Why you shouldn't give your belongings to churches and shelters

Things go out of fashion extremely quickly. Children grow so much that they don’t even have time to wear out the wardrobe items they buy. These two factors lead to the accumulation of unnecessary, but still good, clothes at home. And then a choice arises: throw away what is unclaimed or give it to those in need. Kind-hearted people tend to settle for the second option. However, their gesture does not always benefit the poor. The chances of this happening are minimal when contacting a church or an orphanage.

It is worth noting that the acceptance and distribution of this kind of help, in particular things, is not carried out by the ministers of the church themselves, but by “parishioners”, “laity”, who sometimes do not miss their own benefit in this matter. Therefore, we will not slander the church itself.

things have accumulated

Will the recipient receive your help?

The simpler the scheme, the more effective it is. Remember this if you are planning to do charity work or simply decide to give things away to the poor. The more people and organizations between you and people in need, the lower the chances that help will reach the recipient.

should I carry things to church?

How to handle brought things

The truth about donating clothes to churches, orphanages and similar organizations:

  • When visiting social security, philanthropists are often faced with bureaucracy and absolute disregard for themselves, their actions and the things they brought. The latter manifests itself in the form of cluttered packages and bags. No one disassembles them in a timely manner, so they gather dust and deteriorate from being in a twisted state for a long time.
  • If you visit the parish at the wrong time, you can witness the burning of things. This is exactly what is done with items that have not passed the strict selection process of the church ministers. Seeing your donation engulfed in flames is not a pleasant pleasure.
  • Churches and shelters do not give away clothing items that are in ideal condition and are simply expensive, much less burn them. Anything that can fetch good money is, in many cases, resold. Most often, the operation is carried out through private advertisements.

Important! When reselling an item, it is almost impossible to prove fraud on the part of a clergyman or boarding school employee. Even if his act becomes known, law enforcement agencies will not be able to show him anything significant due to the lack of normal accounting of non-monetary donations received by such institutions.

How to do a good deed

You need to give old things personally to those in need, and not donate them to social security, shelters or churches. This is the only way to predict and even trace the further path of clothing. Make sure that it reaches the recipient and does not become part of a financial scheme for the enrichment of dishonest church ministers or petty officials.

Good deed

This approach to the matter is also good because it will relieve disappointment, which invariably comes due to high expectations: a person thinks that he is doing the right thing, but at the reception point he hears that now the parish or orphanage needs not used things, but money. Such news, which is in fact a disregard for good will and a form of extortion, will harden even the most sympathetic heart.

Important! If you have an urgent desire to provide financial assistance to a boarding school or shelter, remember that the state allocates 50-80 thousand rubles per month for 1 orphan child. The costs of repairing the building are also covered. Therefore, there are no problems with financing such institutions. The problems lie in the fact that the allocated money does not reach the children themselves.

In order for an action to truly have value and bring benefit, all intermediaries in the form of institutions and organizations must be excluded from the scheme. At the same time, let's think logically, the real poor do not spend 24 hours a day on social networks. Therefore, there is no need to respond to advertisements of women who do not leave their account at all. These girls act according to the hackneyed formula: take it for free from the community - sell it on a private advertisement portal, this is how they make money.

grannies at the entrance

If you don’t know where to find someone in need, stand at the school gates during shift change. Or discuss the issue with your neighbors. Old ladies near a multi-storey building will definitely tell you which apartment the family lives in, who will be happy with good, but previously used wardrobe items and toys.

Sometimes you don’t need to go far, but just look around.

Most of the listed institutions employ sympathetic, kind and conscientious people, but there is always a fly in the ointment or an exception to the rule that should not be forgotten.

Be kind, merciful, and careful!

Reviews and comments
T Tatiana:

Shelters and other government institutions do not accept used items; sanitary standards do not allow them. So I give things to neighbors.

IN Valentina:

Twice a year our church (not Orthodox) holds a charity event. First, things are collected (for a week) and then distributed. Invitations to this event are being distributed throughout the city. Up to 200 people come to get things.


I also heard about this


Well, why do you put everyone under the same brush? I work as a volunteer at Opeka. Over the 8 years of work, the girls and I have not taken, thrown away or ruined a single thing. We are grateful to everyone who brings things and toys. We hand them over to large families, we have 40 of them under our control, we take them to a nursing home, we supervise it, and we see where the things we bring are. There is no need to talk about things that you do not understand and have not delved into.Before writing nonsense, work for a month and then write your articles with knowledge of the matter.


I am glad that there are conscientious and honest people who work in “Opeka” and probably in other organizations. I did not want to offend those who are honest and responsible for their work. Therefore, at the end of the article I highlighted in bold italics the thesis that not everyone is so bad.
But my personal experience and knowledge of how such structures work in my city prompted me to write this article.
Therefore: a) I don’t put anyone “with the same brush”; b) I write only about what is reliably known to me personally.

Good for you!

E Elena:

Hello. Why are you lumping everyone with the same brush? Why did you decide that clothes brought to the temple are burned? Everywhere? Are you sure about this? It takes a lot of thought to make such a statement. There is no need to offend people with your lack of faith. Sorry.


I will answer you in my own words at the end of the article.

Of course, not everything in our world is evil. There are decent and conscientious clergy, workers of churches and shelters. And if you are lucky enough to meet these people on your way, then feel free to entrust them with your donations.

Be kind, merciful, and careful!

The article is written based on personal experience and knowledge, not assumptions. Therefore, I would like to warn people who are stumblingly running to drop off donations to the nearest church or shelter.

M Masha:

A strange impression from what I read... The author has such confidence that “things lie” or are “burned”... Where does it come from? What are these conclusions based on?


These are not conclusions, these are the realities of life that I know, so to speak, “first hand.”

N Natalia:

Before writing about unscrupulous church ministers, you yourself should try to become a church member, and then work in such social ministries where they sort out the things brought in, which do not always look like things, but more like rags. But in the Temple of the Sign of the Mother of God in Zakharyino such a service is held. And help in sorting things out is required. And we provide it, and orphan girls and mothers of many children have specific assistance. And permanent. They gathered many times both to Donbass and to monasteries. Have a good conscience before you pour out dirt on worthy people.

WITH Svetlana:

Due to life circumstances, I had to use humanitarian aid for some time, and I had to take food and things. I haven't seen anything like this. I saw something else: people bring such garbage to humanitarian aid that it’s a shame for them, how can this be brought for other people, even poor people. And no one even threw out or burned this garbage.

WITH Svetlana:

Svetlana, unlike your opponents, you wrote what you know is emotionally NEUTRAL. And they did the right thing in what they wrote. Don't be upset by rude comments. You do not accuse indiscriminately, but a number of readers object so zealously as if they vouch for everyone. I remember well the information in the media that mountains of things donated to help those in need were found in landfills. There was a loud scandal. Another scandal was about the fact that they announced a collection of things for victims of emergencies, but with a mandatory condition: things must be new, with product labels. It is clear that someone was making money and selling things.People are different everywhere, and in churches too. And I know about orphanages and boarding schools from their former ordinary employees. Now, if the directors of these institutions were required to post tax returns on websites, people would look at the growth of their well-being.

TO Katka:

I donate things to social centers in the Smolensk and Tyumen regions. Volunteers carry it. Everything is accepted there, even a worn-out backpack is accepted with joy, because there are children who have no one to pack for school. Naturally, I don’t give away torn and old things, because I understand that I’m giving to people just like me, but maybe not as wealthy. They take everything there unofficially, because officially you only need it with tags or sealed, not worn. But writing like you do in your article is not the point. Even the last “bold” line does not correct the situation.

WITH Svetlana:

The most correct action is to simply take everything and throw it away. There will be no inflated expectations about the fact that someone needs something that you don’t need, no one will resell anything (by the way, I never understood people who closely monitor the fate of their own rags. The toad is so wildly pressing - sell it yourself), no one will not demand money. But yes, there won’t be any scratching of the self-interest like “you’ll be amazed by me, I help the poor.” This is of course a huge minus for such people.

T Tatiana:

I also saw mountains of clothes at the gates of the temple; things lay on the ground for an unknown amount of time, having lost their presentation. Why this attitude? I have lost the desire to carry things there; I always give them to friends.

E Elena:

A collection of things for those in need, “Good Things,” is taking place in Moscow.I took a backpack full of (new) things to the collection point - new and almost new. The receptionist wrote down my data in the log, but did not fill out the “weight” column in front of me, although there were scales nearby. She said: “I’ll weigh it later and write it down.” Comments, as they say, are unnecessary...

L Lyudmila:

Unfortunately, the fact of a disdainful attitude towards things or a demand for only new things with labels in churches takes place. My relative in Barnaul brought a number of good things, unworn, but with torn labels - they didn’t accept them at the church, they said that we only accept them with labels! This is the lesson the girl learned on her path to mercy (there are no needy people among her circle). I'm in Shakhty, Rostov region. I took a lot of things to the church, they accepted them, but then I accidentally saw my children’s tsigeik fur coat under my feet on the choir “to warm my feet” and much more... So now we collect things and my daughter takes them to the Lugansk region and distributes them there to really needy people. Things are good, some are brought, some are new, people gratefully accept them. So the author of the article is right, it is better to give things directly into the hands of those in need. It’s not for nothing that one of our saints said: Let alms sweat in your hands! Those. You need to think carefully before giving alms, so that your alms do not lead certain categories of people into sin.

