How to steam a jacket at home

Man's jacketA jacket is a unisex wardrobe item, popular and loved not only by adherents of business style clothing, but also by other stylish people who love to dress well. Often, jackets are made of fabric that wrinkles easily and requires special care - ironing out wrinkles on such a fabric will not be easy, especially if you have no experience. There is a way out - you just need to steam the clothes well.

What you need to steam a jacket at home

In fact, all you need is steam. You can purchase special equipment for caring for clothes - a steamer. It is suitable not only for bringing jackets, cardigans and vests into decent shape, but also for all other easily wrinkled and creased fabrics.

On a note!

If you don’t want to buy a special steaming device, you can choose an iron with a similar function already built-in.

Iron with steam functionSuch models are quite popular and are often found on the market; they are very easy to use - you just need to pour water into a special tank and press the steam button.

Steaming a jacket at home: the best ways

We offer several effective ways to steam a jacket at home:

  • There will be no problems with the steamer. Hang the jacket on a hanger in the place where it will be most convenient for you to start processing, and steam over all problem areas. There is no need to rush, since it will still not be possible to speed up the process manually - If you touch the fabric with your hands, you can leave new creases.

Using a steamer

  • To steam with an iron, you will need an ironing board or any other flat surface without uneven surfaces. Open the jacket and place it with the lining facing down. Turn on the steam mode and carefully iron all the folds: it is better to start from the back, and finish with the sleeves and lapels.

Steaming a jacket with an iron through the fabric

  • If you don’t have a steamer or an iron with this function, but you need to iron urgently and efficiently, there is another option. Run a hot bath for 10–15 minutes or run a shower in an open shower stall. This time is enough for the entire room to be filled with hot steam. After this, as quickly as possible, take the jacket into the bathroom on a hanger and wait another 5-10 minutes - the hot steam will straighten out all the folds.

Steaming a jacket in the shower

The easiest way is the first one. However, in emergency cases, the latter can also be used.

Steaming a jacket yourself: detailed instructions

Proper steaming of a jacket with an ironEven if you have never tidied up jackets on your own before, it’s okay - if you follow all safety rules, the likelihood of burning or otherwise damaging the usually dense fabric is small.

How to steam a jacket with an iron:

To steam a jacket with an iron, follow the instructions:

  1. Find a hard surface, preferably smooth and without noticeable irregularities.In the absence of an ironing board - a table, a hard pouf, several stools, a clean floor.
  2. Look at the label on the collar or lining - the optimal temperature for ironing will be indicated there. Set it up on the iron.
  3. If the iron has a steam function, fill the reservoir with water and wait. If there is no such function, you can spray the fabric a little with water from a household spray bottle before using the device.
  4. Unbutton your jacket and place it with the lining down. You need to start ironing from the back. Then - edges with lapels, sleeves last.
  5. Do not put it on immediately; let the fabric cool for at least five minutes.

The brand of the iron and its cost do not matter - only the skill that is acquired after one or two attempts is important.

Practical tips on how to steam a jacket at home

Get into the habit of hanging your jacket on hangersWe offer a few tips that will greatly simplify your work, or make it unnecessary at all:

  • Try not to let your clothes get to the point where they cannot be ironed without steam. Use hangers, try to get into the habit of putting clothes back in their place.
  • Buy a small spray bottle if you don't need a steam iron. They are cheap and more effective than mouth spray. Do not store water in them for several ironing sessions - it will stagnate and have a persistent unpleasant odor. It is best to rinse the container after each use.
  • Do not keep the steam source near the fabric for too long. Steam is water in a gaseous state and its excess can moisten the jacket so much that the high temperature will not dry it out.
  • The same applies to the method with a bathroom full of steam. Watch the time, otherwise the fabric will simply get wet and become covered with additional folds from the moisture, wrinkled under its weight.


To avoid getting burned, do not forget about safety precautions when using the iron and steamer.

Where is it better to steam a jacket: at home or at the dry cleaner?

Steaming a jacket at the dry cleanerDry cleaning services are relatively inexpensive and can be very useful for a person with limited home space or time pressure. For parents of several schoolchildren, it may be much more profitable to turn to specialists, just like a man or woman who has a lot of such wardrobe items.

When financial conditions allow you to take things to the dry cleaner regularly without experiencing inconvenience, then this is an excellent solution. In a special institution, processing is carried out at a high level, using technology. In cases where this is not possible, there is no need to be upset - after about your third home steaming, you will get the result no worse.

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