Signs about socks

Folk signs about socksEven non-superstitious people who do not believe in horoscopes still try from time to time to determine what this or that event promises them. Not a single detail escapes the sensitive gaze of the people. He notices and compares everything that happens to us in everyday life. Whether it's a dropped spoon or spilled salt. There are many folk signs about the details of clothing. Including about such a part of our wardrobe as socks.

Folk signs about socks

Signs - this is the relationship between phenomena that people have identified over many years of observation. You can believe in them or not. However, Before giving socks to someone as a gift, it is worth clarifying what such a gift can say.

Do they give you socks?

Reference! Since ancient times, there has been a belief that giving foot wraps or socks as a gift is a bad omen. Such a gift promises separation, a long, difficult journey.

Socks as a giftIf a woman gives them to her husband, she calls for separation, unconsciously pushes him into the arms of another. A girl who gives such a gift to her lover dooms their relationship to break.

If a man accepts them as a gift from a girlfriend or acquaintance, then, according to popular belief, he will soon leave his current passion for this donor. Therefore, it is better to immediately stop such gifts by talking with your other half.

Socks as a gift

In addition, if a mother gives such a gift to her married son, she is thereby trying to return him to her home and separate him from his wife. Therefore, even wives who do not believe in omens will be against such a gift from their mother-in-law. Yes, just in case.

What to do if socks are given as a gift

How to neutralize a fatal prediction?

Very simple. You need to turn the gift into a purchase - give a symbolic payment, even if it’s one kopeck.

Coins in the palm

As for giving socks to women and children, folk wisdom is silent on this issue.

Important! It is worth considering that when planning a gift such as a sock, you need to opt for high-quality, original products, for example, handmade. Let it be a gift with meaning. At the same time, you should avoid hints that the addressee needs new trousers due to the wear and tear of the old ones.

Superstitions about socks

Packed socks
Superstitions - this is a belief in the supernatural capabilities of various objects, in their ability to influence people's lives.

There are many superstitions about socks:

  • Having a sock without a pair means loneliness.
  • Wearing trousers from different pairs is good luck.
  • According to another belief, wearing items from different pairs is a sign of disagreement and misunderstanding.
  • Walking with socks inside out means exposure, revealing a secret.
  • You should put them on starting with your left foot, otherwise you will have misfortune.
  • When putting it on, hit the heel with your fingers - to a letter or news.
  • Walking in holey or darned trousers means financial losses.

Socks with holes

There is also a professional medical superstition: While on duty you cannot go to bed wearing socks - they will definitely raise the alarm.

Important! It is worth remembering that superstitions only work when they are believed in.

To believe in omens or not is a personal matter for everyone. You shouldn’t take these superstitions too seriously, but you shouldn’t dismiss folk wisdom lightly either.

Reviews and comments
IN Valentina:

The article is not bad, but what does this have to do with trousers? Trousers have been pants all my life, not socks.