N Natalia:

I support!!! I try to arrange each thing by looking around.
Those in need will always be nearby.
Unfortunately, I also encountered the same obscurantism in the Temple and social security.

AND Irina:

Your article is evil and based on nothing.The fact that in your comments you refer to “personal experience” you do not confirm in any way. This is your “mythical experience.” Look at the reviews - they’re all talking about the same thing - you’re offending people. Those who apparently are actually engaged in charity work. Before writing about something you have little idea about, you should ask WHAT SOMETIMES they bring to churches and charitable organizations, then it will probably be clear why some of these things have to be either thrown away or burned. Practical people tell you that you are mistaken, but you still argue with them, lecture them. Don't write about something you're not familiar with.


Yes, Irina, you are right, my article is evil. Because I'm angry at people who offer to buy me things intended for charity. I do not have the right to mention their names and positions, but I have the right to write information about this, inform people about it, warn them.
What do you want to see as confirmation of my experience? Any information you do not like can be called “mythical” if there is no confirmation that satisfies you.
If someone writes an article that while working in a supermarket he injected chickens with a special brine so that they would have more weight, would you call it a “myth”? Where is the confirmation of what practical people write to me, why do you believe them?
Let's start with the fact that I am not forcing anyone to believe, but I am presenting information that I know.
Do you need photos, videos? Well, excuse me, this is also universally called fake, photoshop, forgery and a set-up. According to your log, the conclusion is this: so why then write anything that cannot be proven.Let astronomers not make assumptions about space and the stars, since they cannot confirm...
Your right not to believe me, my right to tell the story.

T Tanya:

Some kind of nonsense: “the church resells used things, makes money.” Then anyone “in need” can sell the donated item, profit from it, get rich—it’s even funny. Just to throw mud at the church once again. And I believe that they burn it, because they can bring such rubbish—on You, God, which is of no use to me.


Tatyana, no, not the church, in its broad sense. Of course, the priest will not do this, because... Father is not involved in receiving and sorting through things. For this, he has parishioners who, for some kind of conventions (unfortunately, I’m not strong here, under what conditions this is done, but I can find out), who accept and sort through. And in the end they resell it. I have friends who get rich this way. They immediately select better things for themselves, keep some for themselves, and sell some. But such rags, which can only be burned, are left for those in need.
Perhaps I called “church ministers” incorrectly. I didn’t mean people in church ranks...

E Elena:

The article only says that before trusting just anyone (including the church), it is better to first look around you. There are hundreds of people around you who need help, but due to circumstances cannot express it. There are a lot of such people among your friends. In most shelters, orphanages, and charitable organizations, all your belongings are carefully selected, first from the management, then from friends of the management and friends of the management’s friends.Nothing reaches those who are truly in need. Of course, this does not apply to absolutely everyone, but to the majority.
And it’s even more funny to read the comments of “believers”, which are saturated with anger and aggression. Church is the last place where I would take anything at all. There has been no kindness and mercy there for a long time.

E Elena:

My sister works in a children's shelter. Sometimes they bring things that are scary to handle: dirty, dense, torn. They are burned. And they are right, we are all different, but the concept of cleanliness should be the same. Even homeless people are people. Who needs dirty, equal toys, but they bring them. Not only do I give away clean ones, I also iron them and put them in bags.

AND Priest Oleg Anokhin:

As a minister of the Church, “profiting” from your sacrifices, I want to ask: WHAT DOES RIDING FROM UNNECESSARY THINGS HAVE TO DO WITH KINDNESS AND MERCY? (solution to the dilemma “throw away what is unclaimed or give to those in need”) True charity and mercy is, for the sake of love for your neighbor, sacrificing at least some of what is personally valuable to you. And the desire to feel good just by making room in a crowded closet for new clothes is hypocrisy. And you are partly right with your advice. In such a case, you should not take your rags to the temple. So as not to give ourselves false illusions about our own kindness and mercy. After all, such “charity” is unlikely to count at God’s court.

N Nikolay:

This article is as provocative and about nothing as the absence of such an article.Starting from the fact that only at the end (when the reader’s kettle whistle is already whistling and boiling with might and main) it is clarified that not everything is condoms, however! Just like the posts of those who shout “we’re not like that, but try it yourself” don’t say anything. Everyone is not like that. All are good. It’s only on TV that colonels find heaps of bags with billions in cash. It is the governors who find hundreds of sold-out plots. If I write now that the police and governors are like this, there will immediately be a bunch of denials.
This is all nonsense. When you are about to give things to a “middleman,” don’t worry about what will happen to them. You took them there because it seems like a shame to throw them away, you seem like a good person, but going directly to the shelter is both scary (seeing those eyes) and lazy (wasting a day off, waiting for the director of the shelter, going somewhere). I once set a goal for myself before New Year’s Eve - to put together a mini-orphanage (I don’t remember exactly what the institution was called), which would provide things, clothes and gifts for children for New Year’s Eve for orphans, single mothers. I wrote about this in the city forum and told all my friends. A lot of people responded, I filled the interior of the car to capacity, and in a snowstorm I barely made it there and found it. I handed it over, caught my breath and drove back. And then the people from the shelter posted the photo. When I don’t want to bother for some reason, I take a bag of things to humanitarian reception points. and I don’t think later what they do with them - I could have taken them directly, but I didn’t want to. It's almost the same as throwing them away, but the chances of ending up in need are greater. I’m going to the dog shelter - I buy cereals, take the “worse” things that have accumulated and eat it myself. I have a negative attitude towards church, that’s why I don’t go there, I don’t wear things and I don’t bother about them.
The moral is: if you want to do it well, do it yourself. If you can’t (if you want to), let someone else do it, but don’t complain later

A Anna:

WHEN I retired, I HAD TO WORK FOR 4 YEARS IN THE TEMPLE. We were forced to print and hang an appeal to parishioners asking them not to bring items that were no longer in use. Moreover, our church is made of wood, storing things is a violation of fire safety requirements; and there are no additional rooms for hanging old things on hangers. And who will do this, because women serve at the temple mostly for free.
Don't consider people who bring unnecessary items to be CHARITERS. Contrary to our admonitions, huge bundles and bags of untidy, bad-smelling, second-hand clothes and worn-out, often dirty soft toys are dragged in. I’m surprised and don’t understand how you can accumulate so much trash in your home: to do this, you have to not sort through your closets for years. They carry clothes after dead elderly people... this is very unpleasant.
I worked there and saw that people came to the temple, all decently dressed, and no one had ever made such requests. And how would I, for example, begin to offer people old things, or ask if they need...
Perhaps such reception and distribution points are organized somewhere... I don’t know. We have a “Second Hands” section in our local newspaper, and there are often announcements that a needy family will accept such and such things as a gift. It is quite civilized and cultural.
Donating money to a church is noble, but bringing and dumping, that is, “giving” unnecessary things, is far from CHARITY.

E Elga:

I agree with the author, because information was repeatedly voiced that things collected for some victims ended up in a landfill. The best way is targeted help from hand to hand. So often I helped children who walked around the entrance and asked for food. I gave the boy my warm sweater; he came in a windbreaker in winter. They ate in front of me, didn’t ask for money, they said that if they brought food home, my parents would take it away.

A Alexei:

Unfortunately, what is described in this article does occur. But not on such a large scale as the author seems. But this stick also has a second end - sometimes they bring outright rubbish: tattered, dirty, and sometimes with such a “smell” that you can’t even open the bag. This is what they send to scrap. We have a charity salon in Ust-Kamenogorsk “Everything for thanks.” It has been around for 9 years. I've been there since the very beginning as a volunteer. At first they brought good things. And now our salon is perceived as a garbage dump. They bring rags, dirt, broken toys. Sometimes they dig it up in the same trash cans and carry it. We also came across this type of greyhounds of individual ladies: every day they walk and sit all day in a cramped salon, waiting for someone to bring something. They snatch the lady's rod from the salon attendant's hands and use trunks. What I do next is unknown. But we know for sure that these five ladies do not need anything. And there is no way to get them out of the salon. We also have a charity department in our Baptist church. Everything goes there for its intended purpose.

AND Inna:

When we do a good deed, we should not think about what will happen next with our donations. This should remain on the conscience of the intermediaries who took on the difficult work of redistributing things, money and other things.If you’re so worried about your clothes, then you shouldn’t even start. I have 3 children and it is clear that there is a lot left. Previously (after the fires of 2015) there was a point that worked for another 3 years, then closed due to lack of premises. I and many fellow villagers gave things, furniture, dishes and much more there. It turned out that there were many people living around us who needed this help even without the fire. It’s great that you don’t have to throw away a good thing in the trash, but someone else can’t afford it and is glad to have it. So that’s what I mean, I just give away and I like that I don’t know who got my thing, I just helped someone and that’s all.
It is clear that anything can happen, and if you see somewhere dishonesty in relation to charity, just try to find another way, but do not offend those who sincerely and from the heart do their job.

