How to tie a belt on a dress beautifully?

Luxurious red bow on the beltThe belt can rightfully be called not only decorative, but also quite a functional accessory.

Using such a detail, you can radically change the looks made up of familiar wardrobe elements, thereby emphasizing individuality.

To tie such a product on a dress in the most suitable way, you need to take into account all the nuances of your build and know a few simple techniques.

What is a belt?

A belt is a strip made of a certain material, designed to be tied at the waist or hips.

A lanyard can also be used as an accessory of this type.

Belt embroidered with beadsSuch wardrobe items are made by weaving threads, joining small strips of leather, or embroidering with satin stitch or beads.

Belt with embroiderySuch a product is a constructive addition to a dress, allowing you not only to effectively decorate an outfit, but also to highlight advantages and reliably hide flaws.

Shapes and types of belts

There are many varieties of such products, differing in style and shape. Models made from lightweight materials are in most cases decorated in the form of bows or knots. The most popular models are those made from leather or thick fabrics.

Leather beltsLeather products with buckle They harmonize perfectly with viscose, knitted and denim dresses. If such a medium-length leather accessory is tied with a simple knot around the waist, it will look very elegant. A belt worn on the hips will visually increase your height.

Reference! On thin and tall representatives of the fair sex, a dress with a bow-shaped belt attached to the back looks good.

Main types of belts:

Classic model - an accessory in the form of a strip, up to 5 cm wide. Leather and hard wicker products are usually fastened with a buckle.

Belt with beads and sequinsElastic belt – such an accessory makes sense to be worn exclusively at the waist line. A product of this type can be medium in width or quite wide. Often such things are decorated with original buckles.

Bow belt with elastic band

Bow belt with elastic band

Belt – model equipped with a buckle clasp on the front side and special holes for fixing. Such products are often made of leather or thick textiles.

Luxurious belt with claspSash – this model was at one time successfully borrowed from the men's wardrobe. This is an elongated wide product with slightly tapered ends.

Corset – a rather wide product, giving the image elegance and slight playfulness. Equally well suited to business, evening and wedding outfits. Perfect for those with a pear-shaped figure.

Belt corset on dressImportant! A corset will visually define the waist for women with rectangular proportions.

Belts can be short, medium or long.Long models look the most beautiful.

How to tie a belt on a dress?

There are many different ways to effectively tie such a product onto a dress. For example, you can make an intricate knot by threading the belt through the buckle, wrapping it twice and passing the rest of the belt through the resulting loops.

Belt with rhinestones on an evening dressYou can tie a similar accessory to a dress in the form of a loose loop. To do this you need to do the following:

  • fold the product in half and place it behind your back;
  • place the ends in front of you;
  • thread them into the loop formed on the other half of the belt and tighten.

It is advisable to construct such a structure only from non-slip materials. This tying option is not suitable for satin and silk belts.

Types of belts on a wedding dressThey are also highly popular nodes – single or double simple. To tie a single knot, you need to wrap the belt around your waist, thread its free end into the buckle, push it under the belt from below, and then down through the formed loop, and then tighten it well. This accessory can be tied in a similar way both at the front and at the back.

How to tie a belt on a dressOne of the easiest and most preferred methods is tie such a product on a dress with a bow. This can be done in various ways.

Classic bow

An accessory tied in this way will adequately decorate not only a modest everyday outfit, but also a festive dress.

Bow on the back of the dressThis The bow is tied as follows:

  • the product must be placed behind your back, holding its ends in front of you;
  • the right end must be overlapped with the left. and tie;
  • make a neat loop from the lower end;
  • lower the other end down. and fix it with your finger in the place of the knot;
  • make another knot, avoiding twisting of the fabric;
  • tighten and straighten the product, aligning the length of the loops.

Classic bow on the waistband of the dressSatin ribbons tied in a bow drape perfectly and provide a beautiful design.

Half bow

It is an interesting drop-down design. Tying a belt this way is quite simple:

  • the product must be placed behind your back, placing the ends in front of you;
  • place the right tip under the left, which must be passed inward, as if forming a half-knot;
  • place the upper tip down under the second;
  • on the section of the belt remaining in your hands, measure 10-15 cm from the intersection with the free section;
  • bend it, forming half of the half-bow, and pull the resulting loop into the knot.

Corrugated bow

Half bow on the belt
This method is well suited for medium-width models made from airy non-slip fabrics. The sequence of actions in this case is as follows:

  • you need to fold the product in the form of an accordion (four bends are enough);
  • carefully wrap the belt around your waist and tie with a simple double knot;
  • straighten the ends of the product.

Corrugated bow on the beltThose who consider the bow and its varieties to be an insufficiently original method of tying a belt on a dress, can make an original textile flower from a half-bow. This option is suitable for fairly wide products (from 15 cm or more).

It is necessary to take one eye of the half-bow in the middle and pass it under the knot from the inside of the structure. This will create a semblance of a flower with two light folds. To secure the resulting structure, it is recommended to secure it with pins. A similar option can be used for vintage dresses and retro looks.

Flower on the beltAdvice! Do not tie the belt too tightly. It should only fit around the waist.

Strap combination

If you have a large collection of straps, you can fix them on the dress in an unusual way by twisting them together. The hanging tips will serve as decorative tassels.

You can also weave a voluminous braid from several belts. This option will look very original on the dress. To beautifully tie the resulting braid, you need to pass the end of the product through the buckle, insert it under the belt, then up, and then down. After this, the end must be passed under the belt and pulled into a loop.

Different belts on the dressPopular youth option? Without passing the end of the product through the buckle, place it under the belt, bring it up and secure it in the buckle.

It’s easy to make a corset from a few more thin straps. For this purpose, you will have to make one long product from several straps and, wrapping it around your waist, fasten the ends.

Important! With the help of a skillfully designed belt, you can make your belly less noticeable.

Original belt on the dressIn the wardrobe of any modern representative of the fair sex, a belt is a very significant detail. It allows you not only to secure clothes in a certain way, but also to decorate even a boring and inexpressive dress in an original way. No matter how the belt changes its color and shape, it will always remain relevant.

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