How to Soften a Leather Jacket

How to Soften a Leather JacketProducts made from genuine leather are a sign of wealth and good taste of the owner. Leather will never go out of fashion; it is relevant in any weather and in any season. Once purchased, a high-quality leather item will serve you for many years, but not everyone can wear the purchase immediately after purchase - it’s all about the hardness of the new, unworn material. Fortunately, you can easily soften a new jacket at home - there are several effective and accessible methods for everyone.

How to make a leather jacket softer at home

Tough leather jacketYou can, of course, try to walk around in the new product right away without doing anything with it, but the pleasure will be dubious. A hard collar and cuffs will unpleasantly rub your wrists and neck, and you will not feel the softness and comfort of natural leather soon, only when the material stretches a little and “sits” on you.

Special jackets (for example, those designed for bikers or just men's rough styles) will be noticeably heavier and harder at first.You don’t have to put up with this - you can treat your jacket right at home.

The first method is mechanical processing

Leather is an elastic and environmentally sensitive material, but its durability should not be underestimated. Place the jacket on the floor (preferably on a clean surface - a carpet or some kind of fabric), cover it with, for example, a sheet. Now stomp on the jacket for about five minutes. The greater the weight, the faster and more noticeable the result will be.


If clothes are decorated with spikes, plates, rhinestones, etc., this method may not be suitable.

The second method is heat treatment

Steaming a leather jacketEveryone knows that leather shoes stretch when exposed to heat and, as a result, fit much better on the foot. You can do much the same thing with a leather jacket.

  1. Steam the product first – a battery or an electric heater turned on at full power is ideal for this if it is not the heating season. Ten minutes is enough.
  2. While the skin is still warm, take a cotton swab, an unnecessary rag or a bandage folded into four, first preparing a lubricant for the jacket. This can be any product intended for skin care: mink oil (and creams based on it), castor oil or regular Vaseline. Apply it evenly over the entire surface of the jacket.
  3. Now all that remains is to hang the clothes on hangers and leave them like that overnight. This way the lubricant will be absorbed, and the skin will not wrinkle under the influence of gravity.

By following the steps in accordance with the presented algorithm, you will make the jacket soft for a long time.

How else to soften a leather jacket

Ways to soften a leather jacketIf you often wear leather goods and want the material to look good, even if it is not entirely new, it is better to get special products that will help you with this. You don't have to buy them in a store - they can be found in natural substances and your everyday environment.


Before treating with any product, it is better to steam the jacket a little.

Castor oil to the rescue

An affordable and cheap product - you can buy it at any nearest pharmacy. Its oily and thick structure is absolutely harmless to the skin and helps to extremely effectively soften material that has not been worn or, on the contrary, has become roughened by time.

Castor oil to soften leather jackets Castor oil


It is better not to use castor oil for light-colored, and especially white, clothes.

Take a thick rag so as not to get dirty, scoop up the oil and generously lubricate the skin around the entire perimeter. It is better to repeat this at least three times, but castor oil is poorly absorbed, so you will have to pause between procedures. Hang the jacket over the unnecessary fabric if you suddenly overdo it with oil.

Vaseline comes into play

There is no more universal remedy in our everyday life than Vaseline - it equally well promotes the healing of small wounds on human skin, softening products, and even a kind of rejuvenation of leather products. Ideal for elegant women's jackets, as colorless and leaves no odors.

Vaseline to soften a leather jacket         Petrolatum

Rub the skin thoroughly, squeezing the Vaseline directly from the tube until you feel it is moist enough.

Shoe polish is also useful

Shoe polish to soften leather jacketsThose who use shoe creams to care for leather jackets are in fact completely right - there is nothing in these useful creams that would harm an expensive item of clothing.

You can apply the cream using a clean shoe brush., definitely without grains of sand. Consider the color of the cream (black or brown), if it is not colorless.

On a note!

It is better to take colorless shoe polish.

Egg white - an unusual but effective way

If you don't have anything on hand, you can use egg whites. Carefully separate the yolks, pour the whites into a deep bowl and beat thoroughly until foamy.. It's better to use a mixer.

Egg white to soften leather jacket              Whipped egg white

Generously soak a cloth in the resulting liquid and rub into the jacket. Most likely, it will drip - keep this in mind when choosing a place to hang your clothes. After four hours, wipe off what is not absorbed and leave the jacket to dry.

Citruses will add not only softness, but also a pleasant smell.

Buy a few lemons or oranges, cut them into slices and wipe the entire jacket well, sparing the juice.

On a note!

It is better to carry out this procedure by hanging the product in a vertical position, since the juice is not oily and will not stick as well.

After a couple of hours, the product needs to be wiped off from sticky marks, but the procedure can be repeated two or three times.

Citruses to soften a leather jacket   Citrus

An additional result will be a subtle pleasant smell of the citrus used. It won't be long lasting or irritating, but will last for a few days.

How to prevent your skin from hardening over time

Proper care of a leather jacketThe best remedy is prevention and timely, proper care. There are a few simple rules:

  • No need to dry out your skin. It is better to store your jacket in a closet, where it is dark and dry, rather than on a hanger.
  • For long-term storage, leave the product in a fabric case, not in polyethylene. These can be purchased at clothing and consumer goods stores.
  • Wear your jacket, and don’t leave it collecting dust until better times. Leather is best preserved with regular wear.

Take care of your jacket and you will clearly see why outerwear made from genuine leather is so praised.

Reviews and comments
T Timur.:

I have a leather cap. Somehow I had to wash it. After washing the leather became hard. Lubricated it with baby hand cream. The skin softened and became pleasant to the touch.