N Natalia:

Everything is written correctly: yes, they sort what is new, what is in a marketable condition - for sale, the rest is lying in a heap. Here it really is: on you, God, that it’s not good for us! And this is not only in churches, in social security too.

T Tatiana:

What you wrote about the church is a lie. Nobody sells anything, everything is distributed to those in need. This is a big, complex job: not all things are brought clean, but they need to be taken apart and laid out. And different people come for things. And homeless people and alcoholics and those who are not very honest are different. And so throw mud at the church... Sorry, but this is not good.

A Antonina:

The title of the article speaks for itself. The author came across several dishonest people, and puts a stamp on all churches and shelters. No one receives any payment for sorting things out.This is voluntary help. Sometimes they bring a bag of things, and there, excuse me, is used underwear. or torn things that the homeless will then throw away. So we have to drag this bag to be burned. Someone brings neatly folded clean things, but there is not always someone in need of these things. Eventually we just stopped taking anything. Indeed, it’s better to look around yourself more carefully, maybe people living very close to you are in need, so give it to them personally. You can simply carefully pack it and leave it near the entrance; those in need will find it themselves.

M Michael:

I agree that some things are simply burned, because... They bring old trash. But it’s okay if some of the things are sold: the money will go back to the church. Church communities have many expenses: payment for heating, gas, electricity, gasoline. If you don't trust people with things, bring money. If you don’t trust it at all, take things directly to the trash bin - the homeless will dispose of them. In our city, things are left in the trash bin - the ones they need are taken away.

N Nika:

“My temple will be called a house of prayer,” and not a center for social assistance or, even more so, a warehouse for unnecessary things. A relative works in my temple, he says we can’t litter the temple. She brought things (not “for God’s sake, what is of no use to us,” but something that was either small or not appropriate for her age, but in good condition). I often saw my things on people, children, parishioners, thank God! There is nowhere to store those things that cannot be taken apart, and there is no need to store them. And if the choice is between a garbage dump and a temple or another recipient, then why worry so much? Leave your “charity” lying in the closets and don’t get upset.By the way, homeless people hardly take things (except shoes). They happily take food and want warmth, especially in winter.

WITH Svetlana:

What nonsense, we ourselves give away things, what difference does it make who will wear them, shelter workers or someone else, since people take it for themselves, it means they are in need, let them wear it for their health, that’s the point, and if someone you care about the fate of things, then you don’t need to leave them unattended

A Alina:

To the author, don’t be upset by the mean comments. I didn’t find ANYTHING in your article that was offensive to anyone. I'm sure you have good intentions. Approximately the same thoughts arose in me when I tried to give away very good and practically new things. Yes, they took me to the temple...I don’t need any thanks, but I don’t know where they were sent. Through the site there are many people who want to take it for free. Although I had to buy them for a lot of money)) I often see women at the market selling such things later - I know from friends. Therefore, there is no answer to the question of where to place it.
However, I put my things on the windowsill of our high-rise building - they take it away instantly! And I’m glad, I know that they were useful to the neighbors. I recently saw my scarf on a grandmother from our floor))) And a sweater on a guy from the top.

T Tata:

I give things away through Yula or VK. The desire to give to the temple also disappeared when a friend told me how everything was lying in a pile there. And there is no need to say here that the things were dirty or not in good condition, everything was fine. They just got drunk. People from the region come and take everything with gratitude.

WITH Svetlana:

But I’m not offended that they will resell my things that I gave away. This means that I provided financial assistance to people. I give away what I don't need.And grateful to those who accept. How my former things will be disposed of in the future is the business of the person who saved me from unnecessary things.

M Marie:

Don’t write nonsense, in churches, as a rule, they burn those things brought that are frankly indecent and worn out. Some people feel sorry for throwing out such rags right away; others, out of superstition, are afraid to throw away the things of a deceased relative. Things that look decent, as a rule, find their owner, these can be large families, or just parishioners with a small income; also, churches usually organize centers to help women in difficult life situations, former prisoners, etc. Not to mention already directly about centers for collecting and distributing things to everyone in need. There things are sorted, and of course, those that do not pass control are disposed of. As a rule, things that go there require additional repairs, washing, dry cleaning, and are frankly worn out. A friend of mine works in her personal time at such a center. He says that sometimes people are not ashamed to wear worn-out underwear, or to “donate” overt synthetic shit, and there are a lot of people who don’t pass control. And shelters and other government institutions have long accepted only new items with a receipt.

D Denise:

That's the problem - giving things away. You just have to worry about whether someone will get caught, or whether someone will profit... I don’t care! I don't need these things anymore! I can leave bags with good things near the containers if I’m too lazy to take them to the Sherry Shop. And anyone who is so worried about their junk needs to sit in a cluttered house, hugging it. A good philanthropist is someone who worries about unnecessary junk.By the way, when I leave them near containers, people immediately take them away. And I'm glad that something is useful to someone!

U Uralochka:

And where do such amounts come from that 50-80 thousand are allocated monthly for each child? Have you seen the name bills? Or just to write?

A Anya:

I personally know and have seen how things brought to those in need were dismantled in front of us...or even before us. But I saw that new ones with labels to the side were selected in front of us... Tell me for what purpose... This was done by a woman, so to speak, an assistant of the church. And a year later she got a jeep... I’m not saying anything, but in a year she changed. I can’t say whether the priest in the church knows about this, but when she appeared she gave us everything, both new and old things... I rode a bus to church... I’ll repeat a year later in a jeep and they stopped giving us new things after about a month. And the people who bring new things think to do a nice, noble thing, buy and give away a new thing. But we didn’t get them... And then she told us who needs things, clean up the church grounds, divide and paint. Although they hired paid workers who were paid for by sponsors. When sponsors brought money for workers, she called them and they worked on the territory and the rest of the time we worked for things. Here's the truth. They didn’t talk about it, but the locals all knew that they had to work for things. But where did she write off the money for the workers?

A Alina:

Uralochka, I worked in a children's home as a psychologist. For 50 children - 70 employees. The children's food is excellent and they are fully provided with clothing, from head to toe. Including elegant things for the holidays. The purchase of toys is a separate expense item.The senior teacher and I regularly purchased many wonderful toys and educational aids; we naturally accounted for them, and the payment was made in cash. That. Children at home have everything they need except parental love and care. And when they brought us old toys to the Children's Home, incl. It was impossible to accept soft ones - the SES will not allow it, and there is no need.

IN Vyacheslav:

I KNOW THAT in the church everything is distributed, not sold, and there is a special service. You come and take everything you need for free, that is, for nothing. It’s very interesting to know where exactly you saw the sale of things accepted from philanthropists. Regarding burning, not everything , and they don’t always bring things in good faith - sometimes they are so old, torn and even dirty that it is necessary to get rid of them. But this does not mean that real help is not needed. I once had a fire - my family was left without the most necessary things. It was the church that immediately responded - they brought mattresses, and linen, and toys - everything you needed! AND IF YOU HAVE ALREADY donated an item, then what difference does it make to you whether the priest’s child wears it or another child? The majority of priests themselves are in great need, they have large families, they have real problems with things. Or are you ideologically against religion? Then explain why it’s worse to dress a priest’s family than any other/


Ideologically, I am against profit. It seems like I didn’t say anything about the fact that real help is not needed, although perhaps you saw something “between the lines.” If they told me that a family suffered from a fire and needed help, then I would simply find out where these people were and bring the things they needed personally into their hands. An article about this.

E Elena:

Several years ago I donated things to a fund to help large families. It was very difficult to find this fund, at first I spoke by phone with an employee who does not understand the needs of poor people at all: I wanted to donate new pillowcases and sheets, since we now have sets of linen in use, and scattered pillowcases and sheets are useless. An employee of the fund said that families only need baby diapers and new children's clothes. But in fact, when I finally got to a specific aid station, it turned out that when my arrival was announced, a huge queue had formed specifically for bed linen and adult clothing. The result is a crush and a fight. I won’t give anything away anywhere else!

A Alina:

I have half a closet of brand new things and 10 boxes of brand new shoes....I retired and have nowhere to wear all this...I would like to clean out the closet but I can’t bear to throw it away and I don’t know who to give it to.....

U Uralochka:

Alina, I asked where this figure came from: 50-80 thousand Monthly for everyone, and not how orphans live in an orphanage

N Nina:

There are all sorts of people who take it for themselves, but those who give it away can also do such nasty things. Worn to holes. Aren't you ashamed? I hang things near the trash can, whoever needs to take them. And if there are new ones with labels - a mother of many children.

A Alina:

And I didn’t say anything about orphans, what are your complaints?

A Alina:

Uralochka, I just mentioned the number of employees - 70 people. and the number of children is 50
people. Naturally, every 2 year old child is not allocated 50 thousand rubles))). I am writing that the maintenance costs are very high.Considering that all employees receive good salaries with a bonus, and there are one and a half times more employees than children! An amount is allocated for child support - I thought this was clear.

ABOUT Olesya:

Are you crazy, who would burn things on the temple grounds? This is a fine! Or do you not know this? Things are actually sorted in the sorting center; special employees are responsible for this. It’s not all rags with holes or dirty to give to people in need. Unusable and dilapidated items are disposed of. Not every spiritual institution collects things; if you want to donate, you will be given an address where the collection will take place. Things. They reach people in need, in our city they also accept diapers and wipes for sick children, and they also take everything to hospitals. There is no need to lose face, you need to remain human and not rot your soul!

