Pensioners are increasingly accused of shoplifting

We all remember the outrageous case when store security guards gave a pensioner a heart attack because she allegedly stole a stick of butter. It all ended tragically, the woman died right at the table of the “interrogation” room, while waiting for law enforcement officers. All this was filmed by supermarket video cameras and the incident received wide resonance among the masses. But is this an isolated case and was it a case of theft?

What the statistics say

Every day law enforcement officers receive many calls regarding thefts from stores. And although the law provides for quite serious punishment for stolen goods in the form of fines and even criminal liability, according to sales representatives and security guards, the situation in this regard is only getting worse.

what the statistics say

The greatest resonance in society and heated debate was caused by information that appeared on the Internet that about half of shoplifters are pensioners.

Is it really?

According to the security service, the contingent of dishonest buyers is quite wide.Among those who were actually caught red-handed, along with very poor people, there are also quite wealthy ones. They are trying to take “what is bad” both young and old. Only for some it is a kind of fun to increase adrenaline, while for others it is an attempt to overcome a serious need. Maybe for poor old ladies a pack of cottage cheese for 120 rubles. – this is the only way to survive on their meager pension.

And it would be nice if a stick of butter or a stick of sausage ended up in the pockets of pensioners. Among them there are many who earn a serious living in clothing and shoe stores, making full money from it.

In the Russian Federation, there is a certain community of “shoplifters” or shoplifters who do this professionally and sometimes earn money that you and I can only dream about. So this industry offers its participants special devices for purchase to facilitate fishing. And a large number of customers and community members are people over 50.

pensioner steals clothes

Enterprising old men place bets on their age. Firstly, no one will think about him, security will not closely monitor his grandparents in a clothing or shoe store, and if he is caught, he can easily be blamed on age, forgetfulness and inattention. Again, due to age, most likely, such a “messer” will be acquitted and amicably released. While a young man or girl caught doing this has every chance of driving off in a “bobby” to the police station.

Is there any reliable confirmation of this?

It is impossible to say unequivocally that the majority of shoplifting occurs among pensioners, because... No one keeps any special statistics. And even with voluntary compensation for damage, employees of retail outlets prefer not to involve the police.

Representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs unanimously note that the collective image of this group of people represents a kind of social cross-section of existing society. And the main problem here is not the age of the thieves, but their insufficient material security, or painful dependence on alcohol and drugs.

supermarket security

However, talk that older people quite often “trash” stores does not subside. Although they admit that they steal, as a rule, for a small amount, hiding food in the pockets of bags and coats. When catching such “nonsense”, guards usually take into account their age, health status and senile sclerosis caused by memory impairment.

Can their actions be justified?

Some compassionate citizens are confident that it is impossible to condemn pensioners who, if they commit a crime, it is solely due to their poverty and illness. And they steal not from ordinary people, but from wealthy capitalists, solely for the purpose of improving the family’s diet and saving their meager budget.

In addition, stores are unlikely to suffer losses from this, since the price of goods initially includes approximately 7% to compensate for losses from theft. This serves as a “safety cushion” for operating personnel.


While the majority of respectable citizens are quite understandably outraged by this behavior of the older generation, rightly believing that there is no justification for unseemly actions.

Firstly, this is a negative example for young people, serving as one of the motives for creating entire communities of shoplifters, or simply shoplifters.

Secondly, the majority of the population of our country, including families with children, live on a small salary, which is not much higher than the minimum pension.Therefore, many are asking the question: should we also engage in “liberation of goods”?

Third, if the total amount of stolen goods exceeds the limit included in the cost of goods, then the missing funds will be withheld from the wages of ordinary workers.

Thus, the existence of a problem is obvious and cannot be hushed up. Is it worth justifying such actions?

Let's look from the perspective of the average person. Teachers, educators and doctors have the same low wages as their pensions - should they also go steal then? Yes, life is difficult for many people now and, of course, the market is unlikely to be closed because of a stolen pack of butter or a can of sprat. But we must not forget about the existing moral principles and moral standards of human society, guided only by the animal instincts of satiating our stomach.

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