How to wash a wedding dress at home?

A wedding is one of the main events in the life of every girl. An integral part of this celebration is a beautiful wedding dress. But at the end of the day it can get dirty. What can I do to make the dress return its former snow-white appearance? How to wash it at home?

Can I wash it myself?

choice of dressIn most cases, to avoid unnecessary hassle, the dress is taken to the dry cleaner. However, this method does not always have positive consequences. Aggressive detergents can destroy the structure of thin fabrics from which the product is made, and it will be irretrievably lost.

It will be much more productive, and most importantly, cheaper, to remove the contaminants yourself, in accordance with their origin. A information indicated on the label, will tell you what type of fabric you are working with and how to properly care for it. Most often, it is a synthetic material that can be washed both manually and mechanically.Therefore, cleaning your dress at home is very easy!

How to wash a wedding dress with your own hands?

dress on the bedFirst, you should pay attention to which areas of clothing are contaminated. Most often this is the bottom of the dress, where dust and dirt from the floor accumulate. Also cleaning The parts of the dress located in the armpit area and the inside of the dress are subject to this.

Sometimes a dress has decorative elements in its design (beads, rhinestones, etc.). Therefore, there is a possibility that after water gets on them, the jewelry will come off.

If this part of the dress requires cleaning, then remember how the decor was placed so that you can restore it later. Provided that this place will not be erased, but may get wet, seal it with film and tape. These dresses can only be washed by hand!

Machine washing - subtleties

If you decide to get rid of dirt using a washing machine, follow these recommendations:

  • How to wash a wedding dress at home in a machineTo maintain the shape of the product, turn it inside out;
  • it should be placed in a special fabric bag designed for washing delicate fabrics. This device will protect the fabric from deformation;
  • the temperature should not exceed 30 degrees. Select the delicate (hand) wash mode and set the product to rinse additionally. Turn off spin;
  • After finishing washing, the product should be immediately sent to dry.

What means can be used?

Wedding dresses are made from delicate fabrics and require the use of appropriate detergents:

  • dress in the bathroomsoft (baby) washing powders;
  • laundry or baby soap.
  • Folk remedies will also help:
  • brine;
  • sparkling water;
  • milk;
  • vinegar solution, etc.

Important! When washing, do not use chlorine-based detergents! They can destroy the fragile base of the fabric, leaving a hole or streaks.

How to get rid of various types of stains?

Each stain needs its own approach and its own remedy. Experts make the following recommendations:

  • brideLaundry soap will help eliminate odor and traces of sweat. A mixture of soda, washing powder and hydrogen peroxide will also help in the fight against this pollution. It should be applied to the desired area of ​​clothing, wait a couple of hours, then rinse. An excellent solution would be soaking in a concentrated solution of water, salt and soda (2 tbsp mixture per 100 ml of water);
  • Hot water will remove traces of wine. You should place a piece of clothing under the stream of such water;
  • the champagne stain must be poured with sparkling water;
  • Milk will help remove traces of ink and paint. The contaminated area should be placed in hot milk for 30 minutes. Then you need to rinse the product.

How to clean a corset?

corset cleaningIf the dress is based on a corset, It only needs to be washed by hand! It should be wetted as little as possible. The corset must not be deformed or squeezed, and can only be cleaned with soft-coated items!

Cleaning can be done using folk remedies. Apply a mixture of 4 parts ammonia, the same amount of water and 1 part salt to the contaminated areas and wait 2-3 hours. Then place the corset in water with the detergent mixed in it in a horizontal position. Do not soak the product, but immediately start cleaning, then rinse.

Household chemicals will also help to clean the corset. When choosing a product, pay attention to its composition.

How to wash the bottom of a skirt?

The bottom of the dress most often contains traces of dirt and grass.You can get rid of them in the following ways:

  • dress before and after washingLaundry soap will help remove dirt. Apply it to the soft side of the sponge and use circular movements to remove dirt from the desired area. Afterwards, you need to rinse this part of the product in cold running water until the foam disappears;
  • to remove traces of grass, use a mixture of laundry soap shavings and ammonia. Leave the product on for 30 minutes and rinse off.

How to dry and iron correctly?

Proper drying of a dress is the key to its appearance in the future. There are several ways to do this correctly:

  • lush wedding dressdrying on a hanger will allow the product to spontaneously stretch and straighten. True, if it is made of highly stretchable fabrics, this method should be abandoned;
  • Drying on a horizontal surface will allow the dress to dry evenly and retain its original shape. First, let excess water drain from the product - install a grate in the bathroom and place the dress on it. Afterwards, lay it out on a white fabric, be sure to smooth out all the folds and seams.

Important! After washing, do not wring out the dress!

Before ironing, check the surface on which you will do it - it must be perfectly clean. To avoid stains transferring to the product, cover the ironing board with a white sheet and proceed:

  • if the dress is made of satin fabric, it must be ironed from the wrong side so that the fabric retains its original shine;
  • If there are laces on it, then they should be ironed through the fabric. Cotton or muslin cloth should be placed on the top and bottom of the product. Ironing must be done on a delicate setting;
  • Chiffon and tulle can only be ironed using a steamer.This can be done either by holding the dress over a boiling pan and straightening it, or usually using an iron. A professional tool would be an excellent solution.

Now you know that using simple methods and minimal physical effort, you can put your wedding dress in order. All you have to do is add a little patience and perseverance!

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