Dog hair socks, their benefits

Popular wisdom says: if your feet are warm, then you won’t have a runny nose. It can be supplemented - the heat should be dry. Socks made from dog hair are ideal for this task. The northern peoples were the first to realize this, coming up with a practical way to use a valuable resource. And from them the idea spread throughout the world.

Benefits of socks made from dog hair

Many healing properties are attributed to dog hair. But first of all, it is valued for its hygroscopicity. Socks have the ability to absorb moisture (up to 50% of their weight) while remaining dry, which is indispensable in hiking conditions. They retain heat well and do not interfere with skin respiration. But these qualities are not paramount.

therapeutic socks

Medicinal properties

The benefits of dog hair are recognized by official medicine. The only clarification is that the effect is not achieved due to the animal’s special aura or specific substances secreted by the socks. It’s just that the pet’s fur is much stiffer than the same angora. As a result, it pricks and irritates the skin.And this already leads to the following consequences:

  • general strengthening of the body;
  • anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effects;
  • analgesic effect.

There are many active points on the feet, the impact of which has a beneficial effect on individual organs and systems.

If you wear socks made of dog hair regularly, you can normalize heart function, get rid of blood pressure problems, and some diseases of the digestive tract and genitourinary system.

therapeutic socks made from dog wool

Irritating the skin with dog hairs improves blood microcirculation. As a result, local metabolism is activated, which leads to a decrease in the concentration of elements that cause inflammation and pain. Improved blood circulation also helps relieve swelling.


Often wet or overcooled feet cause a runny nose and other consequences of inflammation of the mucous membranes during the cold season.

The warming effect and ability to absorb moisture make socks made from dog hair an indispensable aid in the prevention of many colds.

But if the cold is already in full swing, then you should not completely rely on the miraculous effect of dog hair - they are an auxiliary remedy. Despite the claims of some traditional healers, no antimicrobial or antibacterial properties have been found in it. As well as valuable substances that can boost the immune system.

What's special

The structure of a dog's hair largely depends on the breed of the pet. In the South Russian Shepherd and Black Terrier it has a water-repellent effect. Other breeds can please you either with the softness of the finished products, or, on the contrary, with healing “thorns”.But in any case, such products will be twice as light as their sheep wool counterparts.

children's dog wool socks

Dog hair is wear-resistant, which makes products made from it durable. But this is wool that requires knowledge of the basic rules for handling it.

  1. Washing and drying at high temperatures is not recommended - this can lead to serious shrinkage of items.
  2. The machine is also prohibited - products will last longer if you clean them manually and using suitable products.
  3. These socks are not suitable for everyday wear because the thread breaks down quickly. If such a need arises, then it is recommended to wear a simple cotton sock over a woolen one. This will prevent abrasion.

And the little secret to making the right purchase lies in the price. Socks made from dog hair are not mass produced on a production line. Accordingly, their cost cannot be low. If you manage to find a cheap product, then it is a fake or low-quality product. It is advisable to avoid them, since, at best, they simply will not bring any benefit.

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