Ridiculous wedding dresses that everyone laughed at

A wedding celebration is one of the main events in the life of any woman. And on this day, everyone wants to be the most beautiful in order to attract people's views. But sometimes the bride, in her desire to stand out, reaches the point of absurdity. And instead of the graceful and beautiful princess from the fairy tale, an absurd and funny clown appears. To prove this, let's look at some real-life examples.

Ridiculous wedding dresses that everyone laughed at

When a wedding dress doesn't decorate

There are a lot of photographs circulating on the Internet that can be displayed under one slogan: “Don’t take an example from these women!” After all, the first thing that comes to mind when you look at them is that they didn’t look at all in the mirror, otherwise they wouldn’t look so ridiculous.

Let's figure out why this happened.

The dress does not fit your figure or the wrong size is chosen

out of shape

The bride in this photo looks like she's wearing her prom dress. Moreover, this celebration took place in kindergarten! Not only is it looks childish, so the outfit also emphasizes her fullness.

Excessive neckline that slides away from the voluminous hemispheres


At first glance you cannot tell what is the reason for this embarrassment. Maybe the culprit is loose lacing on the bodice or stretched bodice straps. But it seems that the dress is about to expose her already not particularly attractive breasts.

The outfit does not take into account the features of the figure

small breasts

As a result, The bride's chest looks too small, and her shoulders, on the contrary, look too large. And also this ridiculous train. This attire turns the bride into a singer from a second-rate cabaret.

An outfit that hides little


Reference! According to the rules of decency, one area of ​​a dress may be exposed: the neckline, legs or back.

The combination of several naked areas is a sign of vulgarity.

Dress beyond the bounds of decency

The bride's next outfit goes beyond reasonable decency and leaves no room for male imagination.

overly frank

It seems that the girl in the picture is simply wrapped in a narrow piece of material, and at the slightest movement or blow of wind it will fly off her.

A dress that makes everything ridiculous

This robe is amazing in its absurdity! Red and white color, a hem that resembles a tutu with a tail, and an incomprehensible design on the legs!


The last line gives the appearance a special disharmony. This design is reminiscent of lace gaiters.

A dress with too much extra

You just want to rip off everything unnecessary from the last heroine’s outfit.

a lot of unnecessary stuff

Due to the abundance of frills, ribbons and artificial buds, the outfit resembles beggar’s rags, which was sewn from whatever came to hand.

Examples can be given endlessly! Many people strive to create an unusual image that will be remembered by the participants of the celebration for many years, but at the same time they often do not notice how cross the line between stylish originality and ridiculous extravagance.

Important! The bride should personify airiness, tenderness and softness - both external and internal.

Celebrity brides you shouldn't imitate

Do not think that the absurdity of wedding dresses is inherent in ordinary people. “Star” brides sometimes dress no less extravagantly. But many girls use celebrity outfits as role models.

Let's see which clothes should not be used as a style canon.

Marina Anisina

The famous figure skater chose to use not only an unconventional color for her look, but also a shortened hem. This turned her into some kind of cartoon heroine.


Important! White is considered the traditional color for brides' clothing.

Carrie Bradshaw

At her wedding, she looked like she was wearing someone else's dress.


This fact is especially emphasized a loose bodice that bristles with emptiness.

Tatiana Volosozhar


Large floral fragments sewn onto the transparent fabric of the top were supposed to give the look a sexy look. But instead it turned out to be a tacky, vulgar look.

Katie Price

The wedding took place on the beach, where the bride managed to distinguish herself.


Her the outfit reveals too much of the figure, crossing the boundaries of decency: legs and back are open.

Jessica Chastain

She kept the traditional cut of the wedding dress, but used the wrong fabric.


The mesh material spoiled the impression of a beautiful cut and slender figure.

Lolita Milyavskaya

The singer loves to shock the public with her extravagant outfits, but her wedding dress went beyond what was acceptable!


It not only offers a wonderful view of the breasts, but also excessively exposes the singer's legs.

Now you know how not to dress for your own wedding so as not to look ridiculous like these brides.

Reviews and comments
WITH Stanislava:

This is not Jessica Chistain

A A:

Yes, at least you should wear everything exactly on your first wedding night...... Ut

E Elena:

This is not Jessica Chastain...

AND Ilya:

Jessica Parker tried to get married like that in the TV series “That's It in the Big City”, but not in real life!!!!


The worst photo is from Dzhigurda’s wedding, and Milyavskaya also distinguished herself. The rest can be forgiven, they are just people and they don’t have stylists.

B Berta:

Katie Price's dress is made of swimsuit material. Beach wedding, just something to write about

C Conundrum:

The article is full of sexism and ignorance.

M Marina:

Dzhigurda's wife stole my idea

G Galina:

This is how the name of the heroine is written, not the actress.

G Galina:

Erica Christensen

E Annie:

I don’t even know what the author of this article has more: hypocrisy, his own complexes or unprofessionalism?

L Laysan:

That's why they wrote Carrie Bradshaw and not Jessica Arker)

WITH owl:

God, what a stupid article, starting from the stereotypes “every woman dreams” to “leaves no scope for male imagination.” What does this have to do with men and their fantasies in general? The point of a wedding dress, like any other clothing, is to please the person who wears it!

T Tatiana:

Author, you wrote everything correctly. But I know from experience that almost all brides are not inclined to listen to outside advice, and stubbornly look for the dress that they got into their heads after seeing a beautiful picture of a model. They don’t care at all whether it matches their figure, age, height and general decency. And the last comment is completely ridiculous. The point of a wedding dress is to make the bride beautiful. And those whom we saw above just chose the one they like. The result is obvious: absurd, funny, vulgar. I agree on one thing: everyone chooses for themselves whether to look like a beauty or a tasteless fool. And be responsible for your choice.

G Gennady:

And here's about Tatiana Volosozhar's dress with sewn fragments. I personally liked the dress. Attractive and decent. Looks beautiful. You might just be jealous…..

A Alice:

the author is quite adequate in his comments

WITH Svetlana:

I agree with the author on all points.


