Wardrobe update: where to start, what to throw away and what to keep

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There are two ways to completely update your wardrobe - use the services of a stylist or work on changing your look yourself. To create a new set of clothes, you need to take three preliminary steps:

  1. Form and visually present your new style.
  2. Thoroughly go through your wardrobe and get rid of unnecessary things.
  3. Make a list of what you need to buy in stores.

Before you change your wardrobe, you should also analyze which items have not been used for more than a year. According to stylists and designers, such clothes should be discarded, even if they are practically new. A great way is dress crossing. This is an event where various things are exchanged between participants. These could be new outfits that don't fit, or used clothes in good condition.

Psychologists say that long-term storage of wardrobe items that are not used stimulates the accumulation of the burden of the past.There is a well-known saying: “Change your wardrobe, your life will change.”

Updating your wardrobe - where to start

Where to start changing your wardrobe? First of all, clean out the closet of old clothes. It is recommended to carry it out before the start of the new season. First, you should carefully examine all summer or winter outfits. By analyzing what will be relevant in the new season and what will become unnecessary, you can free up enough space. To avoid buying too much, a list of the basic styles that are needed is compiled. The average modern woman should have the following groups of outfits:

  • Sportswear for jogging, gym or fitness;
  • Casual outfits for walking;
  • Several things for celebrations, holidays, social events;
  • Work clothes in business style;
  • Home outfits.

Before changing your wardrobe, the most necessary categories are selected. For example, if a woman works remotely, it is more important for her to purchase a comfortable home suit than an office blouse or jacket. Basic things are an indispensable part of the wardrobe. To update your clothes, you need to choose knee socks, trousers, and sweaters in your favorite, but not flashy, colors. An irreplaceable black or dark golf course and jeans will become the basis of any look. Such details are in harmony with all colors.

Update your wardrobe - where to start sorting out old things

Where to start updating your wardrobe? Of course, from viewing the existing assortment. An important criterion for clothing is its functionality. If an item has not been worn for five years, it is guaranteed not to be used in the future. Even if this item is new, it no longer meets the requirements of modern fashion. Many women continue to store clothes, believing that classics do not get old, and fashion comes back.

The nuances of cut, fabric, and styles change regularly. Therefore, an outfit that has celebrated its fifth anniversary is unlikely to come back into fashion. And this applies to even the simplest, basic things - shirts, jeans, sneakers.

You should also go through your closet, selecting those clothes that do not excite you. It is better to sell such things online or exchange them. Updating your wardrobe involves clearing it of everything unnecessary. This also applies to products with defects - faded after washing, frayed or damaged.

Changing your wardrobe - where to start choosing business clothes

Modern women pay special attention to their career, promotion and work in general. Therefore, business suits are gradually becoming the basis of women's wardrobe. Even if a woman does not hold a leadership position, she cannot appear in the office in a casual outfit, tracksuit or summer sundress. You should select images for work, taking into account the following rules:

  • Dressing up for restaurants and celebrations is not acceptable in the workplace. Even if they are relatively discreet.
  • An office suit should look good and emphasize your figure.
  • Any tight-fitting outfits, large necklines, or short skirts are excluded.
  • Outfits with patterns and prints are mainly casual, walking style. Plain clothes, or striped or checkered items are suitable for the office.
  • Color is of great importance. Defiant, catchy shades are best left for walks and parties. In the office, you should wear outfits in dark, light or neutral colors.

To update your work wardrobe, it is better to choose high-quality, relatively expensive items. Instead of three cheap suits, it is preferable to choose one expensive one.

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How to change your wardrobe completely - setting the accents

It’s the basic things that help you define your own style. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the main accents for yourself. It is these products that you should spend more on than other parts. Let's say you can buy a basic sweater and skirt in neutral colors at an inexpensive store. At the same time, complement the look with a high-quality bag and luxury shoes. On the other hand, you can focus attention, on the contrary, on a dress from a famous brand or exclusive jeans. Correctly set priorities allow you to save money and create a harmonious image.

Don't spend too much on dresses for celebrations and holidays. Such a thing is usually worn several times, after which it settles on the shelves of the closet. No one wants to appear in photos from different holidays in the same dress.

When it comes to basic items, quality and durability are important. Jeans, trousers, sweaters and sweaters are worn constantly and often become favorite outfits due to their comfort. Therefore, such clothes should last for many years, maintaining their appearance and presentability.

When preparing for winter, it is important to pay special attention to the purchase of outerwear. It is quite expensive, so many stylists recommend purchasing jackets and fur coats in the summer. In the warm season, their prices are significantly lower than in the high season.

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How to change your wardrobe - where to start working with outdated items

Before changing the wardrobe, a closet audit is carried out. There are always a few outfits that have definitely outlived their time. However, there are things that are comfortable, loved, but slightly boring or out of fashion. This could be a warm sweater made of natural wool, comfortable jeans or comfortable summer shorts.For example, a thing fits perfectly, but at the same time is pretty boring. Updating clothes with your own hands is a very interesting process. If you have the time and desire to show your creativity, you can easily give your clothes a second life:

  • Change of style concept. It is formed from little things. It is enough to attach several decorative chains to a leather jacket, and the thing will take on a completely different look.
  • Decorative elements. With the help of special stripes and stickers on the fabric, you can change your favorite T-shirt beyond recognition. Any fabric store will have a wide variety of decorating options.
  • Artificial aging or creating holes and scuffs on jeans will make your favorite trousers fashionable for several more seasons.

Any thing, if it is comfortable and close to your heart, can be updated. Changing your wardrobe is an interesting process during which a new image is formed. In addition, new things can lift your spirits.

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