How to wash wool socks?

Woolen items may become coarse, fade, and shrink in size after washing. To prevent this from happening, the usual approach to the issue should be reconsidered. Properly selected products, water and cleaning method are a guarantee of preserving the appearance and softness of the socks.

Rules for washing wool socks

How to wash wool socks?In order for the item to retain its shape and softness, it is necessary to avoid temperature changes. Water at all stages - washing, rinsing - should be about 30 degrees. Also, do not soak for a long time (20 minutes, no more), use brushes with hard bristles, rub on the board and use strong stain removers.

The need for these actions will not arise at all if you wear woolen socks correctly. Their should be washed the next day after wearing, maximum – after 2 days of wearing. You can’t walk in them for any longer, as the dirt will have time to eat into the structure of the pile so deeply that it will require harmful, fiber-destroying chemicals.

Preparatory activities

Recommended actions:

  • wool socksshake the hosiery so that small debris and dust come out;
  • mechanically remove large pellets and adhering lumps of dirt (for example, with fingers or scissors, the latter option is less desirable);
  • sort socks by color (things made from very long fluff are washed separately from any other items, even if they are of the same shade).

If necessary, socks are soaked in a basin. The water should be about 30 degrees. You can add shampoo or liquid powder to it. Additional protection for the fibers will be provided by a high-quality wool conditioner or 2 tablespoons of table vinegar. (based on 5 liters of water).

Important! Shampoo and liquid powder are replaced with laundry soap shavings. To obtain it, the block is grated.

They don't spend a lot of time soaking. On average, the procedure takes 15 minutes. During this period, the water should not cool completely. Otherwise, the product may shrink due to temperature changes.

Brief soaking in cool water does not help deal with problematic and old stains.. To remove complex stains, the sole of the sock is first rubbed with the product. Then the soaped item is placed in a bag and left in it overnight.

What to wash with? Facilities

Valid options:

  • pink socksspecialized chemicals intended specifically for woolen items;
  • shampoo (more suitable for soaking and hand washing);
  • laundry soap (you need an odorless bar; use it to rub heavily soiled soles);
  • liquid powders;
  • vinegar and soda.

The baking soda and vinegar home remedy is primarily intended for white socks. This is an analogue of whiteness. It is used as follows:

  • the sock is soaked in water;
  • then apply soda directly to the stain;
  • rub;
  • drip 9% vinegar on top;
  • rubbing fingers;
  • allow the mixture to dry;
  • rinse the item.

Important! If a specific odor remains after using laundry soap or a household cleaner, you can use conditioner to eliminate it. You need to choose products designed specifically for wool.

How to wash by hand?

warm socksMethod Recommended for delicate items made from sheep's wool that require special handling.. This type of washing helps save lint, and during it it is easy to see whether the sock is fading or not.

The best results are achieved when using soft water. If it is hard or there is a possibility of the pile becoming coarse due to contact with detergents, then wash and rinse with vinegar. The concentration of the essence should not be high. 1-2 spoons per 5 liters of water is enough.

Important! Vinegar not only helps prevent wool socks from becoming rough, but also partially solves the problem of discoloration. Thanks to him, the item sheds less.

During washing, do not use available cleaning agents: clothes brushes, boards. In some cases, resort to a toothbrush. However, this measure is considered a last resort. If you can do without it, it is better not to take risks and not injure the pile.

Other useful notes:

  • the total duration of the procedure should not exceed 40–50 minutes;
  • To prevent the water from cooling down, you will have to periodically add new water;
  • wash not only from the outside, but also from the inside;
  • rinse in several stages and at each stage use new, but not running water (do not put the sock under the running tap, but rinse in a basin);
  • You can't twist the thing.

At the end of the procedure, socks made of expensive wool are not wrung out.. To make the water run away faster, they are rolled into tubes on a pre-spread towel.While wrapping, you need to apply a little pressure to the item.

The nuances of washing in a washing machine

If the composition contains artificial fibers, then the item can be washed at 40 degrees. Natural wool socks are restored to cleanliness at 30 degrees. In addition to temperature, it is worth paying attention to the mode. Suitable options:

  • sockshandwash;
  • delicate wash;
  • wool.

No spin needed. The number of revolutions should be set to the minimum. In terms of funds, everything is simple: specialized chemistry is preferable. If it is not available, use liquid powders. As a last resort, rub laundry soap and pour it into the drum itself (it is better to adapt a container for these needs).

Important! Turn the items inside out before placing them in the drum.

How to wash white wool socks?

You can bleach wool in the following ways:

  • Add hydrogen peroxide to cool water in a ratio of 8 to 1. Soak the socks for several hours. Rinse with vinegar.
  • Make a saline solution of medium concentration. Wash the item by alternately lowering, pulling out and squeezing it between your index finger and thumb.
  • Soak your socks in a chalk solution (about 100 grams per basin of water) for an hour. The solution will have to be stirred systematically, as the chalk settles.
  • Grate laundry soap, add shavings to water. Boil together with socks. Rinse the item in clean water and then boil it in a vinegar solution (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water).

How to dry it properly?

dryingThis function is not set on the machine; primary drying is carried out manually. There are several ways to carry it out. You can leave the socks in the drum for 10-15 minutes so that the main water drains from them, or put the laundry between 2 thick, absorbent towels. Third method: roll into a roll, pressing lightly with your fingers.

The second stage comes down to drying on a flat surface. The washed item of clothing is placed on a towel, which is changed to another when it gets wet. If the item is partially synthetic, then it can be placed on a drying stand. But regardless of the composition, you should not hang woolen socks on the battery.

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