Clothes of French pensioners: how to look just as stylish

Unfortunately, in our reality, women of retirement age do not care at all about their appearance. In this matter, not only finances play an important role, but also stereotypes. It’s hard for our people to understand how you can be stylish when you’re over 50.

We invite you to consider the style of French “retired women” and understand why they do not look their age at all.

Why don't French women look like grandmothers at 50?

Why don't French women look like grandmothers at 50?Everyone knows that all fashion trends come from France. After all, it was here that the famous Coco Chanel lived and worked, whose fashion experiments gained wide popularity throughout the world. Therefore, in general, all French women are considered the most stylish women. From early childhood, they are accustomed to taking care of themselves and looking good in photos and in life. And, even in old age, they wear the best they can afford.

What is the secret of the phenomenon of “noble aging”?

  1. Sports and active lifestyle.Hiking, mountains, tennis, skiing, etc. - all this is part of the national culture.
  2. Perceiving your age with humor. Only in this country are there so many jokes about aging.
  3. Don't be ashamed of your wrinkles. All kinds of lifts and Botox are perceived with a contemptuous grin. According to the French, old age is not a disease and does not need to be treated.
  4. There shouldn't be a lot of things in your wardrobe. It is better that they are of high quality and expensive.
  5. Wear what suits you, regardless of age.
  6. Spend more money on yourself. Here women will not suffer from remorse if they buy something for themselves and not for their child/grandchild. In France, it is not customary to consider grandmothers as free nannies and leave children with them.
  7. Anything is possible, but you need to know when to stop. Wine, cigarettes, parties - all this is allowed even in old age, but you should not get carried away with it.
  8. Healthy gourmet food. With age, French ladies increasingly visit elite establishments, enjoying small portions with a glass of wine.

Basic rules of French style for pensioners

Basic rules of French style for pensionersFrench women are not afraid to look bright. Here are the main details of their style:

  1. Expensive accessories. These are glasses, bags, jewelry - what first attracts attention and determines the status of a woman. But the jewelry is discreet and non-massive: thin rings, miniature chains. They should not be flashy, but elegant. Everything else is provincial style.
  2. Shoes. Of course, also dear. If possible, it should be a high heel, but ballet flats will also work. If a lady does not have the opportunity to buy herself a lot of expensive shoes, then she would rather buy one pair, but of better quality. Preference is given to the classics.
  3. "Yes!" skinny and skirts above the knee.In France there is no concept of “dressing inappropriately for your age.” Here mother and daughter can easily dress in the same store.
  4. Consistency of style. If it’s a sport, then everything should be sporty, if it’s a classic, then everything should be in that style. No skirts with sneakers.
  5. It's better to have fewer things that can be combined with each other.
  6. Emphasis on the “base” and neutral shades.
  7. Sexy lingerie. Not a single French woman can do without it, even in old age. Because women in France are always sexy.

Focus on Brigitte Macron

Brigitte MacronAt the moment, Bridget is over 60, but she still captivates the public with her beautiful appearance. From her first appearance as First Lady, she shocked the public by wearing a skirt that went above her knees. To this day, her style causes heated debate: some consider her an icon, while others think that she dresses inappropriately for her age and character.

But we must pay tribute that she looks very fresh and young next to her husband. And he, by the way, is much younger than her.

Her secret is a skillful combination of restraint and brightness. Its highlight is the gold buttons.

She is not afraid to stand out and experiment. Heels, tabernacles, loud 80s jackets, plaid blazers, sheath dresses and much more. She proves by her example that any woman can look stylish, regardless of age.

Emphasis on naturalness in everything

naturalness of French pensionersMaximum naturalness, bordering on negligence, is the basic rule of French style. They seem to want to show that they pay no more attention to their appearance than, say, their career, family, hobbies, etc. They also show that they are completely satisfied with themselves and do not want to look better and richer than they are.

French women respect themselves at any age.When they go out into the world, they seem to be telling the world that they pay minimal attention to their appearance.

Reviews and comments
G Gulnara:

Well, you somehow brought our women completely below the plinth. And it’s not at all justified. Do you think that Russian women at 50 look like grandmothers? At 50, life is just beginning. Many of my friends can confirm this. That's why you're doing this in vain. And the wife of the President of France, excuse me, she doesn’t look young, that’s why she is a real grandmother. Regarding clothes, makeup, etc. - depends on the availability of funds and health, but even with modest income, our women look decent at 50 and 60. So you were about 20 years wrong when talking about the age of the grandmothers.

