Celebrities who prefer clothes for women

I have more than once encountered the fact that LGBT representatives are criticized by LGBT people themselves for allegedly incorrectly representing the interests of this community. They say that in order to fight discrimination, you need to be a little better than everyone else. And those who are encrypted under the letter “T” in the abbreviation are especially often attacked. Let's try to understand this issue by remembering transvestites and transsexuals, popular in Russia and abroad.

Famous trannies

Of course, one article is not enough to name them all, so I will limit myself to only four prominent representatives.

Verka Serdiuchka

Actor Andrei Danilko uses the image of Serduchka exclusively for the stage, without mixing it with life. You can be indignant as much as you like that he makes fun of transvestites, but firstly, the famous “conductor” gained her popularity in the 90s, when the trans movement in Russia was unheard of. Well, when it came to us, Serduchka had not been at the peak of popularity for a long time.Well, secondly, Danilko’s image is not satirical, he doesn’t make fun of anyone in particular, he’s just fooling around, thereby lifting the mood of himself and those around him. Serduchka never emphasized the fact that she was a man in disguise, and that’s not why she became popular. If Verka had really been a woman, nothing would have changed.

Alexander Shpak

This is a different case - he does not impersonate someone else, but simply creates for himself an appearance with which he is comfortable, and it is difficult to call him a transvestite: you never know how many male celebrities use cosmetics, manicures and resort to plastic surgery, without changing the image to a female one? One could accuse him of experimenting on the body just for the sake of fame, discrediting those who do it just for themselves, but Google answers me that Alexander began to put on makeup long before he became famous, and when he became famous, he simply turned it to his advantage.

Bruce Jenner

Transsexual Bruce Jenner, a member of the famous Kardashian family, caused a huge stir around the world with his transformation into Caitlin. But most importantly, this was followed by a reaction from his family, who accepted and supported him, setting a positive example for those who may encounter this. And if we return to our topic, it is important that in order to receive the support of his family, he did not have to additionally build a positive image for himself and pretend to be someone he is not. He shows by his example that if they really love you, they will always love you, no matter what gender you are.

Andrey Pejic

Andrey Pejic
After the famous model Andrej Pejic underwent gender reassignment surgery (changing his name to Andrea), many predicted a decline in his career, citing the fact that he became popular precisely as a man who looked like a woman, but simply beautiful women in the modeling business and so full. However, in spite of the gossip, the model continues her successful work and is not going to stop there.

Interesting! Adrea Pejic made her debut on the Giles Deacon show under the Giles brand.

A moment of psychiatry

To avoid any confusion, I’ll make a short medical excursion. Many people do not distinguish transvestites from transsexuals. In simple terms, the former do not deny their gender and live comfortably with it, but for one reason or another they like to wear clothes and other attributes of the opposite sex. Some do it for the stage, some just in life, and some as entertainment at home. The second are people who do not feel like they belong to the gender they were born into, and their suffering can only be corrected by gender reassignment surgery.

For a long time, transsexuality was considered a mental illness, but relatively recently it was removed from the list of diseases, since after a gender change the psyche of transsexuals is no different from the psyche of all other people. Transvestism is considered a mental disorder only if a person is able to receive sexual pleasure only if he has attributes of the opposite sex (in some cases, such people do not even need a partner). If a transvestite is able to enjoy sex without changing clothes, then everything is in order with his psyche.

As a conclusion, I will say that, in my opinion, it is not so important how exactly trans people position themselves in show business.The most important thing: they show that they exist, that they are different - good and bad, like all people.

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