Is it possible for a grandmother to buy things for her grandson who has not yet been born? What do the signs say?

Is it possible for a grandmother to buy things for her grandson who has not yet been born?An addition is expected in the family! All family members want to bring this moment closer as quickly as possible. And all the months of waiting for the meeting are already filled with concern for him. Stores vie with each other to offer cute and beautiful things. Grandma is ready to buy a lot. And she is not only ready, but also does it very often, happily showing off her acquisitions. But the expectant mother is not always happy and even gets upset and worried: are these premature purchases in vain? Is it worth doing them now, before the baby is born?
Let's figure this out together.

Buying in advance - "to the evil eye"?

Bad sign?Calm down! Let's say right away that the habit we inherited from the past is a prejudice! You should not make it the main rule of your life.

Our ancestors preserved scraps of pagan religious traditions, animating natural phenomena and everything around them. They lived in a world of myths and spirits. According to these beliefs, it was believed that clothes could have an “owner.” This is either a person or a spirit, possibly evil.So that evil forces did not have time to “inhabit” the baby’s clothes, they preferred not to prepare them before his appearance.

IMPORTANT! This tradition has faded away in past centuries. The baby's handmade trousseau was sewn and embroidered in advance; this required a lot of time.

And at the same time there were no longer fears and anxieties because of “evil spirits.” Fears are a thing of the past, all that remains is a saying.

ADVICE! Do not deprive your grandmother, yourself and other relatives of the pleasure of purchasing things for your future baby!

Don't believe the rumors!

don't believe rumorsBut what if you told your friends that your mother or mother-in-law has become regular visitors to the children's departments, and heard their “sentence” that this will not lead to good?

First of all, calm down! Secondly, don't believe it! And thirdly, if possible, reduce communication with them to a minimum. At least during pregnancy: a good friend will try not to upset you! Better listen to the doctors who work miracles while nursing babies! Of course, this doesn't always happen. But if a problem arises with the birth of a baby, it has nothing to do with the baby vest that grandma bought!

The benefits of grandma's shopping

Trust your grandmothers! Experienced women, when purchasing things for their baby, will not succumb to the persuasion of the seller or the brightness of the packaging. By starting to prepare for the birth of their grandson in advance, they make good use of the available time.

benefits of shopping

  • Given enough time, they won't have to buy the first kit they come across. Grandma will be able to compare prices, verify quality, and check certificates at several retail outlets.
  • You can also find out about promotions and take advantage of them. This is important, because the expenses for the baby will be considerable!
  • By visiting children's stores and choosing things for the baby, the grandmother will save the time of the expectant mother, who will always find something to do with herself.

Advice for mothers and grandmothers

join forces

  • Combine your love and care, the baby will only benefit from it! Think in advance and clarify who will buy what. Distribution of purchases will allow you to buy everything you need.
  • You should not run to the store immediately after two lines appear on the test. But at the 4-3rd month it already makes sense to make purchases!
  • Future grandmothers should be very careful! If a woman expecting a baby is categorically against shopping before birth, you should not argue with her! Mommy’s peace of mind, health, and good mood are much more important than the onesies that you could buy cheaper now!

ADVICE! If the decision to buy things is rejected in advance by a woman, do not buy, but choose!

Visit stores together, take photos, exchange and discuss future purchases. This will help to make them after the baby is born.

Tune in to the positive, because the baby is sensitive to everything that happens!

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