Why do Ukrainians wear embroidered shirts, but Russian kosovorotki do not?

The fact that historically the Slavic peoples are close is known to everyone. Our peoples have a lot in common in habits, customs, we have a common past and traditions. And there are many close details in folk costumes. For example, embroidered shirts, which have become a striking detail of the national attire. In Russian folk costume they are called kosovorotkas, and in Ukrainian - embroidered shirts. We will tell you about their past and present.

Why do Ukrainians wear embroidered shirts, but Russians don’t wear kosovorotki?

Embroidery and its features

This word is used to describe the embroidered traditional shirt of the Eastern Slavs. Many people know that this attribute of folk clothing is widespread in Ukraine. Therefore, the shirt is considered an element of Ukrainian folk clothing. This is not entirely correct.

embroidered shirts

Reference! Belarusians, Poles, Russians and other nationalities also have shirts decorated with folk embroidery (vyshyvanka).

Character traits

  • The traditional Ukrainian embroidered shirt has a symmetrical cutout in the middle of the neck. It may have a stand-up collar, tied with a twisted cord with tassels, or a simple slit.
  • The neckline, shoulders, sleeve edges, elbow bend are embroidered with all kinds of ornaments and patterns. Various colors are involved in the decoration, but red, blue and black predominate. The color of the fabric is most often white.
  • Images and drawings are very diverse. These are symbolic patterns of Slavic mythology - swastikas, crosses, circles, diamonds, symbols of the sun, stars, snowflakes. Plant patterns are used - grape leaves, poppies, oak leaves, hops, periwinkle and others. Popular images of animals, birds and insects are roosters, pigeons, butterflies, horses, wolves, hares.
  • Almost every embroidery is unique and original. Every embroiderer has her own style and preferences. Each work is a work of art.

women's embroidered shirt

The attitude of Ukrainians to embroidered shirts today

In Ukraine, embroidery is considered not only men's shirts embroidered around the neck, but also other wardrobe items with traditional embroidery - blouses, dresses, skirts, scarves, hats, T-shirts and outerwear.

in embroidered shirt

During the Orange Revolution, Ukrainian embroidered shirt became very popular. Designers such as John Galliano and Valentino presented clothing collections inspired by the Ukrainian tradition of embroidered shirts. Many world-famous stars do not hesitate to wear such shirts and blouses.

Interesting fact! Madonna, Mila Kunis, Dita Von Teese, Sandra Bullock love to show off in embroidered shirts.

Looking at photos of modern embroidered shirts, you want to wear such clothes. Beautiful blouses made from natural fabrics, decorated with original embroidery, look very feminine and gentle even with jeans. Dresses with embroidery around the neck and an embroidered belt will decorate the wardrobe of any fashionista.

in embroidered shirts

Both boys and girls wear embroidered T-shirts; this does not diminish their “advancement.”Men's embroidered shirts worn under trousers and a jacket do not make a man a “Selyuk” at all.

Important! This embroidered type of clothing has gained the highest popularity in Ukraine in recent years as a modern and current fashion trend.

Russian kosovorotka and its originality

Kosovorotka is a traditional Russian men's shirt.


Features of the cut

It differs from embroidered shirt in the design of the collar. He not located symmetrically, but on the side of the chest, most often on the left.

Important! Researchers of folk costume believe that this was done on purpose so that the cord with a cross on the body does not interfere with work and does not fall out.


Unlike embroidered shirt, which can be both men's and women's, a kosovorotka is a traditionally men's shirt. It was sewn from different fabrics: linen, cotton, linen, silk or satin, depending on the position in society, class and income.



The kosovorotka could have an embroidered pattern, but it was not mandatory. Shirts were made from colored fabrics, fabrics with various embossing, striped and checkered patterns, etc.

As in the case of embroidery, the decoration of the Russian kosovorotka also had a symbolic “protective” and aesthetic meaning. When embroidering, the same Slavic symbols were used - the sun, pagan deities, plant patterns, images of birds and animals.

Important! Kosovorotki, sewn from red linen, were considered amulets against evil forces.

Who wore a blouse?

The kosovorotka was worn untucked, belted with a cord belt and tassels. The node was located on the left. The variety and richness of decoration depended on the purpose of the braid. It was everyday, kokosnaya, festive, wedding or funeral.

Kosovorotok's past

  • Linen shirt with bias collar worn by Russian soldiers as underwear.
  • The greatest spread of these shirts in society occurred in the 19th century, when they became the basis of any costume. They were worn with a vest.

Interesting fact! In 1880, the blouse formed the basis for the creation of the familiar tunic.

  • Until today, shirts with bias collars are the favorite type of clothing of the Cossacks.

Kosovorotka in our time

Although in demand in the past, the kosovorotka is not so popular today. If they wear embroidered shirts to proms, wear them with an official suit, or use them in their everyday wardrobe, the same cannot be said about a blouse.

future of kosovorotok

Why? The answer to this question is not so simple. For some reason, many of our compatriots have the idea that folk clothing is too simple, even primitive.

Is there a future for the kosovorotka?

modern modelI would like to think that this will not always be the case. And Russians will one day proudly wear kosovorotki, as Ukrainians do today in embroidered shirts.

And our optimism has its reasons.

  • The braid is increasingly becoming a source of inspiration for famous designers and is the highlight of fashion shows. This attribute of national clothing not only recreates an unusual and colorful image, but also expresses respect for the original Russian roots, traditions and rich history.
  • Modern blouses are made from natural materials, decorated with embroidery, braid, laces, multi-colored strips of fabric and applique.
  • Leather and suede shirts have become very popular in recent years. They are authentic, beautiful, unique and, in addition, perform a powerful protective function. Similar clothes cannot be found in any other country.

