How to fold socks

Every person knows how difficult it is to quickly find two identical socks, especially if you really need them. Sometimes it’s possible to find what’s missing, and sometimes things seem to disappear without a trace after washing. So as not to lose socks and always get a pair from your wardrobe.

You should learn how to put things in a locker correctly so that a couple are put in one place. Effective methods will help you fold the product quickly and beautifully. They will become indispensable for people who do not like to spend a lot of time on their wardrobe, but also do not want to constantly look for missing things.

3 easy ways to fold socks

socks need to be folded
Three effective time-tested methods will help you quickly fold two socks:

  1. First way. We take two socks and fold them so that the heel is to the heel and the toes are to the toes. Then we carefully begin to roll the item into a tight tube. The remaining end of one part should be wrapped in the second. To prevent the rolled ball from falling apart, it is best to secure them with an elastic band or ribbon. This option is the simplest and easiest. It only takes a couple of minutes.You can fold your socks this way even while hanging. You can also teach your child how to fold things so that all things are in their place. The main disadvantage of this method is that a large number of twisted balls take up quite a lot of space in the closet. This option is suitable if there is a separate box for storing such things. If things are just lying on the shelf, then it is better to choose another method, since twisted balls often roll up somewhere or take up quite a lot of space in the closet. If the option of folding socks into a ball is not suitable, then you can use a slightly modified option. To do this, visually divide the product into 3 parts, fold the right part inward, and place the left fragment on top. We wrap the resulting triangle under an elastic band. The resulting figure can be safely placed in a bag or linen closet;
  2. Second option According to the result obtained, the second option is similar to the first. However, it is more suitable for shorter models. After manual or automatic washing, set aside one pair of socks. We put the left sock on the left hand, the right sock on the right. Place your palms together as if shaking hands. Now, on the thumb that remains on top, we tighten the elastic band of the sock of the other hand. Then we do a similar action on the other finger of the free hand. As a result, it should turn out that the folded ball ends up in one of the hands. This method is good because your palms allow you to quickly straighten the product. The downside is that learning how to roll socks like this takes a while to learn. The first time it may not work out at all. However, a little practice, effort and time. You will be able to quickly and beautifully fold things for convenience;
  3. Third way. Another option for folding socks compactly and quickly.This is to make a miniature square. To do this, you need to do several steps. Place one sock on the table, heel up. Place the second piece on top to form a cross. Place the left side of the sock in the center, and wrap the right side of the second pair in the same way. The free end is wrapped under the elastic band. As a result, you should get a neat miniature envelope. You can safely put it in a drawer, closet, sports or travel bag. This option helps to quickly and beautifully fold the product and maintain its aesthetic appearance.

Remember! Things are rolled up into an envelope, tube or ball only after washing and completely drying, otherwise they may become damp and have an unpleasant odor.

How to fold socks: convenient and quick methods

method for folding socks
The only thing worse than scattered things is the loss of one of the components. Often, when you take off your socks in the evening, you can only find one part in the morning. Because of this, you will have to go through the whole house to find the second pair. To avoid this, you should learn how to fold things quickly and compactly:

  1. Inside-out method. This is the fastest and easiest way to complete an item. First, two parts together, and turn two inside out at once. It should turn out like this: the bottom sock ends up in the top one. Now you can safely put them anywhere without fear that the pair will get lost. It's also an easy way to teach your child how to fold socks in pairs;
  2. Compact option. The algorithm of action is similar to the purl method. However, in this case it is necessary to bend the upper cuff of the product. Then twist the pair into a tube and turn the cuff of the lower garment inside out. It turns out that the thing seems to be in a kind of pocket. So, you can pack clothes for a trip or trip.It will not take up much space and will always be easy to find;
  3. KonMari method. This method was originally invented by the Japanese Marie Kondo for quickly cleaning the house. The girl described the method in detail in her book “Magic Cleaning”. The main feature of this method is that Marie suggests not putting things in stacks or rolls, but distributing them over three corners, placing them sideways. Thanks to such lightweight equipment, it is possible to fit the maximum number of things into a closet or drawer. However, its disadvantage is that it will be difficult to remove linen or clothes from the drawer without destroying the structure. Therefore, it is best to put things of the same theme in one box;
  4. Criss-cross option. We place a couple on the table crosswise. So that the heel looks at the heel. We tuck the upper heel of the product under the lower foot of the second sock. We wrap the cuffs to the second part, that is, turn them inside out. We hide the cuffs that were visible. If you did everything correctly, the pair should make a miniature envelope. It takes up minimal space in the closet. In addition, you can make several such squares and stack them one on one. Note: this option is suitable for products with a print, since from above you can immediately see what kind of pattern is on the item. This is an excellent option for children’s items, since most often children’s socks come in different models, colors and styles;
  5. An effective method for the lazy. To avoid long searches for identical models and spend minimal time searching for socks. Follow one piece of advice: always buy one thing in several copies. It is desirable that it be the same size and shade. This will help speed up the process of choosing clothes for going out.You can also easily put on the first two socks you come across from the drawer, since they are all the same.

When choosing the latter method, one caveat should be taken into account. You will have to regularly update your wardrobe, as things tend to wear out, fray, tear, and lose shape. And the same shade can quickly get boring, so this option is not suitable for everyone.

Fold socks beautifully

convenient way to fold socks
Today there are many options on how to fold things beautifully. Such knowledge will always be useful in life. You can fold your socks beautifully for a specific composition or for yourself. If you put different models in a beautiful box, tie them with ribbons and add a card. Receive a creative gift for any holiday.

There are different models of the product, so the methods of folding them may differ slightly from each other. In addition, you should take into account the fact that the material can also be different; the final result and appearance will depend on its density.

The first option is for the lazy. It is perfect for those who do not like to spend a lot of time packing and like to do everything quickly. This technique is suitable for men who do not like to put things in one place and have a habit of scattering socks around the apartment.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • Take a pair and put two socks together so that all the parts fit snugly together;
  • We take the item in the elastic area and carefully turn it inside out. It turns out that one elastic band is inside the other, but most of the sock is visible;
  • It turns out that two things are connected by an elastic band, but the main part is clearly visible.

This option is good for high-rise models with thick elastic. Sports and nylon models cannot be rolled up like this.It is best to simply turn them inside out or carefully roll them into a tube and tie them with ribbon or an elastic band.

Another beautiful technique is creating a ball. It is very light, so you can do it quickly:

  • We take one pair and bend the elastic band of the upper product;
  • Now we roll up a small dense roll to the folded elastic band;
  • We stretch the elastic band onto the resulting roll. We form a ball.

In this form, the item can be given as a gift, beautifully folded into a box, or a figure, bouquet, etc. can be created from several pairs.

Another proven technique is turning inside out. However, even such a seemingly banal and simple method can be done beautifully. The main thing is to follow the instructions. And everything will work out.

Fold it like this:

  • We take a pair and visually divide it into three identical parts;
  • We pull one edge towards the center, and wrap the folded part towards the elastic band;
  • We wrap an elastic band around the resulting ball.

The result is a beautiful, neat triangle. It looks quite unusual and beautiful. So, you can safely put things on the road or just in the linen closet.

Socks are an integral part of every person's wardrobe. They are worn daily under sneakers, shoes, boots, boots. Warm models help keep your feet warm during the cold season. However, it is very often difficult to find a whole identical pair at home. And getting ready takes several hours. Proven methods for quickly putting a product in a drawer or cabinet will help you avoid this. This will help tidy up your room and help you store things in pairs.

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