What to wear with a green jacket

Green is a calm and noble color that pleases the eye and helps to enliven an outfit on cold and cloudy days. This is why a green jacket will be an excellent choice for winter or autumn. You will learn how to properly combine it with other things from this article.

Colors and shades

colors and shades of greenThis season, fashion catwalks are rich in shades of green. Designers have come up with original names for them, which do not always help to correctly represent the shade:

  • "blue spruce";
  • “tender lime”;
  • “oriental spices”;
  • “deep khaki”;
  • "green quetzal"

REFERENCE! Khaki is a laconic name for olive or pistachio color, and lime is a shade close to light green. The last color can be called emerald in another way; it seems to be illuminated from within.

The green palette is universal in that it can be combined with almost any other color. For example, with white, gray or black. Don’t forget that you shouldn’t overload your outfit with contrasting shades; 2-3 colors will be enough to place accents and create an elegant and stylish look.

What to wear with a khaki jacket

what to wear with khakiThe most popular color is “khaki”, which is an indispensable element of military style images. Let's take a closer look at what things to wear with a jacket of this shade and what fashionable looks you can create.
Skinny trousers or a pencil skirt are perfect for the office. If you are going to an informal meeting, you can wear dark or black jeans, complementing the outfit with a plain black leather bag. And also don’t exclude skirts, but pay attention only to light fabrics and models that widen downward.

A combination of leather trousers or leggings, a gray turtleneck and massive boots with a warm khaki jacket will be playful and at the same time stylish.

You can even wear a classic little black dress under this jacket. As you can see, this color provides complete freedom and gives you the opportunity to express yourself in choosing different combinations.

Hat for green jacket

hat for green jacketIt’s not an easy task to choose the right hat that will not only keep you warm and protect you from colds, but will also be an excellent addition to your look without distracting attention.

IMPORTANT! Please note that a bright jacket requires a hat in a muted green color or one of the neutral shades - black, gray, white, beige. But if you wear a mint or lime colored jacket, bright and contrasting elements will be very appropriate and even desirable.

Don’t shy away from patterns on your hat, they will help make your look more flirty and playful. But only if the pattern matches the jacket or is also a neutral shade.

Selection of accessories, shoes, haberdashery, who suits them

Accessories should be chosen taking into account the purpose of your look, as well as the style and shades of each individual item.You have already understood which hat is best for you, and based on this, you can start selecting a scarf. Traditionally, it is chosen to match either the hat or shoes.

Choosing shoes should not be a problem. For example, shoes of any color go perfectly with a dark green jacket - from bright to dark, it all depends on your personal preferences and the general direction of the image.

choice of shoes
Universal, as always, will be black or a shade to match the top. An unusual but interesting combination is red shoes and a green jacket. You can try the combination with yellow ankle boots.
Don't forget about mittens or gloves.
good look with a green jacketA green jacket will suit girls of any color type and any body type. It looks especially elegant on those with red or brown hair. It is only important to choose the right shade and learn how to combine it with other elements of your wardrobe.

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