How to steam a coat at home with an iron

The coat is a very popular type of outerwear because of its elegant look. This type of clothing is made of dense material (wool, synthetics, polyester, etc.) that can keep you warm during cold seasons.

How to steam a synthetic coat

how to steam a synthetic coatClothes made from artificial materials always look good because they very rarely wrinkle. However, such things should be dried carefully, without creases, because when drying when wet (for example, on a clothes dryer), wrinkles may form. Also, a synthetic coat protects the wearer well from the cold and is highly resistant to moisture and dirt.

Products made from synthetic materials should always be ironed and steamed in moderate mode. This type of fabric does not tolerate high temperatures, and if you overdo it when ironing, the material will become rough. The ironing and washing instructions label indicates the recommended cycle.Before you start ironing synthetic items, select a special mode (if available) on the iron to avoid drying out the material. If such functions are not available, you need to try the temperature on a small piece of fabric.

If the coat is autumn (light and thin), you need to start ironing from the inside. For insulated clothing you need to follow some rules:

  • The item is placed on the board and turned inside out;
  • The area that needs to be smoothed is covered with moistened gauze (preferably in 2-3 layers) and slowly smoothed;
  • Then the clothes need to be hung on hangers and left for a couple of hours to secure the given shape.

steam the coatIf the tag says that it is not recommended to iron the coat, then you can steam it. This is a completely safe procedure, the item will not lose its qualities after this. It is advisable to have a steamer for this. You need to set the special mode, which is indicated on the label as recommended, and secure the coat on hangers, with special holders or in another way. During steaming, the device should be kept at a palm distance from the clothes being steamed. Usually the procedure starts from the back, then goes to the sleeves, shoulders and finally the collar. If you do not have a steamer, it is recommended to use an iron with a similar built-in function. Before doing this, you can sprinkle the item with a little water. Keep the iron a little closer than the steamer, but without touching the fabric.

At the end of the procedure, you need to remove the item in a suspended state, away from any sources of heat, in order to cool down and remove the moisture completely.

How to iron a wool coat

wool coatWhen ironing wool clothes, you must strictly follow the instructions and do not try to do everything quickly.Each item has its own cut, which can easily be ruined by a careless approach.

You can iron a wool coat with a simple iron:

  • The delicate mode is set at the lowest power;
  • It is recommended to cover the clothes with gauze and then iron (if it does not iron, you can add power);
  • If the coat is turned inside out, you do not need to resort to the gauze method, but it is strongly recommended to use it from the outside;
  • It is necessary to carefully and promptly correct and iron wrinkled areas, even if this has been done previously;
  • The seams of the coat should be ironed with the nose of the iron, the last step.

Items made from cashmere and alpaca wool are recommended to be ironed after completely drying. If you neglect this factor, you can leave white spots on the coat (this is especially important if the material is black).

When using a high iron power when ironing, there is a possibility of micro-scorches and holes appearing in the material. Therefore, if in doubt, it is recommended to use a steamer or a special function in the iron.

Care instructions

  • When washing coats by hand, it is not recommended to rub the fabric against each other. It is enough to carefully turn over and compress the product, after placing it in a special bag for washing. With this approach, the likelihood of unnecessary folds will be significantly reduced;
  • At the end of the washing process, there is no need to twist or wring out the material. It is enough to hang it over a basin or bathtub to drain off excess moisture;
  • When washing, it is recommended to use special fabric softeners. This will add freshness, softness and reduce the risk of unnecessary wrinkles;
  • It is recommended to iron a wool coat when it is not completely dry (there are exceptions, so you should carefully read the instructions on the tag).

how to steam a coat with an ironIn order for the item to remain neat and new in appearance longer, you must strictly follow the listed rules. If you have any doubts about the idea of ​​washing and ironing your coat yourself, you can take it to the dry cleaner and entrust the job to professionals. Specialists will return the original appearance to any type of fabric.

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