How to wash a down scarf at home

how to wash a down scarf at homeDown scarves deservedly occupy a special niche in every girl's wardrobe. This is a fashionable and practical accessory that can not only warm you up in frosty weather, but also give your image a more feminine and sophisticated look.

Compliance with all the nuances of proper care will help maintain the attractive appearance of the product and extend its life.

What detergent should I use for washing?

laundry weasel
When choosing a product, it is recommended to focus on gel-like mixtures.

The use of powder should be avoided. Undissolved grains will remain in the texture of the fluff, which will lead to its coarsening.

The optimal choice would be Laska gel for washing down and woolen products.

A specialized gel can be replaced with liquid soap. It will not only remove stubborn dirt and stains. Thanks to its use, the down scarf will acquire a pleasant aroma. The main thing is to use liquid soap without adding aggressive components and dyes.

Reference: in the absence of specialized washing products, you can use a mild natural hair shampoo.

How to properly wash a shawl or scarf made of fluff

Selecting a suitable substance is not the only condition for obtaining a high-quality result. It is important to do the washing properly.

Preparing for washing

Before washing, it is recommended to clean your favorite down shawl in a simple way. For this you will need a comb.

The fluff should be lightly combed using a clean massage brush. It is important not to touch the fabric itself, placing the comb only on the surface of the fluff.

It is not recommended to skip this stage: during the washing process, the fluff can become tangled and hard.


It is necessary to wash down products manually. Washing in a washing machine handwashwill irrevocably ruin the scarf.

  • For washing, pour water at a suitable temperature into a basin (the requirements are indicated on the product label). Basically it is 40 degrees.
  • Add a small amount of detergent to the basin and whip up the foam.
  • Now it is recommended to soak the scarf for about 30 minutes. During this time, the dirt will be able to soak and move away from the fabric of the scarf.
  • In case of residual stains, you can lightly rub them or gently squeeze the material until the stains are completely dissolved.

Important! It is not recommended to wrinkle or stretch the fabric too much: this will easily damage the scarf.


After washing, we move on to rinsing. It is recommended to rinse the product at least twice.

The first stage will help wash off any remaining detergent from the surface of the scarf. At the second stage, it is advisable to add a special gel conditioner for down and wool products to the water.

How to dry a down product

drying a scarf
The drying process is no less important than washing.

It is strictly forbidden to squeeze or twist the scarf tightly. Such actions will damage the structure of the material.

The down product can be carefully wrapped in a terry towel. It will easily absorb excess moisture and will not cause damage to the material.

On a wooden frame

Direct drying is carried out only in a horizontal position.

To do this, you will need a special wooden frame that fits around the perimeter of the scarf. At the corners of the frame it is necessary to have nails with small heads. They serve as a holder.

Tip: you can make a wooden frame yourself at home.

We place the scarf on the surface of the frame, carefully hooking the edges to the nails. Leave the shawl in this position until it dries completely.

On the table (on the floor)

on a towel
Instead of a frame, you can use any other horizontal surface.

If the product will be dried on a table or on the floor, you need to lay out several terry towels and then place a scarf on them. We also secure the edges with small pins. All that remains is to wait until there is no moisture left in the fluff.

Useful tips for washing down products

care tips
Following a few simple recommendations will help extend the life of the product and maintain its attractive appearance.

  • When rinsing for the first time, you can dilute the water with a teaspoon of vinegar. It helps maintain color and improve softness.
  • Many representatives of the fair sex put the wet product in the freezer for several hours. After the time has passed, the shawl must be taken out and shaken thoroughly. Thanks to this method, the scarf becomes fluffier and softer.
  • Frequent washing damages the structure of the fabric threads. Therefore, the product must be treated with special care.
  • After washing, the down material can be carefully combed again. To do this, use a comb with rare teeth. You only need to comb the fluff, without touching the main fabric.
  • Fastening the corners during the drying process will help avoid “shrinking” of the material. Therefore nails or pins are necessary.

Down scarves are an original accessory, ideal for the cool season.

Competent actions during the care process will help preserve the texture of the material and its attractive appearance. Thanks to this, the warm fluff and integrity of the fabric will warm every fashionista in the cold winter.

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