DIY New Year's sock for gifts

DIY New Year's sock for giftsA good European tradition has finally come to our country - decorating rooms before the winter holidays with beautiful New Year's socks. Year after year, more and more people, with their help, not only add variety to the interior, but also give each other gifts in such packaging.

It can be made from various materials, but a stocking made from fabric will last much longer than a paper stocking.

Even if someone does not know how to sew, making such home decorations yourself will not be difficult.

How to sew a sock for a gift

Even a novice needlewoman can handle this, and you can do it without a sewing machine. We will tell you how to make a New Year's stocking for gifts with your own hands.

Preparation of materials and tools

materials and tools
To make a New Year's sock from fabric you will need the following.

  • Paper.
  • Pencil.
  • Scissors.
  • Sewing pins.
  • Several scraps of fabric for the front and lining.
  • Needle.
  • Threads.
  • Ribbon or braid for loop.
  • Decorative elements.

ATTENTION! The fabric that will be on the front side should be quite dense.

If you are planning decoration, it is better to choose a plain material.

There are no expensive items on this list, and most of them are in every home, so all that remains is to buy more jewelry and fabric.

Sock pattern

In order to make a template and cut out the parts, you will need a regular wool sock. We apply it to the paper and trace it, adding about 2-3 cm. If it is not there, you can first take a regular one from thin fabric, and then make the pattern a little larger.

IMPORTANT! Think about what a New Year's stocking is for: for gifts or interior decoration. Depending on this, choose the right size.

You can also use a ready-made pattern.


Sewing instructions

Let's start making New Year's decorations.

  • We take the fabric that will be on the outside and fold it in half, right side inward.
  • We cut out the pattern and pin it to the fabric, cut out these parts from the fabric.
  • The same steps must be repeated with the material that will be the lining inside the stocking.
  • Let's start connecting the parts. Sew together two socks that will be on the outside, and then the lining.
  • Make a loop on which you will hang the finished decoration. This could be a strip of fabric that has already been used to sew a stocking, or a special braid or ribbon.
  • We turn both socks face out, put them together with unstitched edges and connect them.

ATTENTION! Don't forget to sew a loop on which the sock will hang. It needs to be placed in a corner so that its tips are not visible.

  • Turn the lining inside the stocking. The interior decoration is ready. You can also fold the top part to make a cuff.


Decorating a sock

Every Christmas stocking needs a pretty decoration.. It is this that gives the product a festive mood and brings the atmosphere of New Year and Christmas into the house. You need to show your imagination and think about how best to decorate it.


Can Use colored threads to embroider patterns and snowflakes, sew on beads or make a pattern with beads.

And also a popular option - make an applique from felt. It can be angels, snowmen, Santa Claus, penguins or bear cubs.


There's more you can do flowers made of beautiful fabric in burgundy, red, gold, black or dark green. Often the store sells artificial snow and sparkles, which are also good for decoration.

Tips for making a sock for gifts


  • Seams need to be done very carefullyso that no threads are visible on the front side.
  • You need to sew on ribbons and other decorative embellishments before connecting the inner part and the lining..
  • You can place a cardboard pattern inside the sock so that the stocking holds its shape.

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