Is it possible to sell a wedding dress?

Selling a wedding dress is a matter of faith, so there are no specific recommendations on this matter. However, a wedding is such a significant event in the life of every person that everything associated with it involuntarily acquires symbolic meaning.

It is worth separating two concepts: a wedding dress and a wedding dress. Nowadays, the marriage process is often limited to registration at the registry office; not every couple goes down the aisle. But it is the wedding dress, according to legend, that is endowed with the power that the people attribute to it.

When can you sell a wedding dress?

short wedding dressAccording to popular belief, a wedding dress cannot be sold: it becomes a symbol of the family hearth and a talisman of the family. In the old days, such outfits were passed down by inheritance, but this tradition also had a practical basis: dresses were richly decorated and were very expensive, so they were kept in the house as a family heirloom and passed from mother to daughter.

Nowadays, the cost of a bride’s outfit is sometimes comparable to the price of a good used foreign car, so the issue of selling it has moved from the sphere of tradition to the sphere of practicality, since a young family often needs money.

dressesFolk wisdom does not give specific recommendations regarding the timing of selling a bride’s outfit.: someone says that you can do this after 12 months from the wedding day, and someone does not advise selling the dress earlier than 3 years after the celebration.

However, everyone agrees that you can safely get rid of the outfit if the marriage turns out to be fragile. Another question, How would another bride feel about such a purchase?: according to legend, a wedding dress carries the energy of its owner and, by passing it on to another girl, the ex-wife passes on her troubles to the new owner.

Important! Popular wisdom says that it is better to burn a wedding dress after a divorce: all the troubles of its owner will burn with it.

If the bride is not burdened with superstitions

girl looking at dressIf a girl does not believe in omens, then she does not face the problem of whether to sell or not sell the dress. An expensive outfit can significantly improve the family budget, but white fabric still turns yellow and deteriorates over time. But it's worth remembering that Reselling even once worn clothing does not allow you to get more than a third of the original cost for it.

Like any item, the dress must undergo pre-sale preparation:

  • clothes need to be cleaned;
  • break off amulets and personal marks;
  • It is not advisable to wash it yourself, as it may lose its presentation;
  • If you take your dress to the dry cleaner, you can increase its resale value.

When is it not advisable to sell it?

If it is possible to store a wedding dress and there is no urgent need for money, then it is better not to sell it. The dress is a symbol of family and carries the energy of happiness and joyful excitement.

Important! Signs say that a wedding dress is endowed with healing powers: you can cover a sick child with it and read a prayer - recovery will come quickly. A veil at the head of a crib can protect the baby from the evil eye.

What signs regulate this?

green wedding dressIt is especially important to keep the dress in the house if the family is happy: it is believed that by passing it on, the wife, as the keeper of the family hearth, gives her happiness to another.

In addition, according to legend, such a dress can be damaged, thereby upsetting the family idyll and leading the couple to divorce.

Is it acceptable to rent out after the wedding? What are the risks?

lush wedding dressTo ensure that an expensive item does not “stand idle” and generate income, you can rent out the dress. This is especially true for ensembles from the latest fashion collections: they are, as a rule, incredibly expensive, and for some girls, rental is the only opportunity to show off in such an outfit. So there will definitely be people who want it.

However, there are pitfalls here: the hostess risks getting the dress back with stains or holes, so it is better to discuss the issue of compensation for such troubles in advance.

Additional elements: what to do with them?

Signs say that it is better to leave some wedding suit accessories at home. Especially it concerns veil, which has long been considered to protect the bride from the evil eye. If there was no veil in the wedding ensemble, you can leave the gloves.

How to avoid possible consequences after the sale?

There are several rules, determined by age-old wisdom, on how to protect yourself and the buyer after selling your wedding dress:

  • cross the back of the departing new owner three times and cross herself three times;
  • Do not give anything from home to anyone for 7 days.

It is believed that such measures will be able to protect both owners of the wedding ensemble and the family hearth from troubles.

Church rules regarding the sale of dresses

dresses on hangersThe Russian Orthodox Church has always been opposed to superstition and the worship of things. Therefore, the answer is clear: there is nothing wrong with giving or selling a wedding dress. In ancient times, due to the high cost of wedding attire, this was considered a normal practice. According to church canons, a wedding is the condescension of God’s grace into the hearts of the newlyweds, and the outfit here is just a beautiful attribute of the celebration.

Thus, the fate of a wedding dress can be decided in two ways, depending on the worldview of the hostess:

  • if a woman believes in omens, it is better to refuse to sell it, since negative thoughts can “attract” negative events;
  • if superstitions for a young wife are nothing more than part of folklore, the outfit can be safely sold.

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