A Alexander:

The author turned everything upside down - the meaning of any donation is in your personal mercy to others, and what happens to the donation is on the conscience of the receiving party.

N Nikolay:

There is no need to carry things to all churches. Not many churches do this kind of work. Before you give, ask the staff whether the temple even collects or not. Each temple chooses its own direction in social work, and it is not necessarily the distribution of clothes. And then you won’t see how the temple struggles and doesn’t know what to do with the mountains of things.

IN Vladimir:

Unfortunately, a vile and vile article. I had to work in several churches in St. Petersburg. And I myself was involved in storing and distributing clothes in the 80s - 2000s.Everywhere the situation was the same: people were grateful for the help, for the fact that they could get for free what low-income people or even homeless people could not afford. When people asked us if they could bring us old, unwanted clothes, we always said that, of course, you could, just don’t bring torn, dirty things. Wash, mend if they are not in order, and then - you are welcome. And so it was. And in no church have I ever encountered even the thought of reselling this second-hand item. Everything arrived as intended. This is a big and, believe me, difficult work, which the churches did completely free of charge. I think that for those who wrote this article, to understand that such things can be done simply out of philanthropy and selflessly is an incomprehensible thing...

E Elena:

Pfff. The girl is a “do-gooder” - where to put things that “extremely quickly went out of fashion” and things that children did not have time to fully wear out))
No matter where you put it, everything is better than in the trash heap.
The reality is that most of the “do-gooders” are the same as you - “God, it’s not good for me.” And they carry things that have stretched out, rolled up, have stains, and are out of fashion. Maybe there are people who don’t know what to wear. Just leave it near the trash heap - that’s where they rummage.
As an experiment, stand near the church and see what quality the things are there. Some things may be good, but why parishioners need miniskirts, high-heeled shoes or worn underwear (and they give away such things) is not entirely clear.
The question is what to do with such things. There are few options - burn it, throw it away, take it to a recycling center.
Another funny tip about the school gate during recess.Is school a special place for those in need? They will shy away from you if you stand there and offer your used things to strangers.
Or visit the neighbors. From the same opera.
I myself have a large family. When the children were little, the neighbors constantly brought something. Especially often compassionate old women whose children grew up 30-40 years ago, and now they have nowhere to put the accumulated clothes - filthy undershirts, elongated blouses and fur coats fit for a historical film. I am a kind person, I will not offend another with a refusal. It’s difficult to get to the trash heap - I’ll carry it myself. Therefore, the neighbors may take it, but will it be the way you want?
For me, if I give away good things and think that they can be a source of income for others, it helps me to think that they are doing me good. They give you the opportunity to free your living space from excess clutter. And at the same time extend the life of things.
And if you really want to feel like a philanthropist and a doer, go to the hospital where the refuseniks are, ask what they need. Or yes, help victims of a fire. Only necessary. This will be a truly good deed.

M marina:

Shame on you for writing this!!!! Don't mislead others!!!!


Previously, things were given to neighbors, but when you see them after they have soiled them lying on the street...... I collect them and burn them - this is the most humane way to get rid of them and your soul doesn’t hurt. But I wanted to help. They didn’t earn them, they don’t feel sorry for others they will give it.

E Elena:

I don’t understand, are you all unhappy that you attacked Svetlana??? Such facts do exist.The young lady just wanted to pay attention, and not to offend everyone and everything. An employee of ours saw an advertisement for the sale of overalls, which she gave to a low-income family.

N Nata:

What nonsense. The author at least has an idea of ​​what he is writing about. Just nonsense!

E Elena:

The author wrote everything correctly, they don’t even take it officially into the church willingly (with the words: throw it in a box on the floor, it might be useful to someone (personal experience), but I don’t even want to talk about the decency of church ministers - they’re all businessmen, buy and sell, and beggars (I’m talking about Moscow churches) there is one church on Dynamo, everyone laughs at the priest so much that he doesn’t take money for anything


Nonsense! It looks like a custom article or just made up. You try to resell used clothes or shoes when the Internet is full of new or almost new ones for little money! And they burn old rags that they are too lazy to take to the trash heap. Written also from personal experience.

IN Victor:

Much has already been said in defense of the Church. Of course, no one will light fires out of clothes on the temple grounds. It's not serious to say that. And no one will sell your things. I myself was collecting things... so for one family with small children they carried: dolls without arms and without dresses, tarpaulin boots with torn off soles, etc. It's kind of creepy. Where should this go? I threw it out right away because... It was scary to even hold it in your hands, much less give it to someone. The author of the article should have participated in collecting things in the temple herself, and not used rumors. Use different trusted sources to write your article. Those. talk to people who do this in the church, in social services, etc.Find out how they organize their work. Check rumors and do not trust, without confirmed facts, even yourself. That's what we were taught in college. Even though we studied to be producers.

IN Victor:

Elena, are you talking about beggars in Moscow? A friend of mine is building a temple in Moscow, nothing has been built yet, and the city authorities have already taken 12 million rubles for the documents. Where can the priest get this money? You can't make money from candles and notes. Especially when there is no temple yet. It’s good when there are benefactors, but what if there are none? And the city costs 12 million for this, the same for another, and the temple itself needs to be built. So your money for candles and notes is a drop in the ocean for the priest, which he will have to give to city officials.

IN Vlad:

Where can I sell used children's clothes? What if there are a lot of them? Sell ​​it second-hand for just pennies? Or where? Teach me. I'm not a philanthropist, I'll sell mine. A penny saves the ruble))
In general, I suggest the better ones to my friends. For free. They really don't beg anyone. I hang things that no one needs (most things) on the fence near the trash heap; some homeless people, gypsies, Tajiks who are digging around there take them away and okay. It takes a hell of a lot of effort to fit these things somewhere. Taking them somewhere where they can do whatever they want with them is the same option. How does the author feel about donations? If they sell children's things, then the money will certainly not be used for the intended purpose 100%)). Even if they are given to a needy family from hand to hand, they can be drunk, used to buy non-essential items, etc. When you give something, you are doing good for yourself. Just don’t really need to drag something that you’re too lazy to go through and throw away.

E Evgenia:

You described everything so sweetly! I would like to add a fly in the ointment. Our organization provides long-term treatment to children from shelters, orphanages, and disadvantaged families. They often arrive almost naked. The Moscow church helps us. They send once every six months a large carload of clothes and other necessary things. There are a HUGE amount of things, they help not only us. Therefore, we sort things ourselves; they only pack everything into bags without taking it apart. What haven’t I seen in many years! 2/3 of things go into the fire simply because they are torn, dirty, sorry, pissed, these are things, for example, of a deceased grandmother - all in bulk, along with old photographs and a garter belt, they are rotten, these are grandfather’s jackets from the 60s . with astrakhan moth-eaten hats, these are bags in which a crowd of men simultaneously smoked and cats pissed, broken toys and fashion magazines of the last century, bags without handles and many more interesting things. Seriously?! Do the people who bring all this dirt think that it is vital for someone? And then they are offended when their noble gift was not received with enthusiasm! First, understand the issue more deeply, and then criticize everyone indiscriminately. You wrote this article, but for some reason I feel ashamed(


What's so sweet about it if it's all bitterness and sadness? It would be sweet if EVERYONE were honest. And why should you or I be ashamed? The herd should be those who are dishonest, who, instead of giving a good thing to someone in need, sell it among their friends or on a bulletin board. Don't you do that? Then why are you ashamed?

M Marusya:

I just put out unnecessary things in the entrance on the first floor (fortunately, the house is multi-story and not elite, just a simple Soviet ten-story building), nothing remains, everything is sorted out to my joy. Moreover, other neighbors followed my example.

E Evgenia:

I don’t agree about churches, things always reach the recipients where you saw things being burned. From a bad heart come bad thoughts, from a golden heart come good thoughts.

L Lika:

Good article.
MOSCOW, October 1 – RIA Novosti.
“The amounts are different in different types of institutions: in orphanages, 623.5 thousand rubles will be spent per child per year in 2009, in 2010 - 453.8 thousand rubles, in 2011 - 892.4 thousand rubles,” said agency interlocutor. I think much more now. But in the regions too. Example from life:
Tambov region Zherdevka boarding school. Complete devastation - “the budget does not allocate money.” The director has changed. Immediately a very good renovation, new furniture, as much clothes and toys as ordinary children at home do not have, holidays in Gelendzhik, Anapa. 10 New Year's bags for each person. The money was found immediately. Do you think they didn’t exist before, or did they disappear somewhere? And they really don’t need things, especially worn ones.
Truly needy people look for things in second-hand stores the day before delivery (when it’s really, really cheap) because they’re embarrassed to ask.

U Ulyana:

How did you achieve such perfection? So clean and fair!
If people give things away, they don't need them. And if they need it, they don’t give it away. The same applies to money for a temple or charity.
“Do good and throw it into the water” - this is the principle of charity and there is no need to delve into other people's souls and lives. Take care of yours.


