Old is better than new: 5 reasons to choose a granny dress

Veronica Agapova, the founder of a vintage store and blogger, claims that she is inspired by her own wardrobe, vintage items found in the depths of closets, as well as images that were relevant in the last century.

Vintage dress


Vintage and society

Everyone treats clothes from grandma's closet differently. Some people really admire them, while others openly show disgust and bewilderment, saying, “how could you wear something like that?” However, not every girl dares to complement her look with a vintage detail, be it an accessory, jewelry or something from clothing. Yes, in the last century, specific outfits were sewn, which, of course, stand out from the general background of modern collections.

It is also worth noting that few people in Russia would call things that were worn at least 30 years ago vintage. Truly luxurious clothes can only be found in those houses where people could afford to travel abroad and bring something from there or order tailoring from expensive and fashionable studios.And your grandmother was incredibly lucky if she had just such a dress in her closet.

Of course, saying that old is better than new is a little unfair. Whatever one may say, progress is boldly moving forward, and therefore (instead of those fabrics) any fashionista can choose a higher quality material - wear-resistant, soft, not prone to wrinkles and durable. Well, what about the amazing outfits from world-famous couturiers? For example, Cristobal Balenciaga or Yves Saint Laurent? After all, they also sew entire collections of vintage items, which sometimes look like works of art.

And again, it’s not always the brand that does the right thing. In museums you can find stunning models, even anonymous ones, but they look as if the wizard himself sewed them - the outfits are so luxurious. And if you’re very lucky, you can find a similar dress in your grandmother’s or great-grandmother’s closet—it depends.

And, of course, the main question that worries many fashionistas: “Why wear something that someone else once wore?” There are several arguments in favor of grandma's dress.




If an outfit has hung for 20-30-40 years, it means that it is quite capable of living for the same amount (or even more). Rest assured: in this case, you definitely won’t have to argue with the sellers, proving that it was not you who tore the freshly purchased piece of clothing, but that it was sewn with such threads.

Vintage dress



Rest assured: the likelihood that you will meet someone in the same dress tends to zero. It is unlikely that any of your girlfriends will have an identical option. Any vintage item in the modern world has gradually become exclusive, and therefore at an important event you will outshine any super fashionable look.Of course, provided that your appearance is harmonious.

Vintage dress


Curiosity of others

Everyone will definitely ask where you bought the beautiful thing you are wearing. It is true to say that this dress is from the last century and, perhaps, it shone at some ball or retro party. Or you can remain mysteriously silent, and then intrigue is guaranteed.

Vintage dress


Ideal condition

Many girls of the past era could buy a dress for themselves, but there was no reason to wear it. However, this situation also occurs in the modern world. Therefore, finding a completely new thing now is not a problem. Even if the tags have not been preserved, you can understand the novelty of the product by the buttons and the ideal condition of the material. In some cases, the characteristic crunch of the fabric may indicate that the dress has not been worn.

Vintage dress



The most expensive brands are now made exclusively in France, Italy and the USA. Everything else has long since moved to China, although the quality there has recently improved significantly. But, whatever one may say, a vintage dress with “Fabrique en France” written on it evokes special feelings. Moreover, the price of such an outfit will not exceed the streaming price at H&M or Mango.

Vintage dress


Reviews and comments
A Alena Grakh:

I like vintage, but all other things in combination should be new, stylish and expensive - then it’s great.


