How to make a Strasbourg sock with your own hands

Strasbourg sockOne of the types of disorders of the human musculoskeletal system is a disease called heel spur. It has such an interesting name due to the characteristic pain in the area of ​​the sole of the foot near the heel and the formation of a bone growth in this place. You get the feeling that with every step you step on something sharp. This is where the comparison came from.

In order to treat and prevent the development of further complications in medical practice, there are several options for corrective shoes, socks and bandages. This includes the Strasbourg sock. In this article we will tell you how to make corrective socks yourself.

What is a Strasbourg sock and what is it for?

what is a sock for?The Strasbourg sock is a fixation device (functionally similar to night orthoses) for maintaining the foot in one position for 6-8 hours during sleep.Outwardly it looks like a long stocking with a Velcro tape connecting the front edge and the knee girth. Made of fabric and is a good alternative to expensive orthosis models.

Is it possible to make a Strasbourg sock yourself?

is it possible to do it yourselfThe Strasbourg sock is notable for the fact that it can be made at home from improvised and inexpensive materials. This makes it a particularly good option for replacing expensive medical devices that are heavy, huge, and quite expensive. It does not require a lot of time, effort and knowledge to make it. The most common materials available in everyday life are suitable for it. For your convenience, we provide you with step-by-step instructions for sewing this foot brace.

What is needed for production

Before doing the work, we need to decide on the tools and materials that we will need for this:

  1. regular stocking or long sock;
  2. scissors;
  3. threads with needles;
  4. tape with length adjuster;
  5. Velcro.

That's all you need. The design of the sock is very simple and does not require any special equipment. All this is usually found at hand.

Step-by-step plan for making a Strasbourg sock with your own hands

option 1There are several ways to make this model of corrective sock. It can be made from stockings by adding a special retaining tape to them. The easiest and fastest option, suitable for one night, would be to use a long stocking. Detailed description of its modernization:

  1. Put the stocking on your leg (preferably a stocking made of wool or thick fabric).
  2. Lower the top edge of the stocking to the middle third of the shin.
  3. Tuck the resulting pulled front end into the elastic band of the stocking. Secure with a pin or ribbon if necessary.

IMPORTANT: this model will not provide the required level of tension and may only be suitable for one night; in the future, if you want to make a Strasbourg sock with your own hands, you will need a more reliable model.

option 2The manufacturing plan for this option is not much different from the previous one in terms of complexity:

  1. Take a long stocking, convenient and comfortable, selected to fit your feet.
  2. Make a ribbon of fabric 3 cm wide, adjustable in length.
  3. To adjust the length, sew Velcro onto a strip of fabric.
  4. Sew one end to the knee piece and the other to the front edge of the stocking.

By changing the length, you can adjust the angle and tension, which contributes to a beneficial effect on the foot.

How to use a homemade Strasbourg sock

You can use a homemade Strasbourg sock yourself at home. Its task is to fix the foot in one position, protecting against any mechanical damage and the formation of microtraumas in the aponeurosis of the foot. All you need to do is put the sock on at night, choose a position and angle that is comfortable for you, and leave it on for 6-8 hours. After just a few weeks, the pain will decrease and you will feel more comfortable walking.

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