Is it possible to wear four or more colors together?

Let me tell you a terrible secret: the world is changing. Including the world of fashion. Surely you knew about this. But did you know that you can already wear a bag and shoes of different colors, and (oh horror!) gold and silver at the same time? What about color in clothes? How many colors can you now afford to combine at the same time, without fear of being branded as having no taste or sense of proportion? Let's figure it out.

Rules for combining colors in clothes

Despite the breadth of views in the fashion world, no one has canceled the rules of color combinations. After all, color is a physical quantity, and we react to it subconsciously, no matter what the fashion gurus demand.

What is the maximum number of shades?

Designers believe that you should not combine more than four colors in clothes. Of course, modern fashion also provides for a total look, when there is only one color in the image. This image will attract attention, but many will call it boring. It is easier to combine two colors, but this is also hardly fun and interesting.The classic version is three colors: one basic, two additional.

But if you want to add some zest to your outfit and look stylish and bright, go ahead use four colors at once. You don’t need more, otherwise your image threatens to become tasteless and tacky (there are exceptions, but we’ll talk about them later). Even if there are four colors in clothes at the same time, one or two should be the main ones, basic, and the rest should be present only as accents.

4 colors in clothes

Principles of combining four colors in an image

Let's take a look at Itten's color wheel. It is they who need to be guided in order to create an image that will be bright, relevant and, at the same time, not flashy.

Important! Consider not only the color of clothing, but the color of skin and hair. The colors don’t have to match completely, but they do have to be combined!

circle itenna

Let's learn how to combine four colors in one look. Experts call the first possible combination analogous. It means that we will use four colors adjacent in the circle (related colors). For example: purple, blue-violet, blue, blue-green. Don’t forget that two (or one) of them should be the main ones, the rest should be small inclusions, accents.

The next principle of compatibility is the principle of a rectangle. Mentally draw a rectangle with a middle in the color wheel. Those colors that will be in the corners of the figure are what we need. Such a palette in one image is called a “tetrad”. Let's take a combination of red-orange, blue-violet, blue-green, yellow-orange. Let's choose, for example, blue-violet and blue-green as a basis. And the rest will complement the image, being present in the details - bag, shoes, scarf.

In the same way, a tetrad in the form of a square is built.You will be surprised how appropriate the combination of yellow-green, orange, red-violet and blue can be!

In addition, it is important to remember a few more rules:

  • black and white go with any colors;
  • Gray goes with almost everything. You just need to remember that it has many shades - no joke, there really are a lot of them, and this affects the palette of combinations;
  • pastel colors combine well with each other, regardless of shade. Just be careful with pink - it visually adds volume to even very slender girls.

examples of combinations

Examples of fashionable ensembles

Looking at the photo below, you will see that a harmonious image of four colors is more than possible. For example:

  1. The most conservative ladies can use a long sleeve with gray and white stripes, a blue bottom (skirt or jeans), and as an accent, an orange clutch or jewelry.
  2. Daring ladies will appreciate a charcoal gray (or dark blue) jacket, yellow skirt and turquoise bag. Brown sandals go well with this outfit, which can be set off with matching decor on the bag or add a pendant in natural wood tones to the look. By the way, A beige hat goes well with this look - here’s your fifth color! And no matter what, the outfit will turn out stylish and modern.
  3. For self-confident girls, a bright look is suitable, in which lemon yellow and light turquoise will be the main ones, and the look will be complemented by a red-orange handbag and purple sandals. Fun and very fashionable!
  4. Using color combinations correctly, you can successfully include not only five, but also more shades in an outfit at the same time. For example, related colors - brown, yellow and yellow-orange will be good in contrast with blue and blue-green. Fuchsia and mint as the main colors will create an elegant look with yellow and purple.
  5. You can add something sparkly to your look as a bright accent. For example, a silver jacket at the waist, thrown over a blue sweater, combined with a dark blue skirt is a wonderful outfit for both a girl and a serious lady. As an accent, you should use a thin red strap or handbag.

examples of combinations of 4 colors

If you learn how to correctly combine colors using the color wheel, you will always be stylish and fashionable, no matter how many shades you use in your clothes. Dare and don't be afraid of change!

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