How to wear a stole with a jacket?

stole with jacketA stole is a rather feminine wide scarf that looks good with a classic coat. But, in the conditions of modern fashion, when it is simply necessary to be able to combine incompatible things, girls have learned to wear a stole with various models of jackets. A scarf is not just meant to keep you warm in cold weather..

With its help, you can create an interesting look that will add femininity and a little romance to your image. Let's talk about all the subtleties and nuances that will help you look stylish in the fall by wearing a stole over your jacket.

Rules for the tandem “Jacket and stole”

A beautiful rectangular scarf tied over a jacket will complement the look, making it brighter and more sophisticated. Most of us know how to tie a scarf on a coat and create a harmonious look. But what to do if the situation requires you to wear a jacket, but you don’t want to give up your favorite stole? Learn to tie a scarf on a jacket.

  1. leather jacket with checkered stoleYou need to understand that a simple jacket model goes well with an unusual bright scarf. Such scarves have an interesting print, wrinkled texture, long threads and other decorative elements.
  2. If your jacket is quite original and has an interesting style, decorated with rhinestones and bright beads, the stole should be in a calm, monochromatic style. Otherwise, the image will turn out to be overloaded and gypsy.
  3. Scarves made of dense material such as wool are suitable for insulated jacket models. Silk fabric, cotton and even organza look good with skin.
  4. The main rule is not only to choose fabrics according to texture, but also according to the combination of color palette. So, a bright red or green fabric scarf will look beautiful with a dark-colored jacket.
  5. A dark-colored scarf—chocolate, cocoa, burgundy, dark blue—is best suited to a light jacket.
  6. Don't forget about prints. Flowers, geometry, and oriental patterns are in fashion now. Interesting colors will decorate any monochromatic look.

If the jacket and stole are made in the same color scheme, the image will turn out boring.

How can you not wear them together?

Some rules will help you avoid mistakes in combinations:

  • Jennifer Aniston with a leather jacket with a stolea scarf made of thin material is inappropriate with a warm winter jacket;
  • a plain stole and a plain jacket in the same color will create a dull look;
  • a model with a floral print is inappropriate with a biker-style jacket;
  • a scarf tied over the hood of a jacket is the height of bad taste;
  • the hat, stole and gloves must be made in the same texture, otherwise the bow will look very cheap;
  • a colorful jacket + a tacky fabric scarf will create an overly pretentious gypsy look.

Ways to tie beautifully

You can leave the ends of the scarf hanging out, you can hide it inside, make a beautiful knot out of them, or casually throw the fabric over your shoulders. An elegantly knitted scarf will show that you understand fashion and can create your own unique style.

But before we talk about how to tie a stole, we want to note the main rule - it won't look good on a hunched back. Any scarf provides for a proud, straight posture. So wear it with dignity and don't slouch. Let's look at different ways of tying a stole depending on the model and style of the jacket.

For a leather jacket

Silk fabrics or cotton scarves with bright prints look good with a leather jacket. You can tie a scarf elegantly using these simple methods.

French knot

One of the fashionable ones is the French knot:

  1. leather jacket with yellow stoleFold the fabric in half and wrap it around your neck. It turns out that on one side you will have the ends of the stole, on the other side its middle.
  2. Take one end of the scarf in your hand and insert it through the loop. That is, the second end of the scarf just hangs from your shoulder.
  3. Now take the second end of the fabric and slide it under the loop and then over it.
  4. Tighten the knot lightly, but do not overtighten.


The second method has a beautiful name - necklace.

  1. Straighten the stole and fold it in half lengthwise. Tie the diagonal ends together into a knot.
  2. Place the scarf around your neck with the knot at the back. Wrap the stole around your neck several times, throwing it over your head. As a result, the knot should be in front.
  3. It can be hidden under the drapery or left open. A stole tied in this way with a beautiful border or large beads looks very original.


The third method we will consider is called wrapping. It provides for hidden ends of the stole inside. The result is a neat collar around the neck, which will add a little charm and sophistication to the image.

  1. stole with leather jacketWe take the stole and fold it lengthwise. Can be folded several times. The width of the scarf should not exceed 10–12 cm.
  2. We wrap the stole around the neck several times. The number of turns depends on the length of the scarf.
  3. Then we tie the remaining ends into a light knot and tuck them under the loops of the scarf, that is, we hide them under the fabric. Carefully straighten out the folds. This method is suitable for early spring, when it is windy outside.
  4. The neck is wrapped beautifully with a stole and the ends do not get in the way.