Well, according to your logic “do good and throw it into the water,” you need to help beggars on the street, without understanding who is asking and why. Well, let him buy burnt booze with this money and die from poisoning. Did I do good? Did you give me money? She did everything and threw it into the water. Great.
But no, now you will wave your hands that you cannot give money to beggars, but you can give money to the temple. A beggar is not reliable, but a temple, well...
No really. Don't mislead people with your strange charity principles. Who defined it? A person must understand and know that there is not only good. There is White, black and even gray. This needs to be understood and accepted.

WITH Svetlana:

I do not agree! I donate things to the center for assistance to motherhood and childhood at the temple, the woman who works there always posts a photo report of what was given to whom. But when I personally gave it into the hands of those in need, and at their request, that’s when it was interesting! They wore the thing until it got dirty, and then they threw it away, since there was nothing to wash it with, nothing to wash it on, and there was no need, they would give it to them. Question to the author, do you donate things yourself? and do you track each one?


I sacrifice, constantly, and not just things. I always give it directly to those who need it. There are a lot of such people around us, we just need to be interested and find out. But it’s easier to go and blame everything on someone who seems to be in charge of distribution. You go to the kindergarten and ask if there are families in need. The teachers themselves will give you advice.You can’t imagine how many people are in need and are simply embarrassed to go and ask. You also need to have the courage to go to a temple or somewhere else to ask for help. Does anyone think about this? No, still “good deeds are thrown into the water” and hands are shaken. What happens next is not their concern.

WITH Sertey:

Everything is written correctly! You need to read it carefully. Of course, in churches and in Social Security and ... there are many people who work not out of fear, but conscientiously, but there are also those who have adapted there to earn their own profit. Well, the church, as you know, is the biggest business in the world. There's nothing you can do about it. Although among the priests there are noble, honest representatives. And the fact that someone writes: “Where will he get the money for a temple that doesn’t exist yet?” Why did you start building? In fact, believers themselves decide whether to build a temple or not.

L Lee:

Girl, first of all, curb your own pride, and then give out advice.
Under the slogans “I consider only my ideas about the beautiful and just as good,” “I do good, but I don’t know what it is,” and “I write down every kindness in a notebook and give it a plus sign,” good does not exist.

E Ekaterina Anatolyevna:

Your article is stupid and arrogant. Who needs your cast-offs? Who will resell this junk? Unfinished benefactors will bring rubbish, and they will also keep track of who gets this happiness. Suddenly someone gets rich! There are also warnings scrawled “Be careful, lest someone covet your trash.” The church doesn’t know what to do with this stuff, so they write an advertisement. “We don’t accept.” TAKE YOUR Trash TO THE TRASH, benefactress.

T Tatiana:

If you think like that, then no one will help anyone!

A Alla:

Charitable foundations provide clothing only to those with official low-income status, only upon presentation of the appropriate documents. But there are people who have temporary finances. difficulties, and nothing will break off for them in these funds. There are people who simply save money, especially on children's clothing. My parents did not hesitate to take used children’s clothes for me, even though we were a fairly wealthy family (I still remember the imported rubber boots that I adored). I can’t, and I don’t want to, track the fate of the things I gave away (I’m not looking after kittens).

WITH Svetlana:

I wanted to put in my two cents, but I already feel sorry for the author. Even the name is unfortunate and provocative. Dear Svetlana, write about something else, something good, eternal. The name obliges. God help you. I advise you to become more familiar with the Orthodox faith and the life of the parish. Not so superficially, but from the inside. You will understand how these people live, your worldview will change. I wish God's mercy.

A Alice:

As a volunteer at one of the parishes, I will say the following: Yes, sometimes we have to throw things away, but this happens when they are in terrible condition, because the people who donate them often don’t even wash them beforehand. Some things are disgusting to touch, let alone give them to someone. We have nowhere to put our things! Seriously. There are not enough premises, and we do not have time to distribute them.

M Maria:

Don't decide for others. And don't judge...

T Timofey:

God bless you, Svetlana! How good it would be if you studied the Gospel.

L Lyudmila:

Have you ever donated anything yourself? Before you pour dirt on our Church, look around!!! I worked in a church and I know what things they bring, we who worked there couldn’t deal with these things, we didn’t have the energy and time, but the whole street knew that we had things and they came and chose what they needed. We set the conditions for the people who brought things that they should be clean and not torn, and what they bring to you, God, is not old, this was often the case. And yet, we are all human, and before you judge and lump everyone with the same brush, look at yourself. I wish you love for your neighbor, not evil.

YU Julia:

There is a chain of H@M stores in many cities. They have been running a campaign to collect unwanted items for several years now. They accept any textiles, things from old underwear and one torn sock to drape coats, etc. Very comfortably. Over the past year and a half, I have delivered 20 bags of all sorts of different things. Accepted in packages. I know for sure that my things are not lying around in the trash, but are being recycled or burned. For me this is the ideal option.

A Alina:

What evil people! I believe! A friend took things from me /in church, doing something/ to distribute to the poor, and after some time she let it slip that she had handed them over to a consignment shop. I was shocked!

Z Zoya:

I have 5 children and in the Orthodox Church they often give me very good things, branded ones, and I give mine away when I no longer need them, I know that my things will end up in hands and not in the fire. What you write is the exception rather than the rule.Don’t judge by one incident, there are unscrupulous people who take things and then sell them on Avito.

IN Valentina:

Good afternoon I would like to stand up for the author of the article - “A strange impression from what I read... The author has such confidence that “things lie” or are “burned”... Where does it come from? On what are such conclusions based?” - a few years ago I was visiting churches and in the toilet I saw a child’s pink blouse (not trash), which was thrown under my feet to wipe my shoes…..To this day I can’t forget what I saw…..

YU Julia:

That's why I hand over everything unnecessary for centralized recycling or disposal at H @ M!

WITH Sergey:

The author is just a stupid blogger, of which there are a dime a dozen now (lost generation). Firstly, a screaming article that immediately urges you not to give your things to churches and shelters. It’s not “possible” not to transmit, but specifically “not to give.” A reference to your own experience is ridiculous and absurd by definition, because... There is absolutely nothing backed up, not a single example is given, and experience is, for the author’s information, actions repeated many times. Well, to the essence of the question, yes, people are different: good and evil, good and not so good. And this does not really depend on what activity they are engaged in. In any, I repeat in any charity, you can find negative cases, unfortunately, that’s how the world works. According to the author’s inverted logic, there is no need to engage in charity at all - they will steal, burn, throw away, etc. In order for everything to be good, you need to do everything well yourself, but for dishonest people, well, God is their judge. Splashing manure into the souls of decent people on the pages is also a sin, no less than selling something donated to charity.Something like this.

M Mother Tatiana:

The church doesn’t sell things, it happens differently: a mother came with her child, it’s a difficult situation, we need things, we will collect more than one package, God forbid, the children were dressed and wearing shoes, and then we see these things posted on Avito. We trust everyone, but not everyone is honest with us, but this does not mean that *the church sells things* I myself am the wife of a priest, 6 children. The things that people bring are very helpful, there is nothing to buy, the husband is not one of those priests who drives a Mercedes and wears gold, I will say by the way, there is not even a Zhiguli car, gold, and even more so, despite the fact that the husband serves in the new Moscow , all he knows is to pray and serve for the good of people. The church is separated from the state and the priest does not receive a salary, and social. There is no package. Therefore, the things that people bring are very false, as well as food, and the priest’s family lives on the donations that people leave for candles. The priest’s family also has enough to eat and clothe the children. And to give to needy large families; there is no sale of things in the church, and there cannot be. At least here in Kokoshkino. It's very strict with this.


Look how the churchgoers cackled...)) it’s unpleasant when they hit you not in the eyebrow but in the eye, i.e. are they telling the truth?!?

AND Ivan:

False and unreliable information about church workers. Slander. They don't resell anything. Author, don’t write again, you write bad articles that defame conscientious people.

A Alexei:

Some nonsense. I work with social protection and Orthodox churches, collecting and distributing things. People bring not only things, but also household appliances and gadgets.Everything is checked for the possibility of using these items and distributed among those who really need it. And even if some take the opportunity and do not hesitate to take something from what is brought, but excuse me, do you know what volumes of things are brought? Why, excuse me, do social security workers need 20 pairs of shoes? or 10 fur coats? Most of the things are distributed according to their intended purpose. Yes, many people bring, excuse me, used underpants and broken phones... Maybe you have seen the process of recycling such things? I’m even sure that those who donated their beloved 5-year-old panties or socks would be very upset to see them “engulfed in flames”... Or does it matter what to write, just to earn money? You should be ashamed, my dear. Ashamed!!!

AND Irina:

Unpleasant article((I have been a volunteer of a large Orthodox charitable foundation for many years. I am engaged in the analysis of things. Just today I did this for 6 hours in a row. The author, unfortunately, is very superficially familiar with this topic, but draws far-reaching conclusions. 1/ 3 - this is a terrible garbage dump! What have I not found in the bags... lumps of dirt on clothes, dried food, mouse poop and much more. I work in medical gloves, otherwise my hands turn black after a couple of bags. And what I breathe is simple I try not to think... There are very few really decent things, especially washed ones. I don’t know what you can sell there to get fabulously rich))) Previously, our foundation had a practice of selling decent things, but all the proceeds were given to families! Sometimes they brought antique things that the poor definitely did not need and the fund sold them, but the money 100% went to those in need. The author does not even consider this option.And how much they bring in torn pieces and clothes worn to the point of gauze...

