Why is drying clothes in the room a step towards illness?

Is it possible to dry clothes in an apartment if there is no balcony? In the bathroom, you say! And if the bathroom is small, and even combined... Outside the window on a string? And if it rains outside all day... In winter, with the radiators on, the air in the room dries out greatly. Resourceful housewives hang wet things throughout the apartment. And the laundry seems to dry quickly, and it saves money on a humidifier.

Why drying clothes in the room is a step towards illness

Is it really that simple? What do you say when you learn that this method can lead to serious health problems? Let's figure out what to do to dry everything and not harm your health.

Why is excess humidity in a room dangerous?

The main problem with drying in a residential area is increased humidity. The optimal indoor humidity is 30–60% in warm weather and 30–45 in the heating season.

IMPORTANT! Excess moisture in a room can harm the human body and lead to serious problems.

excess humidity

Drying wet laundry is quite dangerous for those who have a history of the following problems.

  • Allergy. During the drying process, fabric conditioner residues, detergents and other chemical impurities evaporate from the laundry, which can cause inflammation of the respiratory tract.
  • Pulmonary diseases. High humidity causes mold to appear, which spreads spores, which are a powerful allergen. This causes cough, runny nose and even asthma.
  • Weak immunity. A disease such as aspergillosis may well develop. It affects the respiratory system, oral cavity, and nervous system.

ATTENTION! If the humidity in the room is normal, then drying clothes, creating excessive air humidification, can only do harm.

How to properly organize drying things

What to do, because you still have to dry your clothes? This means that you need to ensure that a safe atmosphere is maintained in the room.

Creating conditions for safe drying

  • To reduce dampness use dehumidifiers.
  • Ventilate rooms regularly, use a hood.
  • Eliminate leaks and clean with vinegar water (10 liters of water + 0.5 cups of vinegar).
  • Use a variety of drying tools.

Safe drying options

The sight of wet laundry hanging all over the room is not a very pleasant sight. How to organize the process conveniently, compactly and comfortably? And at the same time cope with one more task - speed up the process? There are several options.

  • The easiest way - buy a dryer. BUT! You must have extra space allocated for it, which is not available to everyone. Yes, and additional expenses from the budget will be required!

drying machine

  • Okay if you can organize a separate room specifically for drying things. But this is doable if you have a private house, cottage or townhouse. The place under the stairs is perfect
  • If you don't have a balcony, dryer that is attached to the battery, will do an excellent job. Just find her the most secluded place!

to the battery

  • Folding models allow you to place a large number of things. They save space and modern types are equipped with electric drives.


  • You can mount a retractable dryer on the loggia, which folds up when not needed and does not take up space.
  • Convenient special transformer, which is easily attached to the wall and does not catch the eye when folded. Such models will fit well into bathrooms and small balconies.


  • pay attention to ceiling options. When necessary, they are lowered and loaded with laundry. They can be mechanical or automatic. With additional functions: airflow; timer.
  • A terry towel is a great way to speed up the drying process.. Place the wet item on it, wrap it in a roll and press it down with a weight. The towel will quickly absorb excess moisture. An excellent option for large knitted items, which will allow them not to deform or stretch.

terry towel

  • Small items (without lurex and metal inserts!) can be dried in the microwave, setting the timer for 20 seconds. Then open the oven, turn things over and turn on the “dryer” again.
  • In case of emergency, use an oven. Hang the laundry over the open oven, observing the obligatory condition: the window in the room must be open.

Choose the option that is most convenient for you and safe for the whole family!

Reviews and comments

A far-fetched problem for city apartments, in which the central heating radiators are “scalding” and the question always arises - how to humidify the premises and one of the recommendations is hanging wet laundry...


