Fashionable beautiful clothes for girls 8, 9 years old: list of brands, how to choose a mischievous look

Children's clothing for 9 years

Today, children from early childhood are fashionistas, and there is nothing wrong with that. First, their parents choose clothes for them, but later they themselves try to make their image fashionable.

Girls aged 8-9 years are still those fashionistas. Most often, young fashionistas follow the example of their mother and try to choose similar models, only in a smaller size.

In this matter, the main thing is to help the girl develop a sense of taste, a sense of beauty. When trying on a dress or blouse, talk to your daughter to see if she is comfortable and if she likes the color.

Images that will not leave anyone indifferent

Clothes for fashionistas aged 8-9 years differ from adults in that only natural fabrics are used to make them, thanks to which the skin can breathe, as well as fabrics that do not cause allergic reactions.

What do fashionistas most often choose at this age? It's simple, the choice most often falls on bright dresses or suits with patterns or prints.

To feel like a naughty girl, you should choose black and white leggings and a white T-shirt. This image will come in handy. And black flower beads will complement it.

Important: designers advise not to be afraid of experiments, to find your own style. Give preference to purple, pink, black and white, yellow. For the summer, be sure to buy a dress, a skirt and a T-shirt, and a sundress. After all, girls, even if they hang out with boys more often, should have at least a few feminine images, images of real princesses.

Spring wardrobe for fashionistas

In spring, it is better to choose sweatshirts and dresses with long sleeves. It is better to buy plain models so that later they can be combined with different things. In addition, it is worth buying trousers and a skirt for spring, it is better if they are made of a fairly dense material.

Summer wardrobe

Clothes for 9 years

For summer, you should give preference to things made of cotton fabric. This fabric prevents sweating, does not cause allergic reactions and allows the skin to breathe. For summer, you should buy a sundress, a dress, a skirt and a blouse, several T-shirts, leggings, and shorts.

Clothes for autumn

For autumn, you should choose clothes with sleeves. It is worth choosing a hoodie with a hood, a sweatshirt, and trousers.

Winter clothes

Winter clothes should be warm, they should be comfortable, they should be worn both outdoors and indoors.

The most famous clothing brands for girls 8-9 years old

Now even the most elite designers are looking at children's fashion. Fashion designers from all over the world are fighting for small clients. These brands include:

  1. Silver spoon. This brand, despite the fact that it appeared relatively recently. Managed to win the interests of fashionistas. Clothing is produced in the Russian Federation, for children from 2 to 16 years old.In addition to skirts, dresses, sundresses, hoodies and sweatshirts, this brand also produces outerwear.
  2. Playtoday. This is a German brand with a branch in Russia. Here you can find clothes for children over 2 years old.
  3. Artie, this children's clothing brand produces its models in Russia and Armenia. All materials for creating clothes are exclusively natural and of high quality. The creators of the brand are sure that children's clothing must be comfortable and safe. In this their views coincide with the views of caring parents.
  4. Choupette. This brand creates models for school, shoes and various accessories. The clothes of this brand are comfortable, children feel comfortable in them.
  5. Cleverly. Initially, this brand produced only clothes for school. Today you can also buy beautiful everyday clothes here. The main principle of the company is that people of any income can afford high-quality clothes.

In addition to these brands, you should pay attention to: iDO, Oldos, Reporter Young, Pulka. All these brands care about beauty and quality. And girls wearing clothes from these brands will feel like not just fashionistas, but real princesses.

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