T Tatiana:

I was at the church for 25 years. Now I have health problems. I have limited mobility. And my son’s family is very large. Of course, thanks to the kind people, all my children with many children dressed from the church humanitarian aid. They brought it in person. Smoke-stained, tattered. Of course I said thank you. Either they didn’t understand , or something. So. One day, one abbot told us to put up a notice that things were no longer accepted into the temple. Indeed, we were tired of accepting some scraps, trash and terrible old things with a smile. But not all things were like that. There were nothing. This abbot left, another one came. I show him this advertisement and say that my children and grandchildren dress 70 percent from here, and he (also with many children) says, and mine are 100 percent. And that’s how it was then. I assure you. Not all priests are businessmen, not all
vile and greedy, as they say in the media. There are those who are simply poor, especially those who are engaged in the construction or reconstruction of the temple. Bishops are very tough people. Sometimes this is very sad to realize. Those lower down are simply bonded. But not everyone and priests are ideal people. All people. And the human factor was, is and will be.

E Elizaveta:

I have worked with both church and secular charities and have never witnessed items being sold or burned. In particular, in the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on the Three Mountains, the entire basement is occupied for storing things: strollers, books, toys, clothes, etc. People come, single mothers, large families and those simply in need, and freely choose for themselves everything they need in their difficult situation.Yes, the room is crowded and quite cluttered, but all things are hanging on hangers, everything is in plain sight. It’s possible that something is truly stale and needs to be disposed of to make room for new things, but in order to accuse someone of reselling items donated to charity, you need to have evidence. And without evidence, Svetlana, this is called slander.

N Nika:

Parishes are different and parishioners are different, and non-religious people or outsiders are a completely different matter, but the Truth is one: “See that you do not do your alms in front of people so that they see you: otherwise you will not have a reward from your Heavenly Father. So, when you give alms, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, so that people may glorify them. Truly I tell you, they are already receiving their reward. When you do alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your alms may be in secret; and your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you openly” (Matthew 6: 1–4). Thanks to everyone (especially the priest) who provided insightful comments. And woe to the “hypocrites,” those who do their “alms” to tempt others.

E Elena:

The article is not about anything. You have simply never encountered this problem. Judge one-sidedly. and in order to really appreciate it, you don’t need to listen to other people’s stories, but to experience it yourself both as a giver and as a receiver. I’ll say you’ll make a lot of discoveries. And the article will probably be more meaningful, objective, and useful.

E Elena:

People, don’t listen to anyone - share with your neighbors, take it to an orphanage, to a temple, to a hospital, to a neighbor.Such articles are written by very angry and most likely soulless people. You can only come up with such stupidity from a sick head. Yes, if a person has something to share, what difference does it make how he does it. The main thing is from the heart and with pure thoughts. A friend of mine works in a church shop and I myself bring what I can, everything is distributed to those who need it - both the poor and the homeless, and the person just liked the thing. The other has been in the baby's home for many years. I know this from my own experience. How can the church make money from this? What riches can you make from second hand goods? If you think like the author of this article, then why do good at all, evil is simpler and more interesting. even if this was written with some good intentions, then why insult people who work in orphanages, parishioners, and priests. Some kind of obscurantism. The cynicism of the soul is manifested in the cynicism of thoughts7 How else to evaluate. If you have facts, write about specific cases, rather than generalize.

WITH Sergey:

Regarding the church - absolute nonsense, where is there a place near the church in the city to burn things in such quantities?

M Maria:

I agree with most commenters, the article is terrible and not based on facts. I know from my own experience, and this is what we do in the Novosibirsk church: we write down the phone number of everyone in need and call when they bring things. And not a single church employee would take it upon himself to resell things. God bless you and think about what you say.

AND Irina Gennadievna:

Thank you for the article. I absolutely agree with you. Due to circumstances, I had to spend almost six months in a social hotel; I myself saw how things with tags were burned and taken out in cars for sale. Help must be targeted and must be tracked, then there is a chance that those in need will receive it.

YU Julia:

Thank you for the article!! Everything in it is true. Everything the person writes is correct. All sorts of charitable organizations simply steal benefactors' items intended for the poor for further sale or take them for themselves. There is no point in giving to shelters or churches. Total deception and hypocrisy there.
And those who whitewash and defend such charitable organizations are themselves accomplices and from these organizations they have their own benefit!

M Marina:

Author, your goal is dirty. You will ask many charitable organizations, and even the church. But! Make no mistake. God cannot be scolded! If someone suddenly does not understand, then no one in the temple would even think of appropriating, much less resell, the things that were brought to the temple. If some of the things were burned before your eyes, it is only because some “donators” bring dirty things, completed to the point of indecentness; naturally, people do not want to offend with such “gifts”. You need to ask yourself the question: “would I wear this?” Not by fashionable standards, of course, but if you have taken the item to the point of “throwing it away,” then there is no need to “gift” it to others.

TO Flint:

Things that are guaranteed to be unclaimed will simply not be accepted in the church. I handed over things to the church, the woman who accepted them knew exactly what was needed at the moment. Therefore, she simply did not accept half of what I brought (for example, children's underpants).
No one is involved in burning things.In addition, the church told me that anyone who donated things will be allowed to be present at the distribution or will be given the contact information of the person to whom the things were given. Those. there is an opportunity to make sure that things went as intended. I think this procedure is accepted everywhere

WITH Sofia:

In our country, unnecessary things are left near the trash heap, simply laid out on stones that block the passage for cars. Those who need it take it from there.
I know that the neighboring houses do exactly the same thing. And no intermediaries.

E Elena:

Valeria, why insult? The author writes from his own experience. What she had to face.

Y Yelena:

Information on all my Charity, my business, is between me and the universe. talking, writing, talking about this is an ugly thing. Do it if you want, don't do it if you can't, otherwise it's just window dressing. This is my personal position in this matter. xx

IN Vitaly:

who wrote this nonsense, a garbage dump born in the 90s.
Moreover, he is also an atheist. The Lord himself had nothing, in fact he was homeless, but he always shared the last with everyone in need. Dirty darkness, from the article, in Orthodox parishes no one ever burns things, we all go away with a bang, people choose what they like, take away unclaimed items to distribution points in rural areas. If you don’t know anything, don’t pick up a scribbler’s pen. And the stupidly assenting commentators would quietly remain silent.

E Elena:

Before receiving anything from social security, you must prove that you are low-income.At church I just mentioned that it was not yet possible to buy a new one, they immediately brought me a huge package and told me to choose, die. They burn things that are not at all suitable for wear; there are people who feel sorry for throwing away their tatters; they take them to church. And there is no need to slander, we will feed you free of charge and give you food. Anyone who spreads dirt doesn’t go to church at all, but they’ll go in and light a candle (the cheapest one) and they’ll all go to church!!!

M Maria:

It would be interesting to ask the author where she saw churches burning things? Firstly, it is rare that any church today has suitable ovens. Secondly, if something is destroyed, it is only because some “kind-hearted” citizens bring dirty, lousy, almost crap-in clothes to the temple, which - it’s hard to imagine - but they feel sorry for taking them to the trash heap! And so, it seems he demonstrated his kindness to himself, the “benefactor”...

J J.F.L.:

There is one hit on the network, now ex-divorced. She loved to scratch with her tongue. No brakes at all. She proudly told how, while sorting out charity items, she took the best ones for herself. Like, what’s wrong, she’s a mother of many children. Yeah, with an apartment and a dacha in Moscow and two Filipino nannies.

A Alice:

where to put dislike?

T Tata:

Svetlana, learn Russian. There are no “dishonest hands.” There are unclean ones. Or just dishonest

AND Irina:

Thank God for everything!

M Maria:

Unfortunately, few people now give second-hand items a second life. We have become not very thrifty, or something.Now a child won’t go to school wearing his older sister’s jacket, which is no longer fashionable, but you can make masterpieces out of such things if you apply a little imagination and time. After all, there are needlewomen who, like me, simply squeal with delight when they dig up something in their closet or receive something as a gift, which they then alter, remake, out of f... candy. Anyone can sew from new, just trace the pattern and sew the seams. And there are so many ideas to make with children, and it’s not a pity if it doesn’t work out very well, the main thing is what flight of fancy. I will never give away a good thing if I have figured out how to remake it. And we give it mostly to friends and family, we exchange it, and never! We don’t give things away on social networks for free - we only sell them, because time costs money. Children's institutions do not take things from us, children are now better dressed than at home, and only animal shelters require food and textiles. Personally, a toad would strangle me if I saw how the good, work and life of, by and large, tens, hundreds of people who created this disappear and burn, so I believe that the author is right. In the last century, in the 70s, as a child I recycled waste paper and rags, but now so much goes to landfill. And for us it was pocket money. And there was no shame in collecting from neighbors. And nothing burned or rotted. Maybe this will come back someday. I can’t say anything about churches, I don’t go to such places, I believe that the Lord lives in heaven and a contrite heart, but I respect everyone’s right to worship, there are all kinds of people, both conscientious and unscrupulous, it doesn’t depend on whether you’re in a church whether you pray or not. Each has his own grace, the Lord loves everyone, and looks not at the face, but at the heart.

