing using cold water.

To smooth a leather jacket using hot water:

  1. Fill a full container of hot water.
  2. Hang a leather jacket vertically on hangers over the bathtub, preventing the jacket from touching the surface of the water.
  3. Close the bathroom door hermetically and leave the jacket in this condition for at least one hour.
  4. Using a soft, dry cloth, carefully remove any remaining condensation, otherwise stains will remain on the item.
  5. Without removing the jacket from the hanger, leave it vertically to dry in a warm room.

We use cold water

Smoothing a leather jacket with cold water follows the principle of leather softeners.

  1. Hang the jacket vertically on a hanger.
  2. Using a spray bottle, treat it with cold water. Treatment with water should be carried out generously.
  3. After that, leave the item to dry completely in a draft-free room and carefully monitor that the air temperature in the room does not change.


When smoothing a leather jacket with cold water, pay attention to the quality of the water.

The liquid used must be crystal clear, otherwise after drying, lime marks will remain on the jacket, especially in the folds of the product. For this reason, It is recommended to pass the water through the filter at least three times before spraying it onto the product.

smooth with water spray bottle with water

As you can already see from the above methods of smoothing a product made of genuine leather, their principle is to soften the leather.

The main thing to remember: A jacket treated by any of the above methods for smoothing should not be touched with your hands until the item is completely dry!

Using special leather products

use of special meansAn excellent way to smooth out and, moreover, paint a product that has lost its “fresh look.” The range of such creams is quite large; they can be easily purchased in stores selling leather goods. Their price is quite affordable and the results are good.

Also, special skin moisturizers can be found in a large assortment at any household chemical store.

These tools must be used as follows:

  • To treat a leather jacket, one spray bottle will be enough. The jacket is held vertically and treated generously with spray.
  • Using a dry cloth, thoroughly rub the spray until it is completely absorbed into the surface.
  • Thanks to the moisturizer, the skin becomes soft and, under the weight of its own weight, is very easily smoothed out on a hanger.

Disadvantages of this method: high price, however, the result is worth it and this method is suitable for skin of any structure and density.

Using improvised means

Ideal for smoothing leather jackets virgin walnut oil. Sold in any pharmacy chain.

use of oil virgin walnut oil

Smoothing process using walnut oil painstaking and time-consuming, but the result is lasting.

  1. The leather jacket must be put on the mannequin or rollers placed into it, thereby straightening the product.
  2. Apply oil to the surface with a cotton pad.
  3. Rub the oil in thoroughly and let it soak in for no more than 10 minutes.
  4. Next you need to carry out this procedure 4-5 times.
  5. Then hang the jacket vertically on a hanger in a dry, ventilated area and let it dry.

Disadvantages of this method: high price. However, you can replace it with castor oil, the effect will be the same, but the price will be several times lower.

What methods should not be used to smooth the skin?

Now, within the framework of this article, methods for smoothing products made of genuine leather will be considered, which are not only ineffective, but also detrimental to the item.

Smoothing with a hairdryer or other exposure to hot temperature

Natural leather becomes dry and hard when exposed to high thermal temperatures. This leads to its deformation and the formation of even more creases.

Smoothing by completely immersing a leather jacket in hot water

In this case, the thing will definitely be deformed and will lose not only its shape, but also its color. And this change will be irreversible; it will no longer be possible to return the leather jacket to its original shape and color by any means.

Straightening the folds with your hands

smoothing with handsEven if such a method is used with a competent system of influence on a leather jacket, in any case it will lead to mechanical damage to the entire surface of the leather product. Simply put, when you stretch a leather jacket with your hands, it will simply be torn. And it is not possible to calculate the tension force. And even if the thing is not torn, it still won’t be possible to smooth it out using this method, that’s for sure.

"Wearing in"

breaking in a wrinkled leather jacketThis method involves wearing something in the expectation that it will smooth out and take shape on the body. Those who recommend this method do not specify how long it will take to iron the jacket using this method. However, according to reviews, the result does not come at all, and walking in crumpled things causes discomfort.

Tips on how to properly care for a leather jacket so that it does not wrinkle

Proper storage of a leather jacketThe obvious fact is that any item lasts longer if you properly care for it and follow storage rules.

Please note the following Tips for the care and storage of such products:

  • It is systematically recommended to treat with moisturizers and oils.
  • It is forbidden to wash leather products in a washing machine.
  • Do not keep it folded for a long time. A leather jacket should be stored exclusively on hangers.
  • When storing, it is advisable not to allow leather clothing to be pressed against other things or the walls of the wardrobe.
  • Much attention should be paid to the air temperature in the room where it is stored. Excessive air humidity, as well as dryness, will most likely damage the product and significantly worsen its appearance.

On a note!

In the original, leather items are stored at room temperature in a place protected from direct sunlight.

Knowing how to store and care for garments made of genuine leather will help minimize the need for ironing at home. But if such a need does arise, then using the indicated methods this can be done without undue difficulty.

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