Why don't American women wear this?

Why don't American women wear this?Women love to dress up! This is an axiom that is recognized throughout the world. And ladies closely monitor the habits and wardrobe of women from other countries. Such attention and borrowing of new details or unusual combinations allows you to make the image especially attractive.

At the same time, foreign customs sometimes surprise. For example, the habit of American contemporaries to negate the use of things that are basic for our fashionistas.

Fashion knows no boundaries or territories. Despite this, once in the States, many notice the uniqueness in the outfits of local women. What did they give up?

“No” to tights, dresses, heels?

Indeed, in everyday America you rarely see a woman in a dress. Jeans or shorts, sports or dress pants - it's true. A skirt instead of pants is acceptable. But even if a lady wears a dress, it will only be on a special, exceptional occasion: a wedding, a fashionable party, etc.


The choice of pants instead of dresses was the first link in an unusual chain. It was supplemented tights and heels. And in this case we cannot talk about one hundred percent refusal. But tights do not have the popularity they have in our country.

REFERENCE! An American would rather choose stockings than a package of tights. This is especially true for flesh-colored products.

The same goes for high heels. If an overseas fashionista decides to create an outfit based on a dress, there is a chance that you will see her in high-heeled shoes. But in everyday life these will most likely be sneakers. Or other shoes with flat soles - moccasins, slip-ons, etc. Moreover, they are often worn even in winter on bare feet.

Why do they dress so strangely?

Noticing this uniqueness in the clothing of women living in the States, our compatriots begin to wonder what the reason for such preferences is.


Various assumptions have been made.

  • «Save" Many people think so. And there is a reason for such explanations. American women do not have to keep warm by wearing tights under their jeans, because they prefer to travel by car. And if city women choose the metro, then they don’t have to wait long on the street. This means you don’t need to spend money on tights. Sneakers and pants are also cheaper than dress shoes and branded dresses.
  • «Habit" Raised since childhood the habit of jeans and T-shirts is another explanation. After all, getting rid of it is not so easy!
  • «Avoid synthetics" It is unlikely! The desire to avoid synthetic fibers could explain the neglect of tights. But stockings for a dress, although rare, they still choose from the same fibers!

The most accurate explanation is most likely the maximum desire for convenience! Any woman will agree with this: in jeans without heels you feel much freer than in stilettos. Especially if you have to spend the whole day in such shoes.


Of course, a stiletto heel will add elegance. And many of our compatriots choose them, thinking about how they will look.

IMPORTANT! For US women, their own convenience is more valuable; for the sake of it, they are ready to neglect an elegant look.

Who is right?

But to this question there is no clear answer! And it cannot be. Each woman gives her own answer. And for her your own decision is the right one!

Reviews and comments
A Anna:

If the author had lived in America, then there would be no questions about why American women don’t wear heels and skirts. Have you seen many American women walking the streets like in Russia? No, here in America it’s not customary to wander the streets, and sometimes there aren’t even sidewalks, everyone moves exclusively by car, with the exception of megacities like New York or LA, and it’s not safe (in the ghetto, for example), there are a lot of homeless people (in front of should we show off or what?) In ordinary, small cities there is no developed public transport, and if you consider that America is mostly small towns, not big cities, and the entire population lives in the suburbs, and not specifically in the city, as in Russia, for example , then everyone drives cars exclusively from the age of 16. A family usually has 2-3 cars (for the wife, husband, plus a van or pickup for work).To be honest, at first I also wore skirts and heels, but once I got into the car, there was no longer any need. Firstly, it’s more convenient to drive (without heels and a tight skirt), and secondly, no one sees me in the car (even if you drive in pajamas), thirdly, people work a lot and mostly wear clothes according to the dress code, and these are often trousers and a shirt (even for women). There is not much free time, but on weekends you can see smart ladies in dresses in restaurants and churches, and at parties they also prefer dresses and heels.