N Natalia:

And I constantly give things to the Diocese. I never monitored the fate of my things. I gave it, but how they are disposed of is on the conscience of the workers.

WITH Svetlana:

It is immediately clear that you are absolutely far from what you are talking about. Nothing is burned in the church: really good things are given to those in need, and outright rags (dirty, torn and out of shape) are taken to the trash. The situation is the same in social protection centers. Don't trash other people's work! It’s better to do something useful yourself than to litter the Internet with all sorts of nonsense!


Disgusting and evil article. And the problem is not even that you casually accused people... the church.. organizations... the problem is that you are giving out advice - and presenting this “advice” of yours - as the opinion of an expert, which you are not. You don’t write what I decided for myself... You write what should and shouldn’t be done... while you don’t understand or understand anything about the topic... this is obvious to everyone who is at least a little aware of charity. You are responsible to the readers for everything that you wrote here... I read your comments.. I’m ashamed of you..


There is no need to be ashamed of me. Better be ashamed of those who, under the guise of charity, line their own pockets.
Or can you vouch for every church and shelter in the Russian Federation that everyone is honest and conscientious, but I made it all up? Everything in this world is divided into good and evil; there are no exclusively good and conscientious organizations throughout the country.
That's right, I am responsible for what I wrote. Can you answer for everyone?
I'm not giving advice, but sharing sad experiences.If I encountered this, it means the same thing is happening somewhere else. I want people to know about this and be vigilant.

No need to shame me, take off your rose-colored glasses.

J Janka:

The comments from the church rats are so funny)))) “you don’t help from the bottom of your heart,” “you give away unnecessary rubbish,” “give away what you yourself need,” etc. Go to..opa! Do you help from the bottom of your heart? NO! You help for the sake of a “tick” in heaven, a plus to your rotten karma. I know people who rely on such help and at the same time have a store, a STORE, like a second-hand store. Clean money! The purest! I myself give things from my children to a friend. I just stupidly give them everything. Clean, sewn up. With a note: do not pass it on to anyone, if not necessary, burn it. Everything in the village is being demolished. I know it. As a matter of principle, I don’t take them to shelters and churches. Taught.

YU Julia:

Those things that are completely unwearable in appearance and condition can be given to animal shelters for bedding. Therefore, you shouldn’t even burn them

IN Vladimir:

Greedy people, before throwing things away, cut them with scissors.

A Andrey:

Another attack on the Russian Orthodox Church!

G Galina:

After reading the article, I was left with the feeling that I was smeared in the waste of your life. Disgusting. Self-aggrandizement at the expense of putting others down is not the best human trait.

IN Faith:

Very incorrect article. It appears that the author has never volunteered or encountered people in need. I have been working in a charity organization for many years. Everything goes as intended, but there are things that are unpleasant to give away, so after sorting they are disposed of.
If you are not competent, it is better not to write. For low-income citizens and families, this is an opportunity to solve their financial problems, sometimes it’s just survival. The beneficiaries are very grateful, sometimes to the point of tears.

AND Igor:

Life is never black or white. So are people. And if somewhere you once came across people who were not conscientious, then you do not have the slightest reason to blame, for example, the entire church. It's not from the mind. But running around looking for those who need help is troublesome and not everyone can do it. And you sow distrust among people - everywhere you are deceived, everywhere you are either thieves or soulless. It wasn't worth keeping people busy for this. It's a lie

AND Igor:

There are dishonest and incompetent doctors - don’t go to clinics. There are policemen who are criminals - never use the help of the police. It happens that the army cannot protect the country - so why the army. This is the point of view of an immature person who wants to teach the whole world


Igor, they write false information on the Internet. Don't use the Internet))))

A Andrey:

No matter what happens. There is good old wisdom. YOU CANNOT DECEIVE GOD... And this applies to everyone......

L Lyudmila:

Great article! I agree with many things. People have an incorrectly formed attitude towards things. After all, every thing was created by people and so much work was put into it. If people wore things as before, for a long time, filled the holes and wore them, there would be no need to create collection points for old items. We've been spoiled today. Everything can be washed, repaired, brought back to normal, cut into rags and used.This is all our mentality, advertisers, buy more, spend your whole life earning fucking rags and things. And still, clothes become outdated, equipment becomes outdated, buy new things, like progress. This is a real substitution of values. The attitude towards things, towards human work has changed, people are devalued. An article about the devaluation of human actions. You wonder how this person carries dirty and broken things. For him, these are things, so he brought them and did not throw them away. This can be said to be a feat of ability to part with things, even if they have lost their appearance. I completely disagree with those who condemn people who bring such things. You see, it has become shameful to wear second-hand clothes. We need to educate people, not condemn them. I see the meaning in every thing, the soul put into it by the person who made it. I even feel sorry for throwing away the candy wrapper. Ban the sale of new things, stop companies profiting from the weaknesses of people. Change people's attitudes towards old things!

I Yana:

Svetlana, don’t throw pearls before swine. They wrote an article - it’s good, but butting heads with obscurantists is stupid.

M Marina:

I take them to the charity store “Spasibo”. There is a whole network of them in St. Petersburg, plus containers where you can leave things. By the way, they also take old (torn) but clean things for recycling. When leaving things, I often see people who pick up dress up for yourself - there is a fitting room, things are hung up. Everything is great!
Of course, it’s great if you can give the item away “addressed”, but this doesn’t always work out!
And as for enriching the church at the expense of things - it’s simply ridiculous. This conveyor belt should be made of new things!

D Dillector:

Several years ago, my wife and I decided to spend a weekend in Suzdal.Vladimir, Intercession on the Nerl, Suzdal. The program is completed! On the way to Moscow, we were advised to stop at another church. We've arrived. Let's go. After a while, an old lady working at the church came up to us. Help me bring these things to my son. ?! I'm not used to saying no. With pleasure! Are you with us? - No! Where should we go then? - And she gives a note with the name of the village. We loaded two large bags into the cabin. Who should I ask? - And you will find it yourself! His name is Mikhail! These are the times! Well, help, so help! A few kilometers to the village. About 10! Wooden, stone, block one-story, two-story houses. Where is Mikhail? And there is no one to ask! We drove one way and the other. I decided to turn into the yard. The wife is silent, as if we know exactly where to go! A man was repairing a car in the yard. Why are we going up to the second!!!??? floor!??? Call. Does Mikhail live here? And he's tinkering with the car in the yard. We greeted and shook hands. I silently take out two bags from the cabin. He knitted his eyebrows and said: again mom is showing concern. To be honest, I wanted to be outraged. I brought old things to the healthy redneck! Couldn't you get there yourself? But he said nothing. He suggested having dinner together. We refused. He started his penny and thanked us, and went around the village to neighboring houses and courtyards, distributing things to those in need! We silently sat in our car and spoke only after Vladimir. Everyone thought about their own. Thank you for reading to the end! The Church does not take things from the trash heap! Sometimes she even folds back things that have holes, are torn, or worn out. But we need to help people!

N Nestor:

Giving away rubbish “from the master’s shoulder” in the form of worn-out shirts and trousers is disrespect for one’s neighbor.You buy a new one and give it away, and burn your cast-offs yourself.

T Tatiana:

I felt “smeared in the mud” not from the article, but from the comments under it. People need to remain, comrades, this is just the opinion of one person. I was especially struck by the rude comments from believers. Regarding the content of the article, there are different situations and different people, which the author clearly noted. My parents often donated things to the church, things were good, almost new, mostly children’s, but they still didn’t dare to give it up - they accepted them with gratitude, there was confidence that these jackets, down jackets, pants, etc. But my friend had a completely different situation - he and his mother decided to take things to church for the first time, the things were clean and in excellent condition. They didn’t take it, they announced in a rather cool manner that tags and labels were required, after which the young man’s desire to hand over something completely disappeared

AND Irina:

Svetlana, you shouldn’t slander the church. People need to write that things should be given clean and intact, just as you would like to receive them.
With an approach like yours, everything will end up in the trash; people don’t have time at schools to watch over those in need.
I'm surprised your article was published.

D Dillector:

The church accepts only clean, not worn, not worn out or torn things! The Church also respects its novices.

D Dillector:

Irina! These people are like Svetlana (what a name Svetlana is - bright, pure in soul!) and they talk such nonsense! Should have checked first!

T Tatiana:

You reminded me of a person who says “you can’t help everyone”... And that’s why he doesn’t help anyone.If you are helping so that everyone will know about it or expecting approval for you, then it is better not to help. If this is the urge of your heart, then why suspect others of uncleanliness? Is it not because you yourself are capable of this? Your job is to help the one who asks and you are responsible for it. It’s up to the person asking to use the help at his own discretion, and he’s responsible for it. Don't take on God's functions


I can't believe this article was written by a grown woman!
I myself work in an organization that helps the elderly, and believe me, we have not thrown out a single used item.
The author should be ashamed of his biased nonsense.