Interesting fact! There is a version that the biker jacket, the creation of which is attributed to the Shot brothers - Irwin and Jack, immigrants from Russia, was spied not only by aviators. They were inspired by the idea of ​​a bias fastener from a blouse shirt. True, the men's version of this jacket is fastened to the right shoulder.

The advantage of modern shirts

The rapidly growing popularity of kosovorotka is explained by such qualities.

  • Simplicity of cut that does not restrict movement.
  • Use of environmentally friendly natural materials;
  • Beautiful modern decor and decoration;
  • Versatility: modern variations of these shirts make it possible to combine them with jeans, a suit, and wear them for all occasions.

Important! Modern samples of clothing, created based on folk costume, are bright and original. Ethnic style brings uniqueness and special flavor to any element of the wardrobe.

The current fashion has not ignored the shirt with embroidered shirt, which have common Slavic roots. By choosing and wearing these items of national attire, we not only pay tribute to fashion or add a unique “zest” to our wardrobe, but also express our belonging to the rich Slavic history, culture and its traditions.

Reviews and comments
M Mark:

The author forgot to mention that in the east of Ukraine a man in an embroidered shirt is now a sign of bad taste. And even on the day of embroidery there are only a few dressed in national clothes. Personally, I myself hid a Ukrainian shirt in my closet after 2014, but before I wore it with pleasure.

IN Vasily Sekirov:

the author forgot to mention that not only the Slavs, but also many other peoples have shirts with embroidery. and the fashion designers mentioned in the article are not inspired by Ukrainian embroidered shirts.

A Alena_Ru:

Author, remember: embroidered shirt and a jacket are not a national flavor, but a complete refuge. That Khrushchev was a selyuk, that his followers were horses. I’m not saying that after the spring of 2014 not a single decent person in Russia will wear an embroidered shirt.
In general, we need to be more bold in introducing stylization and details of the national costume into everyday life. It's very beautiful and very convenient.

A Alena_Ru:

Damn autocorrect. Not a shelter, but a slaughterhouse.

WITH Sergey:

I'm wondering. Why do Ukrainians wear embroidered shirts with such pride and at the same time are so embarrassed about their trousers? An embroidered shirt without trousers will fail. All Ukrainians should get their grandfathers' trousers out of their chests URGENTLY.

A Alena_Ru:

Yes. Just wash it first)

A Angela:

In Russia, men's shirts were cut with a slanted collar not for the sake of beauty. Strangers should not have seen the pectoral cross. The sanctity of the cross was protected. The fastening on the shirt was done on the side so that the cross would not accidentally fall out of the collar of the shirt.

A Alena_Ru:

That is, the cross on women did not have such a sacred meaning?
Why can't you see a pectoral cross? Well, yes, they didn’t put it on display, but they didn’t hide it on purpose either.

A aboriginal:

Kosovorotka, embroidered shirt, wreaths, kokoshniks, bast shoes have still been forgotten and back to the past to the village, to the farm to catch butterflies and twist the tails of cows and oxen. For some reason, they don’t remember that the Russians had sables and many other details of clothing in their national costumes, an order of magnitude higher than the shirt

D Don Trumpax:

Those who wear embroidered shirts become automatic embroiderers.

TO Katyusha:

I once read the following phrase: “When science, industry, and progress end in a country, embroidery begins.” I think this idea is absolutely correct. There is nothing left in Ukraine to be proud of. So they stick out their embroidered shirts, huts, and mallows. They made themselves agrarians by destroying industry and science.
God willing, in Russia we won’t get to this point.

A aboriginal:

Probably it just interfered with safety work when the lace fell out and dangled when moving downwards

A aboriginal:

something like that )

Z Zinochka:

Damn, because of politics, wearing something embroidered now means insults, etc., and maybe even threats. While in Ukraine in 2012, I bought a beautiful blouse and dress, both items with embroidered poppies. Not embroidered shirts, modern clothes simply with machine embroidery. Now you can’t put it on people. Wear at home.
In Ukraine, embroidered shirts are much more beautiful than Russian ones. And the women there wear embroidered clothes. What do we have? Kosovorotka is only for men. What should a woman wear?
Cossacks are still odious characters.
And yes, in Ukraine now it’s somehow much better than in Erefiya. ?
(It’s a pity that comments don’t have dates; it would be interesting to see when people think it’s worse there. Probably back in the days of Gunpowder).

A aboriginal:

Kosovorotki with and without embroidery, like embroidered shirts, are rural clothes and in fact this fashion indicates the place where “fashionistas” should traditionally be. So put the pick and sickle in your hands and forward for the benefit of the bourgeoisie, gentlemen serfs)))

R Rus:

The meaning of the kosovrotka is different. And yes, she is purely Russian. It came from the Scythian-Russians. The Scythian-Russians (and they are not a sedentary people) could not have their chests wide open, unlike the Slavic farmers with their embroidered shirts. On horseback and in the wind, only a shirt with a closed chest and even throat. And the belt is a talisman - a symbol of life. Of course, patterns could be on the shirt, but this was not often the case.

N Nellie:

I support it 100%!

N Nata:

They don't wear it because they're Asians! And Ukrainians and Belarusians are Slavs!!! They are proud of their national costumes. However, like other peoples: Finns, Poles, Swedes, Germans also wear national costumes, and they are proud of not only their costumes!

I Jaromir:

ASIA - AZY.Basis of the basics. The beginning of time.
West - WEST
To get lost - to get lost
Draw conclusions


