Why do schoolchildren have to wear uniforms but teachers don't?

In Russia, school uniforms for teachers are being actively discussed. If it disciplines students and unites teams in other areas, then why not introduce it in schools for everyone?
Why was the mandatory uniform for teachers removed?

Why not?

We meet people in uniform everywhere, and this is considered normal:

  • doctors in white coats;
  • workers in factories and factories;
  • employees of public catering outlets;
  • banks, hotels, shops of various formats and other establishments;
  • army and police.

Why was the mandatory uniform for teachers removed?

Clothing emphasizes status and makes the right employee stand out in the crowd. For example, in a store we always recognize a consultant by the color of a branded shirt or vest, this helps to find our bearings.

Private schools and private gymnasiums already have uniforms for teachers.

What does it look like and how practical is it?

Why was the mandatory uniform for teachers removed?

In most schools, there are certain limits that limit the acceptable colors and styles, and just give the designers free rein, they will come up with and offer new solutions! The main thing is that in the end the clothes should be accessible to all teachers, including remote settlements.

Surveys have shown that the majority of their participants believe that students are required to wear a uniform - this increases their discipline and improves their performance indicators. Regarding uniforms for teaching staff, the results are completely different: 63% of respondents did not approve of the idea!

What are the advantages:

  1. There will be no annoying situations when a teacher comes to class in a dress inappropriate for his status or goes too far with accessories.
  2. Ideal situation: high-quality fabric, well-designed silhouettes and the entire “banquet” at the expense of the employer.
  3. There is a possibility that the uniform will raise the prestige of the teaching profession.
  4. It will become easier to comply with the dress code.

Disadvantages of introducing uniform clothing

Why was the mandatory uniform for teachers removed?

To be fair, it is worth mentioning the shortcomings of a single uniform for teachers. There is a technical side to the issue:

  • the features of the figure will not be taken into account;
  • Not everyone is equally well suited to certain colors;
  • the quality of the fabric may be in question;

If you look at photographs of groups in the already introduced form, you can see how different a pencil skirt looks. Yes, this is an almost universal item, but even it must take into account some nuances!

An interesting opinion is expressed: it would be much better to unite teachers not with the same sets of clothes, but with some stylish accessories: badges, scarves, the school emblem.

Why was the mandatory uniform for teachers removed?

The corporate spirit, expressed by the uniformity of style, unites and motivates to work. Feeling involved in the matter makes it easier to enjoy the process. External control and organization have always distinguished teachers, so it will be easier for them to adapt to a new way.

In conclusion, we can conclude that the idea itself is not bad, the main thing is to correctly implement it so that there are no excesses. The teacher is always the center of attention and must look stylish and tasteful.

Reviews and comments
WITH Svetlana:

Dress the deputies and ministers in the same uniform, and then take on the teachers….

L Leah:

Well, yes... This gray one, with stripes... And the regime is stricter... With the same salary...)))

L Louise:

But what about those who have thin legs? and the skirts don’t look good at all???
Then you will have to look for another job. Maybe just wear suits, including trouser ones! For example, I wear a strictly trouser suit, classic trousers.

WITH Svetlana:

“Corporate spirit, expressed by uniformity of style, unites and motivates us to work. “He hasn’t been there for a long time. Everyone is squabbling over incentives... Poor teachers cannot afford to buy a suit. I only buy underwear once a year. I can't always wear a skirt to work. Since tights cost 450 rubles. With my salary, 15 thousand is an expensive pleasure. When they pay me 50 thousand, then I will wear whatever they tell me to wear.

WITH Svetlana:

The teacher's status is nowhere lower. You can't lift it with form.

A Anna:

Children already go to a nursing home. And now also dress the teachers uniformly. Drive your kids crazy!


Maximum - icons. Prestige can only be raised by an adequate salary.

