What is a jacket lapel

The jacket is not a simple design. The product requires time and attention to detail, regardless of whether it is made to individual or standard measurements. The design is complex and consists of various parts: lapel, buttonhole, edging, collar, etc. In this article we will understand what a lapel is.

lapel characteristicsThe lapels are located on the top of the jacket. They are folds of fabric that reach the beginning of the buttons.

The word comes from the German "latz" with a diminutive suffix. Translated: “loop, cord.” On the left side of the product there is a small loop (attached to the back of the lapel) into which the flower is threaded. This is done at weddings or formal events.

Initially, this word was used to describe lapels on uniforms. Then - an additional piece of fabric, which is attached to the ceremonial suit. By the 20th century, they were preserved only by the Guards regiments.

Types of lapels

types of lapelsThe part appeared a long time ago, but has since changed its functions. Initially, this was additional protection from strong winds: they could be raised and fastened with a button.Now it is a decoration, an integral part of the jacket. For their intended purpose, they are used for sewing outerwear for hunting and some models of jackets.

Although not all designers and fashion historians approve of the appearance of lapels, they are still the most remarkable part of the jacket.

Currently, there are 3 standard shapes for the product: straight, sharp and shawl. But modern designers vary the shape and create new models of standard jewelry.

Rectangular (straight)

rectangular lapelA classic, simple option that goes well with single-breasted jackets. The collar meets the lapel at a pointed angle. Visually, the resulting cutout looks like the letter V. It comes in wide, narrow and medium sizes. If you're looking for a versatile option or your first jacket, opt for this one: with medium-sized embellishment. It is suitable for casual, everyday, office style: you can wear it to an interview, to the office, or for a walk. For wedding suits, the V-shaped version is often used.


peak lapelAnother name is swallow's wing; came from foreign fashion. These elements are distinguished by pointed, elongated edges. The size of the element can be small or reach the shoulder. But such products cannot be found in a store; they can only be sewn to order from a tailor. An almost obligatory attribute of a double-breasted jacket, less often - a single-breasted one. This is a more festive option - suitable for tuxedos. Short men should pay attention to it: such a jacket will add volume to the shoulders and make the figure more masculine.

Sharp additions were fashionable back in the 16th century: high-ranking officials at court were given outerwear with pointed lapels. They were designed for protection from the wind.

Shawl (solid)

shawl or solid lapelThis is a single piece of fabric; collar that goes into the lapel.Initially, such products were an attribute of gentlemen who went to men's clubs. It is used only when sewing tuxedos, evening or designer jackets. A chic and stately item of clothing. The standard cut is simple, but talented tailors create various variations: they make it narrower, wider, longer, shorter, and use contrasting colors and textures. You should choose such a product only for a tuxedo or a tasteful look.

Differences in width and length

Each designer or tailor chooses his own parameters for each lapel. The future style and functionality of the product depends on this. Previously, outerwear was decorated with wide lapels: this is explained by the purpose of the products and the fashion features of past centuries. Modern fashion gives preference to narrower options. The decoration should look natural and natural. It should not stand out from the general idea of ​​the product, but serve as its continuation and addition. The parameters depend on the personal preferences of the designer or the future owner of the jacket. The length and width are selected depending on the style or individual characteristics of the person.

The number of buttons also affects the shape of the lapels. The length of the decoration varies depending on the design. If 4 buttons are used when sewing, the lapels will be shorter, if 2 buttons will be longer.

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