The longest dress in the world

Few people still know where this dress can be worn, but the record has already been set. A long dress must be in every girl's wardrobe. You never know what place she might be invited to: to a ball in a palace, to a symphony orchestra concert, or just to a romantic dinner in a restaurant. There are many places you can go while wearing your evening best. But not many people can suggest a place where you can appear in the longest dress listed in the Guinness Book.

The longest dress in the world

What does the longest dress look like?

The most amazing thing about the dress is the length of the hem, which can extend 15 meters in all directions. Plus, this product can be raised in height by another three meters. The sewn robe was mounted on a specially made frame. In total, each part has four tiers.

A unique silk dress with colored polka dots, embroidered with thousands of Swarovski crystals. This long skirt alone is significantly different from those that were made before.

Reference! The original 15-meter dress (equal to the equivalent of 3 buses) was tried on only by the main acrobat of the aerial circus Du Soleil, whose name is Collette Morrow.

Longest dress

How much material was needed to make

In total, about 500 meters of material were needed to sew this product. The cut of the skirt above the waist is made in the usual shape. The original style has only a long hem.

According to the creator of this unique outfit, music inspired him to sew the longest dress.

Who is the creator of the longest dress?

Henry Holland, a designer from England, set this world record. Having previously gained great popularity thanks to vintage T-shirts and sweaters with provocative texts, Henry created his own brand in 2008, called “House of Holland”. But now, most likely, he will be included in the Guinness Book of Books. And the path to this began quite simply. The designer made a dress 15 meters long, while the width of the outfit occupies an area of ​​about 480 square meters.

Longest dress

Under this product you can easily fit almost half of the people in the shopping center. By the way, the silk red and yellow outfit with black polka dots was sewn specifically for the opening of a large shopping complex called Trinity Leeds.

The famous designer thanked the organizers of the ceremony for allowing “to show fashion in such an original way.” Even the model for this robe was chosen in a special way. Acrobatic Colet Morrow had to hang from the tallest glass dome throughout the mall's opening event.

Several thousand Britons who attended the opening of the shopping complex could watch in amazement as the gymnast appeared in the longest dress from a huge gift box in the main atrium of the shopping center.

As the designer himself says: “I believe that in this case the most important thing is the record set, as well as a creative idea. Naturally, you also need to sympathize with the model, since she had a hard time during the demonstration of the outfit. But at the same time, not everyone manages to dress in “record” attire,” writes one of the local newspapers.

Henry Holland became famous for his original and sometimes scandalous solutions in the field of creating various clothes, but now the designer was able to surpass himself with not only a unique, but also a record product, since the total size of the hem occupies an area of ​​the shopping center of more than 480 sq.m. All that remains is to make the world's highest heels for the longest dress.

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