Dress for a girl presenter of a concert: how to choose and make it yourself, photo



When creating the image of a girl presenter, it is important to maintain a balance of formal evening style and a restrained dress code. Even if a girl has a lot of dresses, sometimes it is difficult to choose the right one for such an important event as a concert. Especially when the girl needs to regularly go on stage to announce the next participants. In this material you will find examples and descriptions with photos of images of what a girl leading a concert might look like.

General recommendations for choosing images for a girl presenter

The first rule of the presenters' club is convenience. If the dress for a girl presenter is too narrow at the bottom, then it will hinder her step, which is not always convenient in a concert setting, when the presenter must quickly go on stage, climb stairs or assist participants. Special attention should be paid to shoes: they should be as comfortable as possible so that the girl presenter can stand (or walk) in them throughout the concert.Accessories should not be provocative or attract undue attention. Moreover, bulky or overly shocking decorations will primarily interfere with the presenter herself (this does not apply to the case when the event is themed and the appearance of the main persons is dictated by the dress code).

Monochrome dress for the image of a girl presenter



A classic black or black and white fitted dress with an imitation blouse will be a win-win option for almost any school event. And in addition with pumps with low heels it will become even more impressive. As an alternative to a dress for the image of a girl presenter, you can choose a suit consisting of a jacket, jacket and skirt, but in this case the chosen set should be more elegant than a casual look. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the fabric and its condition: it can be satin or matte, it is important that the product is ironed and there are no snags on it. A monochrome dress for a girl presenter, despite its apparent simplicity, obliges you to carefully monitor the condition of things: any defect (especially if the stage is illuminated by spotlights) will be even more noticeable. It is worth abandoning bright accessories; the main emphasis will be on the design of the dress and the fabric itself. Naturally, for such a strict look you need an appropriate hairstyle: it is better to abandon loose hair in favor of a high ponytail or a voluminous bun; the so-called shell hairstyle, which is suitable for both a festive event and daily wear, will be a universal solution.

Plain dress for a girl presenter

Another worthy option would be a plain dress in a muted dark shade.Dark shades of blue, green, and purple will look good. It is better to abandon pastel colors and light shades for practical reasons, otherwise the girl presenter may spend the entire evening with a trace of a ballpoint pen quite noticeable against a light background. Special attention should be paid to the style: it is better to give preference to a straight or fitted cut.

What is not recommended for a girl presenter of a concert to wear?

Even if the event is formal, you should not forget about the unspoken rules of the image of the girl presenter. Otherwise, you will feel awkward watching videos of the concert.

When composing the image of a leading girl, you should exclude:

  • Dresses in neon bright colors. An effective presenter should not overshadow the speakers. Her image should, first of all, set off, and not draw all attention to itself.
  • Dresses covered with rhinestones. If dresses with lurex are appropriate for the presenter, then images with shining fabrics will distract the audience from what is happening on stage.
  • Excessively short dresses and lingerie-style dresses. Even if we are talking about high school concerts, it is better to avoid too revealing images.

It is better to avoid tight silhouettes and tight dresses. The law of meanness will not be repealed - and the seam can come apart at the most inopportune moment.

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