E Elena:

Why turn a school into a barracks? As an example, they cited workers, trade workers, doctors... So, doctors’ clothes should be sterile, any will not suit them, workers’ work is dirty, they need a comfortable uniform that can be easily washed, workers in other fields are the same. There are no other problems, or what? The introduction of a new form is an expense, and a considerable one. At whose expense? So that again someone has the opportunity to cut away the allocated billions? In my opinion, there are many more pressing problems

E Catherine:

I wonder what status the monotonous gray mass will emphasize? Maintenance staff status? At least the photos of the costumes should have been chosen more decently, otherwise you know, our cleaning ladies look more decent. Oh yes, I forgot, teachers are equal in status and salary to cleaners!!!

AND Irina:

I am categorically AGAINST uniforms for teachers!!! I am a teacher of the highest category with 35 years of experience...You have nothing else to discuss?!

TO Kira:

I don't mind the shape. But we know perfectly well how it works in our country) At first everything will be beautiful. They will create a collection and show it on size 40 models. Then real life will begin, in which women of all sizes and in this shape will look ridiculous. What's next? And then they will say: “Dear teachers, buy at your own expense, but strictly from such and such a company. Maybe even the teachers will be measured.And then they will sew it from cheap synthetics at the price of good materials. Well, considering the real salaries in the regions are around 15t, many simply cannot afford it

U Student:

“Not all teachers wear the same colors.” And supposedly they MUST be suitable for schoolchildren. It’s okay, let the teachers suffer in a single uniform, let’s see how happy they will be. Then let them try to yell at the students that the uniform is wrong. Feel yourself in our shoes. Ahahaha

E Elena:

4 years passed. At your own expense. In black and white. Just like in one of the pictures. Like at a funeral. It’s sickening beyond belief, including for the students. Even faces change in such clothes. When you can come in something else, everyone smiles, the students say that it’s better this way. Why in black and white? We didn’t agree on a different color, it’s harder to find, it doesn’t suit everyone, etc. They came out in black and white so that it wouldn’t be offensive, because it doesn’t suit anyone. By the way, due to the characteristics of my figure, I cannot wear a pencil skirt at all due to the characteristics of my figure.

E Elena:

I apologize for the repetition, I can’t edit anymore.((

IN Valentina:

Uniforms really discipline students, but why do teachers need them? In my opinion, this is just another piece of nonsense, invented in order to mock teachers...

WITH Svetlana:

When I was at school, the girls and I constantly discussed one teacher who wore the same dark gray suit all year. This did not inspire respect or discipline in us. Although this was in the 80s. Now she is a teacher herself. I try to dress businesslike, but it’s interesting and the children notice everything and give compliments, and this lifts my mood.That’s why I don’t agree to a uniform at school.

L Larisa:

A teacher's appearance is always the key to the success of textbooks. A stylishly dressed teacher is an example for students. When I was at school, our young, beautiful teachers were style icons for us. They taught us not only the subject, but also the culture. Beautiful posture and gait always made me want to be like the teacher. The teacher's appearance is already a learning process. And the introduction of a uniform for a teacher will deprive him of the opportunity to educate with his appearance. It’s another matter if the teacher earns little and cannot afford to dress stylishly, then, of course, a uniform is better. The state needs to educate rednecks. Then it would be better for a teacher in uniform to do it. Faceless, uninteresting.

L Larisa:

Sorry for the typo, not the textbooks, but the students. I typed without glasses. I can't fix it anymore.

N Natalia:

When I was still going to school, and this was in the 70s, we had a literature teacher: a young, beautiful woman. She wore the same clothes to work. I remember we couldn’t wait for her to wear something else. I have been working at school for 34 years and try not to bore students with either my appearance or approach to work.

N Natalia:

Sorry: don't bore me

AND Irina:

Let's put the whole country in uniform and march in formation
I have been working in schools for more than 20 years; they think very carefully about not only the lesson, but also the image! This is creativity, and you want to “cut off your hands”

P Pauline:

Louise, let me add that children (particularly girls) are forced to wear skirts and many don’t look good on them either, this is not a problem, but an excuse