Another method is called weaving. Like wrapping, it involves tying a collar with the ends hidden inside the fabric. But unlike the previous method, the scarf does not cover the neck, but rather opens it up and emphasizes its elegance. You will need a long scarf that you need to carefully lay around your neck.

  1. We tie the ends of the scarf approximately in the middle of the chest.
  2. We thread one end into the loop that is formed between the neck and the knot.
  3. We make a light knot again.
  4. We perform these movements until the short ends of the scarf remain in your hands. They can be left hanging freely or hidden under fabric. You can adjust the length of the clamp at your discretion.

For a jacket with a hood

Let's start with a simple, classic way of tying a stole on a jacket with a hood.

  1. stole for jacket with hoodTake the scarf in your hands and carefully fold it in half lengthwise.
  2. Drape it over your neck so that the hood is above the fabric and not under it. The loop and ends of the scarf should hang over the chest.
  3. Thread the ends into the loop and tighten until comfortable.

For the second method you will need a short stole. If your scarf is too long, fold it in half.

  1. Wrap the hood around your neck several times.
  2. Under the throat, insert the ends of the scarf into the loop as many times as the length of the scarf allows.
  3. Leave the ends 10-12 cm long and tie them in a nice loose knot. If desired, the remaining fabric can be hidden under the fabric.

Do not put the stole over the hood, otherwise it will look like you have a hump.

For a jacket with a collar

stole For a jacket with a collarIf you decide to tie a scarf on a jacket with a collar, then it is better to raise it, that is, make a stand out of the collar. And tie a scarf on top. This will not only warm your neck in windy and cool weather, but will also allow you to tie the stole beautifully, creating a fashionable look. The method is called “necklace with a knot”. It is quite simple, but original, suitable for early spring, when it is not yet warm enough for the neck to be left open.

  1. Take a light stole and wrap it around your neck.
  2. Wrap one end of the scarf around your palm and insert it inside the resulting loop to make a knot. Leave it free.
  3. Pull the other end of the scarf through the loop. As a result, you will get an interesting knot at chest level, and the ends of the stole will hang carelessly.

Another interesting way involves having a double-sided stole with different patterns in your wardrobe. This kind of scarf is now at the peak of popularity; with its help you can create a magnificent look.

  1. Twist the scarf into a light rope so that both sides are visible.
  2. Wrap it around your neck and jacket collar.
  3. The ends of the stole can be left hanging on the chest, or can be tied in a knot.

For a jacket

stole Dutik for jacketWith a puffed jacket, a scarf looks beautiful not with the ends hanging loosely, but with the ends tucked inside or beautifully tied. Let's consider one of the methods, which is called the wild west. Fold the fabric into a triangle and drape it around your neck with the ends remaining at the back. Cross the ends over your neck, bring them forward and tie a knot. Next, there are two options:

  • leave a knot above the main fabric;
  • hide the knot inside.

A stole tied in a careless way looks very original with a puffy jacket:

  1. Drape the fabric around your neck so that the ends hang over your chest, with one end ending in the middle of your chest and the other being twice as long.
  2. Take the long end of the fabric and wrap it around your neck until the length reaches the middle of your chest.
  3. Cross both ends of the scarf over your shoulder and tie it in a loose, light knot. As a result, you will get tips no more than 12–13 cm long. This method of tying looks especially interesting if you use a stole with beads or muslin threads.

For a jacket without a collar

Let's look at several ways to tie a scarf over a jacket without a collar

Double loop

without collarThe first method allows you to leave hanging ends, which, if desired, can be thrown over one shoulder. You need to wrap the scarf around your neck several times. Take one tip in your hand and insert it inside the loop. Then tie a loose knot with the other tip. Slightly move the structure to the side. If desired, one hanging end can be thrown back over the shoulder.

Inner loop

No less beautiful is the way of tying a scarf with an internal loop. Take the fabric in your hands and wrap it around your neck several times. We make the last turn so that the ends of the fabric hang carelessly on the chest.We overlap them and insert them into the loop on the neck from the inside.

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