A Alex:

Have you seen the knees of Madame Macron, who wears a short skirt? In the photo, the first lady is wearing pants and a jacket, is that beautiful? All over the world, trousers and jackets are worn, both in Russia and in France. And the lady in the hat has already appeared in all the articles and posts. The issue needs to be studied well, and then your columns should be organized.


It all depends on the woman.50 is not a grandmother now, even if she has grandchildren. Many of our women at this age look 35-40. But today a lot of girls at 20-25 are dressed worse than those who take care of themselves (and, of course, fashion at 6O). Skinny jeans with thick thighs, poor shoes and no hint of personal style. And at 70 you can look no worse, or better, than French women, if you take care of yourself. It's real, you just have to put your hands to it. Your figure can be better than it was at 20, and the heels don’t spoil it if you’re a stylish woman.

A aboriginal:

And why is it so far from Russian reality, where for our women the outfits on whom even at 50 years old could look elegant? An example in the photo is where a woman is carrying a log and next to it for comparison there are photos of three American infantrymen with the same log. And the fact that in your pictures there are dried herrings in hats is not something you should see for your relatives

AND Irina:

Author! There are suspicions that you HAVE NOT been to France... The youth there are not combed and wrinkled, there are many women of indeterminate age. Everyone is dressed in jeans and slippers. Madame Macron is TERRIBLE (not a fountain in her youth either).

A Anna:

Of course, this is elegant and stylish, but these are models, and I would like to see ordinary women in ordinary life. I think that there and in the provinces you won’t see women in down jackets and men’s cut trousers, like on our streets. We dress disgustingly, with very few exceptions.

M Maria Ivanovna:

a photo of this lady was in the article, as an example of a poorly dressed madam...

N Nadia:

Madame Macron... Madame Macron... Yes, she’s scary – just awful!... Our Russian women look a thousand times more gorgeous!!!!

N Natalia:

Dear author, excellent article, a lot of very necessary information, only one question: could French women buy expensive things and good wine on a pension of 15 thousand a month?
I’m lucky, at the age of 62 I can afford fashionable clothes, a seaside holiday, a cafe, and vintage wine, while most of my classmates are barely making ends meet. Talk about the plight of women who are at retirement age , useless. This will always be the case in our country. And everyone worked for many years in factories, factories, and budget organizations.

AND Irina:

In France and Europe in general, they dress very simply, if not poorly. They don’t really worry about clothes; they wear what’s comfortable. Mostly jeans, trousers and flat shoes. In France, everyone wears scarves, they are tied to both coats and T-shirts. French women are not particularly well-groomed ladies, without makeup and not with their gray hair painted over, in stretched T-shirts. But everything is natural. Scandinavians are very fond of all black clothes. In winter, everyone in Stockholm wore hats with fur pom-poms, both adults and children. They can walk in winter in a warm coat and very light boots, or in cold weather in a windbreaker. So the author does not need to give us French pensioners as an example. We went and saw. They are not beautiful and not stylish.

E Elena:

“Why don’t they look like grandmothers at 50”? Hm. It feels like the author has fallen a little… from the moon. Nowadays, many 50-year-olds (including myself) look and feel 35-38 years old. Although, I can understand that to the young author, women over 40 theoretically already seem like “grandmothers.” Well.I can say one thing: when the author’s time comes (50 years), let her remember this article of hers))

A aboriginal:

I thought too)


In fact, the author simply stole the text of an American woman who lived for some time in France and admired French women. I just added a little about Madame Macron. And also somehow not my own.
Personally, I don’t really like Madame - after all, not everything suits her in what she wears.
And my hands are just itching to part her gorgeous hair a little closer to the side...

TO Kireeva Elena:

Know ours!

L Lyudmila:

You know, dear ladies, what disfigures and ages a woman most of all is this manner of constantly scolding some extraordinary woman! In the same Paris, I watched as a quite nice, calmly sleeping group of dogs from some clochard turned into a frenzied pack, noticing a dog passing by on a leash and with its owner. Not being a feminist in any way, I urge you, friends, to be more attentive to each other and not be lazy in approving and supporting the best that someone succeeds. We all deserve better, including Madame Macron. The showdown “ours are better than ours” is completely unbecoming for us, in Russian, “indecent.” Together we will overcome!