I can't believe that adults can't see beyond their own noses.


Girl, try selling your junk on Avito. You can use what you sell to buy a jeep)))

L Fox:

And it’s not nonsense at all. In a fit of goodwill, I have more than once called organizations that advertised the collection of ANY donations. Answer: we only accept new clothes with labels, things and toys in sealed original boxes, but better in cash!

N Natalia:

Your article is not very honest. You apparently watch TV a lot. There are people everywhere who can use things. But there are more good and honest people, believe me. I have been driving things to DD and DR for 11 years. And I see where things are, equipment. You need to drive 800-1000 km from Moscow. And there they take washed clothes and toys without labels, in good condition. And they bow low. I can take you with me.

AND Irina:

And you don't need to read. You are so stupid in my opinion


And thanks for that)

T Tatiana:

Maybe I'm stupid. in your opinion... but in your opinion, all those who give alms are stupid. You still have some kind of delusions of grandeur. If this is your photograph. then I doubt your extensive life experience and your entire article is compiled on the basis of other people’s stories. You don’t even notice your arrogance and purely liberal attitude towards people.” You are a redneck and don’t understand anything.” LISTEN TO ME AND I WILL TEACH YOU TO LIVE. God will ask for deception (if a liar), and not for the fact that you gave to the “wrong” person. Seek God. and not other people's shortcomings. Not to you. be responsible for them.

E Catherine:

In North America, the problem of unnecessary things is solved differently. There is a chain of stores here whose proceeds go to charity. People bring all unnecessary things to these stores free of charge: clothes, shoes, toys, books, furniture, dishes, home textiles, etc. Each item is assessed and put up for sale at very low prices; unsold items can then be discounted several times. Almost everything is sold out. In my opinion, this is a very reasonable approach, and it is high time to introduce the same system in Russia.


Perfect solution. There really is a lot to learn.

IN Valentina:

Svetlana, dear. It seems to me that when a person does something from the heart, does charity, then it doesn’t matter which person gets your thing.
Good must be silent. If you just watched someone burn your things, then this is the way God judges them.

L Lyudmila:

I was amused by the indignant comment about what kind of things they forced the poor to work on improving the church. But they came up with the right idea: not to give alms, but to let people earn money. I don’t see any reason for indignation; it’s indignant that able-bodied people are addicted to alms, and even condemn those who help them. But with gratitude, everything is generally bad: I was not ashamed to write that they did not themselves offer all possible help to the church, but were also angry that they had to work.
And selling is also work worthy of payment - it means the thing will fall into the right hands. I like to sell on different sites for a nominal price. The one in need will find it and come and buy it. If you really like something, but don’t have enough money, I’ll make a discount so that there’s enough for everything. And if I gave someone the opportunity to make money and resell it at a higher price, that’s great. It’s only disgusting if my kindness is mistaken for stupidity, but these costs cannot be avoided.
It’s hard to sort things out, and choosing what you need is also work, so they keep piling up.
It’s only a shame when a natural children’s fur coat was found underfoot, I would have been upset too. That's right, many churches refuse to accept used items. Nowadays, if you try, you can find second hands for your things via the Internet. In difficult times, I look for inexpensive things on the Internet for myself (Thanks to those who did not throw them away and were not too lazy to post them on the Internet).
I am not afraid that they will see me and that I will lose God’s mercy, since I neglected anonymity. I didn’t intend to shake mercy out of God in this way. And yes, I am pleased by the gratitude and joy of people, but I don’t want to do anything for the evil ungrateful creatures who strive to deceive, well, it’s disgusting to me, I don’t want to be holy.
And yes, don’t take used items to charities. Don’t put the work on others that you can do yourself, otherwise what kind of charity is this? It’s better to put it on the Internet and not for free (they start grabbing for free just to grab it and then they throw away half of it and why did I waste my energy then? It would be better if I took it to the trash), but just very cheaply - this is the best option, it’s a pity to give a ruble for something you don’t need..

L Lyudmila:

Is it just me that the “reply” function doesn’t work?

N Natalya Bryantseva:

And yet I couldn’t stand it... I will answer as briefly as possible.
I myself am a pupil of an orphanage, and I know first-hand WHERE and most importantly - HOW, humanitarian aid went from the same Finns or Swedes.
First of all, the detector with its “suede” was locked in the assembly hall. Only “close” headmistresses had access there.
That’s it, I repeat – ALL new’ good and wearable things left the building’ without reaching the recipients.

But we completely lost faith in people on the eve of graduation. The family that supervised our orphanage arrived two weeks before graduation to give all the graduates (there were 9 of us) dresses and suits.
But in the end, I personally saw my dress, which I was even allowed to try on that day, at the prom on the headmistress’s daughter.

Well, as for the snickering Orthodox Christians... This topic has too many painful issues, more like a fetid abscess. Not all believers can be classified in this group; there are only a few of them left...

Oh yes! I almost forgot. Regarding the huge sums for the maintenance of children... Those who think so do not know VERY MUCH about boarding homes and shelters.
DO YOU WANT TO HELP THE CHILDREN'S HOME? Come yourself, talk to the guys yourself, if you need something, bring it and give it ONLY IN THEIR HANDS. Ideally, no teachers at all.

M Mila:

In Denmark, a very common network of second-hand stores from the Red Cross, various church organizations, etc. These stores are very popular, you can find very interesting things there, almost new, and the proceeds go to specific projects. Volunteers work there, almost always pensioners, but general management is handled by professionals. For collection, there are containers around the city with the inscription - do not throw waste and garbage there; things and furniture are also brought to shops. The received items are cleaned a little, ironed, given a marketable appearance and sold. Recently they have begun to write in the press that some people bring or secretly bring to the door completely unusable or damaged things or furniture, it’s just a shame to watch, so as not to pay for the removal of large garbage, etc. A lot of time and effort is spent on removing donated unusable things. It's impossible to say. that this happens often, but, unfortunately, morality changes

M Maryana:

It seems that the author hit the mark, which is why those who felt offended attacked her. When I brought good, clean children’s clothes in clean bags to church, I saw how they fell into obscene heaps. It’s good that “Veshchevorot” containers appeared in our city. Now I only take it there. Good things, judging by the information, are given to those in need, used ones are recycled as recyclables, and the best things go to a charity store, probably like a second-hand store. The only thing they ask is that everything is clean.So it’s no problem – now many people have washing machines. And why is this donation of things not charity? Just charity! There are things that people can sell, but they give them away for nothing.

M Mila:

Why not take foreign experience as a basis and set up small stores where you can sell donated items very inexpensively, and use the proceeds in projects and inform the public about it.

N Natalia:

Sorry, but I will write with quotes from your article. Beginning “And then a choice arises: throw away what is unclaimed or give it to those in need. Kind-hearted people tend to settle for the second option. However, their gesture does not always benefit the poor. The chances of this happening are minimal when contacting a church or an orphanage.” Please note that at the beginning you write about the entire church and all the orphanages. Not about the people who make up the church, not about those who work in orphanages. And in general about churches and orphanages.
“...and the “parishioners”, “lay people”, who sometimes do not miss their own benefits in this matter. Therefore, we will not slander the church itself.” Let me note that the Church for believers is all people baptized in Christ according to the Orthodox rite, both the living, with all their sins and problems, and the dead. For them, this statement is an insult.
“If you visit the parish at the wrong time, you can witness the burning of things. This is exactly what is done with items that have not passed the strict selection process of the church ministers. Seeing your donation engulfed in flames is not a pleasant pleasure.” Unfortunately, you apparently are not aware that dirty, bad, worn-out things are burned. And how did you, out of a huge number of similar things, personally see your thing?
“Churches and shelters do not give away clothing items that are in ideal condition and are simply expensive, much less burn them. Anything that can fetch good money is, in many cases, resold. Most often, the operation is carried out through private advertisements.” In your opinion, this is bad, but some of the parishioners need expensive medicine for treatment, there is no money. They sold something and helped me buy medicine. This, according to you, is bad. Or maybe not medicine, but payment of utilities for a single mother, single people.
In the article, you did not indicate ANYWHERE that this was your personal experience and did not use the words “some”, “part”. You wrote so categorically and accusingly that you offended many people you don’t even know. So how are you different from those “..that now a parish or orphanage needs not second-hand things, but money. Such news, which is in fact a disregard for good will and a form of extortion, will harden even the most sympathetic heart.” Only because your words are not extortion, but a slander?

E Catherine:

You are wrong, in many ways! As for social protection and the Church, in your words you can feel a hidden, let’s say, “dislike” for these places. No matter how many things you have considered, you have never observed everything that you write. And if you think like you, then of course, shortcomings can be found everywhere, even where you propose to take things. Don’t be so critical, don’t encroach on the sacred and don’t mislead people with your views. All the best to you.

M Masha:

Targeted help is good. Perhaps there are cases of dishonest handling of things. But the rest of this opus is sweeping accusations and statements.It is surprising that such, to put it mildly, unweighted text is published. I sometimes work in a monastery and almost all the things its inhabitants have - clothes, shoes - are unnecessary items donated by people. This is a good thing.

TO Katyusha:

Interesting opinion)


