Why you shouldn’t wear someone else’s clothes: hygiene and signs

There is a belief that wearing other people's clothes is prohibited. The answer to this question depends on the circumstances. Let's figure out when you can wear someone else's clothes and when you can't.

Why you can't wear someone else's clothes

You can’t wear someone else’s clothes: reasons

There are many reasons why you should not wear other people's clothes:

  1. It's unhygienic. Microbes and bacteria can live between the villi, which cause diseases and viruses. It is unknown whether previous owners washed these items. Sweat and skin particles could remain on it.
  2. If an item is taken from strangers, it can be accidentally damaged. And often such cases lead to quarrels between friends or even relatives.
  3. If we consider the issue from the point of view of energy, any clothing absorbs the energy of its owner. And if another person puts it on, he can receive both positive and negative energy from the previous owner. He takes upon himself problems at work and with health and other troubles of another person.
  4. Esotericists believe that things have an energy field left by the previous owner. And we have our own energy field. There is a conflict between them, which causes discomfort when dressing. This imbalance leads to low mood, stress, insomnia or various diseases. It is considered dangerous to wear things in which another person has experienced strong emotions. First of all, this question concerns wedding dresses or mourning dresses, as well as things of sick and unhappy people.


Is it possible to wear relatives' clothes?

With relatives the issue is simpler; you trust the person, so there shouldn’t be any problems. You can wear things from relatives if there is no risk of contracting a certain disease and you are not disdainful.

Reference! Problems with field incompatibility should not arise, since our energy field should have gotten used to the field of the person who is often nearby (no conflict arises).

But there are several nuances when it is not recommended to wear a relative’s things:

  1. You haven't seen each other for a long time. Then there is a risk that the energy field will conflict.
  2. A relative is sick.
  3. He's already dead.
  4. You put things on without asking your relative.


Does this opinion apply to children's clothing?

The problem of incompatible fields does not apply to children's things. But if a child is sick or has died, it is forbidden for other children to wear his clothes. Here the problem may arise in terms of the fact that the clothes have been worn for a long time and are dirty. It should be cleaned. To do this, do the following:

  1. We wash things with regular powder. But you should choose a hypoallergenic product so as not to irritate the child’s skin (they have sensitive skin and are very susceptible to external irritants).
  2. If the items are from a second-hand store, it is recommended to wash the clothes in hot water (70 degrees is sufficient). This will get rid of all germs.
  3. We get rid of all stains. We use detergent or solution.
  4. The same applies to toys for children. I also wash them in hot water with powder.
  5. The same goes for upholstered furniture. It needs to be cleaned well.

baby clothes

If you trust the person and know that he takes care of his clothes, you can wear his clothes, but only if the owner agrees.

Reviews and comments
L Lydia:

Second-hand items are always treated with a special gas, so there is no need to wash them at 70 degrees. And in general, I’m tired of reading about invented superstitions. Live easier!


