Minus 10 years in 4 steps

How you want to have unfading beauty, be healthy and energetic, feeling like a playful deer or a fluttering butterfly! Which woman over 40 doesn’t dream of looking younger than her age, attracting the admiring glances of others and, especially, men? The desire not to age as long as possible, to look stylish, to be well-groomed externally and to have a sense of inner harmony unites millions of like-minded women all over the planet.

“Every woman has the age she deserves” Coco Chanel

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People have long been looking for all kinds of recipes for youth and means to prolong unfading beauty and restore vitality. Everything has not been tried, starting with the witchcraft elixirs of immortality and the search for the philosopher's stone. Modern ladies, using the latest diets, creams and ointments, energy and invigorating drinks, injections and plastic surgery, continue to actively strive for rejuvenation and beauty. Nowadays it is fashionable and prestigious!

Help you solve the mystery of eternal youth? Believe me, you too can be stylish, beautiful and look much younger. There is no special secret here! Any woman, following the recommendations of our professional stylist, designer and psychologist, can easily get rid of her 10 years, creating her own individual style, maintaining external attractiveness, health and good spirits.

Step 1. Restore your peace of mind

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No one will ever be happy if they have a job they don’t like or have a lot of unresolved problems. Life's troubles can easily knock even the “iron lady” out of her rut.

Write down your problems on a piece of paper: work, home, personal failures and fears. After re-reading the list, you will see what exactly is preventing you from living a happy life. Naturally, these obstacles cannot be overcome with one wave of the hand or a movement of thought. Therefore, solve them step by step, starting with the most important thing for you.

Eg, find a job that you like, start leading an active lifestyle, take care of your personal problems and health, communicate with friends. Control the process, step by step, moving towards clarity of thought, mental balance and removing unfavorable factors. Gradually, you will become more self-confident and gain external attractiveness, becoming younger even at heart.

Step 2. Visit a beauty salon

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Women at any age can look young. Do you also want to experience the magical power of beauty? Change your hairstyle, take care of your dull, thin or poorly growing hair. Pay a visit to a hairdresser-stylist, this visit will help you find a unique style in your quest to become beautiful and young, removing the “plain-looking gray mouse” complex.

A haircut that is correctly matched to your appearance will make your look stylish and memorable. In addition, new technologies will save time on endless styling and emphasize individual features, visually taking a woman several years off.

Hair coloring - choose your color correctly

Gray hair sometimes occurs even in young people. To remove this feature of changing hair color, which adds age to women, it is necessary to tint it regularly.

Shades that will help ladies over 40 look significantly younger:

  • Bright hues. They are most suitable for people with fair skin, hiding existing defects on the face. Blonde hair will rejuvenate a woman and make her look fresher;
  • Dark colors. Dyed dark hair will create a balance between dark skin and hairstyle. Black and dark brown shades are not suitable for fair-skinned ladies;
  • Red and other bright shades. This type of painting is suitable only for women with ideal, problem-free skin of any color;
  • Natural tones. Suitable for all colors and skin types.

Step 3. Pay attention to the colors of the clothes

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The right color of clothing is guaranteed to make you slim, feminine and stylish. Forget about dark colors. Bright and light colors will radically change your appearance, and you will look much younger than your age. To choose the right clothes and highlight the advantages of your figure, be sure to pay attention to the style and quality of the fabric, placing special emphasis on color selection.

When shaping your wardrobe, choose youthful shades

White and blue with a dark blue or light purple tone combination will create a perfectly harmonious image of a stylish young lady.Add trousers with a floral print, a neckerchief with the same pattern, dilute the ensemble with dark shoes, a handbag, and no one will guess your age.

Lavender, white, blue and beige. These delicate, combined shades will give you a real celebration of youth, emphasizing your advantages.

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Pink, dark brown and dark blue. Take a chance and add a dusty pink trench coat or coat to your closet. A wise lady, correctly combining bright clothes, accessories and dark-colored shoes, will look young and organic.

Dark orange, green and beige. The combination of these colors will create an autumn mood for you. An expressive ensemble consisting of a beige jacket and green trousers will be the most creative and stylish option for a woman over 40.

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Yellow, blue and blue. If you want your soul to rejoice and sing, choose these tones. Your image will radiate a bright radiance and deep tenderness, creating a festive mood for you and the people around you.

Muted blues, pinks and dusty browns. The return of retro style will remind you of your younger years and add enthusiasm to life.

Gray and white. The classic colors of the set, in combination with a red handbag and shoes, will perfectly highlight your slender and beautiful young image.

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Step 4. Be on top of fashion

Dress modernly, this is another step towards youth. Wear trendy things, adapting them to your character and figure.

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Stylist tips:

  • choose the right shoes. High heels in neutral-colored shoes with trousers of the same tone will significantly lengthen your legs. Wear beautiful and comfortable shoes with unusual designs and unique details. This will help you lose at least 10 years;
  • prefer skinny jeans. With the help of elastic fabric, they will visually remove 2-3 kg and smooth out wrinkles protruding from under clothes that do not give you much enthusiasm;
  • buy clothes that suit your figure. Get rid of baggy, ill-fitting clothes. Highlight your waist with a belt. Are you embarrassed by tight clothes? Hide your imperfections by throwing on a jacket. This is the best way to look younger in appearance;
  • wear short skirts, if your weight category allows you to wear “mini”. Otherwise it’s taboo, because you’ll look vulgar! Balance the length of the skirt with boots, over the knee boots or long sleeves;
  • pay attention to accessories. Minimize the number of decorations, combine them with shades of the same color or choose different shapes. Don't forget to match your jewelry in colors with your handbags or shoes.

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Apply the advice of our professionals to change your image, experience the magical power of beauty! Create your own unique, perfect, attractive appearance and state of mind that will be very far from your physiological age.

Reviews and comments
AND Irina:

Everything is beautiful and correct, but I will never understand one thing: why wear a flaw? I associate jeans with holes with items that have completely worn out their useful life, and unhemmed edges with an item that is still completely finished. If these rags and rags had not existed, would things have been worse?


