Is it possible to wear things of dead people? Superstitions and ethical reasons

Unfortunately, people tend to die. Death always comes unexpectedly, you never know how tomorrow will turn out. After the death of a person, there are many things, clothes and accessories left that are quite suitable for use. However, the very awareness of the situation repels many. Some people are afraid because of their religious beliefs, others believe in the heavy energy that is transmitted. Some people simply find it unpleasant to use the deceased’s belongings, but sometimes situations force them to do so. This issue should be understood from different points of view.

What psychics say about the energy of such things

Psychics are convinced that everything that a person used during his lifetime, one way or another absorbs his energy, some kind of information. Therefore, this issue is very controversial, because the energy of an object will depend on the energy that the person himself possessed.Psychics argue quite a lot about this issue, however, most agree that each thing needs to be checked individually to determine the energy background. It is strictly not recommended to leave the things of the deceased that he wore during the last moments of his life. All the sensations and possibly pain that he experienced were translated into negative energy that remained on his clothes.

Is it possible to wear things of a deceased person?

Definitely, each person leaves a certain mark on the objects he used. If you don’t want to use the services of psychics, then it’s best to trust your feelings. If a person was good, bright and kind, then the energy of his things will be similar.

The attitude of the Orthodox Church to the issue of belongings of a deceased person

For many people, this is, at a minimum, unpleasant, not aesthetically pleasing and not comfortable. It becomes especially unpleasant when you have to use the things of a loved one who is no longer in the world. Wearing various clothes and accessories of deceased people is ambiguously assessed from a religious point of view.

The opinion of religious leaders on this is ambiguous, however, Orthodox priests agree. The Orthodox Church allows and even approves the fact of wearing things after the deceased. Previously, there was even a custom to distribute the property of the deceased to the needy poor. Usually this was always done near temples, always after 40 days had passed from the death of a person. The logic of this benefit is simple - clothes will help those in need, it may even save them, they will remember the deceased with a kind word and gratitude.

Is it possible to wear the things of the deceased?

Now there are quite a lot of superstitions on this issue. The Church is skeptical of all superstitions, for example, burning the clothes of the deceased.This is absolutely forbidden to do; it is not only useless, but also insults the personality of the deceased and is a bad sign. It is also impossible to distribute and put on things before the end of the forties, when the soul still walks among people. Some people mistakenly believe that leaving any belongings is dangerous for health, both physical and energetic. This is, of course, a myth. Religion has a positive attitude towards the memory of lost people, so throwing away something, especially valuable and memorable, is pointless.

What can be done to wear the things of the deceased, is it worth doing?

Orthodox priests recommend consecrating the clothes you are going to wear. To do this, it is not necessary to contact church workers; it is enough to get water from the nearest church spring or buy it in bottles. At home, you can simply sprinkle your clothes, after which they will be ready for constant wear.

Important! You cannot give the pectoral cross of the deceased to strangers, and you also cannot wear it yourself. The best option is to keep it as a keepsake, or put it in a coffin before the burial procedure.

The best use of the deceased’s belongings according to all canons

As already mentioned, according to tradition, the deceased’s belongings used to be distributed to those in need near churches and temples. But this was done only after the fortieth day. Such an action will be the best and quite noble. If some item or element of your wardrobe is very valuable to you, as a memory of a person, you should definitely keep it. You also need to keep the item if it has any physical value (for example, any jewelry, equipment) - the church does not criticize this in any way, treating it with understanding.It is important not to resort to any superstitions, which the church has always had a negative attitude towards and still has.

what to do with the things of the dead

The most important thing is to listen to your heart and feelings. If there is a feeling that the thing will come in handy, will be useful, then it is worth leaving it. The main thing is to weigh all doubts, arguments, and answer yourself whether the thing will bring any troubles, illnesses and negative emotions. If there are no doubts, you can safely use things, remembering with a good word someone who is no longer around.

Reviews and comments
T Tamara:

And I wear it. And I will wear it. My sister's things keep me warmer than my own.
And I am pleased that other people also wear what I gave them.
And it doesn’t matter what psychics, esotericists and priests all in one think.

E Elena:

The deceased’s belongings are distributed before the 40th day, and not after. Firstly, this is alms, and alms is the same prayer for the deceased, which is especially important to perform before the 40th day, when the soul goes to heaven. And the priests themselves talk about this, asking for alms. Secondly, it is during this period that people most often gather together to remember and those who come to the memorial will be given something as a keepsake. Thirdly, there is no negative energy. These are just things and nothing more. Wear, give and remember, pray
Something is not written correctly in the article.

F flux:

no, not up to 40 days. Namely after 40. Or even on the day of the funeral. Until 40 days, the soul of the deceased is with us, so we cannot give away things until his soul leaves us. This is usually done at funerals for 40 days.

E Elena:

The soul of the deceased remains on earth only up to 3 days (it is on the third day that usually in the Orthodox tradition they perform a funeral service (offer special prayers for the deceased) and bury it). After the 3rd day, the soul passes into other spheres, where it is shown hell and heaven, its mistakes and sins. It is at this time that it is so important to give alms and pray fervently, it is important to distribute the things of the deceased to those in need (because this is also alms and these things will serve the deceased in exactly this way). It is during this period that especially zealous relatives try to visit the Temple more often with prayers for the soul of the deceased, order magpies, and help those in need in memory of a loved one.. On the 40th day, the fate of the soul until the Last Judgment is decided (it is on this day that a wake is held, a memorial service is ordered in Temple). You can read in detail in books on Orthodoxy or the Pravmir website

L Lyudmila:

Not only do things need to be distributed before the 40th day, that is, before the day of judgment, so that as many people as possible can pray for the deceased, but about the pectoral cross - absolutely nothing. It should be on the deceased, and certainly not left as a keepsake, and not just placed in a coffin. Author, you know very little about the church, so you hung around, no offense intended.

IN Valery:

How long can you keep in sight a photo of the deceased in a mourning frame with a ribbon?


Valery, as far as I know, the photos are removed on the 40th day, the same time when things are distributed. But I heard that some leave photos for up to a year while they mourn.



AND Ira:

I don't need your prayers! And stupid wakes. In general, I don’t want to see anyone at my funeral and, in general, burn my corpse. Or better yet, take it to the forest and divide it into pieces... Let the animals eat it. And my clothes, to hell with them, throw them in the trash.

L Lyudmila:

But who will bother with your corpse? Let it lie where they died, let it decompose, and everyone will be happy!