The key word in the image of French pensioners is “expensive”. This is the difference with Russian pensioners who do not live in the capital, because... Those have an order of magnitude larger pension. Why?, excuse me, buy expensive things when the pension is slightly more than the subsistence level? I worked in school all my life and the education is good. That is how we live.

IN Valentina.:

My friends and I are over 70 years old, but we are always modestly but fashionably dressed, have haircuts, are well-groomed, follow fashion trends, discuss, stay on the “wave”, visit exhibitions and the Philharmonic. The pension is small, but we live, we are interested in everything, we enjoy life, we are positive towards everyone! Now there are a lot of people like us!

A Anna Sinitsina:

One of the best comments today!

WITH Svetlana:

Keep it up ladies!


Macron looks like a spider: no neck, large head, short body and long limbs. At the same time, a crumpled lifeless face with a hole instead of a mouth. The woman has a terrible appearance, one can only sympathize with her. In Europe, most women are dressed shabbily, it’s unpleasant to look at. Only public people look good. Why does a pensioner need outfits, and expensive ones at that? Where to go? To the market? With a backpack to the country? Most retired women don’t have husbands, they don’t have jobs, they won’t show up at 60, so why and who should they dress up for? Calls to dress up are a cheeky attempt by slacker stylists to get into the empty pockets of the elderly. We found a source of funding, but it was a bummer! You can manage without robbing our pensions

A aboriginal:

Well said for almost everything and to the point).

L Larisa:

Valentina's comment is wonderful and the most worthy of a Russian woman! I bow and admire such women.

R Rita:

What nonsense! Here in France, the majority of women are dressed either poorly or downright VULGARLY.Pensioners - in minis above the knee with completely ugly knees and flabby thighs... they supposedly feel attractive, ha ha, old fools. And dressed cheaply! In some dark sweaters and T-shirts that are completely inappropriate for the bottom, in slippers, sneakers, solid synthetics, and cheap scarves. And the faces!!!! OR baked apples, or just downright ugly women. It's a shame that our women, much more beautiful and interesting, are usually single over the age of 50. Since our men either drank themselves or died already. And here - with husbands, and with any, even the ugliest appearance. And Madame Macron is just some kind of Frankenstein, an old woman with a gay husband.

A Alla:

Totally agree. Has the author ever seen French women in person? Ugly, unkempt, dressed in anything. But we have more and more stylish mature women. And we always tried to take care of ourselves. We don't need to set anyone as an example. They are far from us. And I’m not talking about hygiene at all. With their water saving and changing of black bed linen every 3 months or every six months...

V Volena:

“Unfortunately, in our reality, women of retirement age do not care at all about their appearance” - what nonsense, another custom-made article. Women always care about their appearance, they just don’t want to be funny. “French women over 50...” - let's start with the fact that they are not pensioners (like ours now), but working women. The dress code, as a rule, is obligatory. Housewives are different from workers, of course. And then, what does “ours” mean? Russians, Tatars, Uzbeks? They are completely different in appearance and clothing style. The province is very different from the capital, etc.I think in “France” the lady on the farm also looks different from the Parisian.


French style and French women are not the same thing)))
You write about 50-year-olds, but in the photographs they are 80, no less.
I'm so tired of these superficial articles. All cliches... alas

O Olga Shur:

Author, you have a lot of fantasies about Western women.

In Russia there are just more well-groomed people on everyday days.

The editors of this site need to be more careful about who and what they assign to write.
This article is pure trash. Some myths.

WITH Svetlana:

I looked for stylish women for a long time during my first visit to France, during subsequent ones I came up with a certain formula of what girls have in common - white T-shirts, black leather jackets, jeans, sneakers, a motorcycle helmet and the motorcycle itself or a lighter means of transport, for young women: ballet flats or low-heeled shoes (beautiful, yes) and scarves in any weather, discreet colors that merge into one grey-marsh color, a handbag (possibly vintage or an expensive brand name, but not an accent one), for frankly older ladies - mini, synthetic, heels , large plastic jewelry as an option or some simple clothes, you can’t distinguish them from our older women with little income. I can’t even describe it, everything is simple and ordinary.


