How much fabric do you need for a dress?

dressBefore you go to the store to buy fabric, you need to know as accurately as possible its consumption for the planned product. It is not advisable to make mistakes in this matter. Correctly calculating the amount of material will allow you to buy the cut you need and not overpay for extra centimeters. On the other hand, it is important that there is enough material and that you do not have to buy more, since the selected fabric may simply run out in the store.

How to correctly calculate the amount of fabric for a dress

The method for calculating the material consumption required to make a dress with your own hands is simple and easy to use. In standard calculations for mass production, they measure the length of the planned item and the sleeve, and also add a few centimeters for finishing the edge. This method is suitable for standard figures of average height. Determining more accurate material consumption is determined by the following factors:

fabric calculation

  • The size of the product and the characteristics of the human figure.Consumption increases significantly if parts of the pattern do not fit on one side of the canvas, for example, along the circumference of the hips.
  • Use of additional accessories. These can be pockets, folds, straps, frills.
  • Product style. So, if the hem of the dress is planned in the shape of a circle skirt, then the consumption can reach up to 5 meters, for a circle skirt up to 2 meters or more.
  • The texture and design of the material, as well as other points.

REFERENCE! You should pay attention to the width of the canvas. Most of the trendy materials on the market have a width of 150 cm, but there are also narrower options, about 90–110 cm according to the specified parameter.

How much fabric do you need for a short dress?

Short dressThe approximate material requirement for a sleeveless item is about one and a half meters. To calculate a product with long sleeves, you need to focus on the length of the dress and the length of the sleeves, taking into account hems and allowances, finishing of about 15 cm. If you are planning a complicated collar and other elements, then you should add another 20 cm.

calculation for a short dress

When sewing an outfit for a large figure starting from size 50 or when the hip circumference exceeds the width of the fabric minus 10 cm. The cost is already two lengths of the outfit plus a hem of 15 cm. This is explained by the fact that the standard width of the fabric simply does not fit all the details of the pattern.

ATTENTION! In general, the need for fabric for plus size physiques increases significantly, almost doubling.

How much fabric do you need for a long dress?

long dressWhen sewing long trapezoidal clothes, material consumption increases along the latitude. The length measures the distance from the beginning of the belt to the floor surface. Therefore, it is necessary to consider how the hem of the product will be crafted. Clothes can consist of one piece or several elements that are later joined together.If the bottom is sewn separately, then taking two lengths of fabric for the top does not make any sense.

sun skirt costFor short and plump women, you have to take almost twice as much material. The skirt pattern for large and protruding shapes does not fit into one width of fabric. If the material is 150 cm wide, then you can still fit all parts of the pattern on one area, but at 140 cm, it will be problematic to fit the pattern.

IMPORTANT! In general, when making dresses for tall people, they usually add 20–30 cm or more, depending on the height of the fair sex.

We hope that this article will be useful and will help you correctly calculate the required fabric consumption for future clothing options. In the future, you can get the approximate cost of the outfit by multiplying this number by the price of one meter.

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