Why is there a second button on the jacket?

Why is there a second button on a jacket?There are several assumptions explaining the purpose of the second button on the blazer. For a complete understanding, it is necessary to consider all versions.

Main version

The main version is that designers sew it on to complement the look and make the blazer elegant and stylish. In addition, designers cut vests and blazers with the expectation that the bottom fittings will be undone.

Other versions

According to another version, the second button serves as a spare in case the top button is lost. According to the third version, the modern jacket with 2 accessories originated from a frock coat, the last button of which was located above the waist. That is why, in most cases, a blazer has 2 fittings. However, there are also jackets with one or three buttons.

Second button on the jacket

Why is it not customary to fasten it?

The second hardware on the blazer is left unbuttoned because this is one of the rules of etiquette. Where did this rule come from? There are three main assumptions to explain the emergence of this tradition.

The first version belongs to the USSR.According to her, the bottom fittings are not buttoned because when sitting, the blazer begins to wrinkle, which makes a person look sloppy, and constantly unbuttoning and fastening a button is indecent.

Buttons on a jacket

The second version originates in the Wild West, where there was a saying “God made us different, but Colt made us equal.” The unfastened second fitting gave an advantage over the enemy of several seconds. However, the films do not confirm this.

The third explanation has English roots. If you believe him, then the first person to introduce the fashion with the second button undone is Edward VII, the British monarch. He had a problem with excess weight, and that is why he began to unbutton the bottom fittings on his jacket and vest. However, most likely, it was not a matter of weight, because Edward VII followed fashion very closely - he introduced into fashion the well-known ironed creases on trousers, as well as a hat, which replaced the top hat and was made of thin dense felt. But he began to unbutton the lower fittings of his vest because of his protruding belly.

Over time, the British monarch began to unbutton the top button, and only the middle one remained buttoned on the jacket.

Second button on the jacket

Modern jackets generally have 2 fittings, but sometimes there are models with 1 or 3. In any case, you need to adhere to a simple rule: “The first is fastened at your discretion, the second is always fastened, and the third is never.” In the case of two, you should always leave the second button undone.

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