Why do clothes look different in the fitting room and at home?

Shopping is a very tiring activity! But when they manage to find something suitable and fits their figure perfectly, the ladies come home in a state of happiness and euphoria, which, by the way, can quickly dissipate if you start trying on new clothes again at home. Suddenly you may discover that the dress no longer fits your figure so well, but gathers in ugly folds on the stomach, and brand new trousers make your hips look very full. What is so magical about fitting rooms in stores if clothes there become much more attractive? Let's try to figure it out.

Why do clothes look different in the fitting room and at home?

How does a store “help” people like things?

Experienced stylists advise memorizing your image before leaving the house if you plan to buy clothes. The fact is that stores use small and invisible tricks that significantly change your appearance for the better.

The most commonly used “techniques” are:

  • properly adjusted lighting;
  • dimming, fogging of mirrors;
  • the effect of false “slenderness”.

Important! Most girls may notice that dressing room mirrors give a terrible complexion and unattractive skin, but the body looks toned and muscular.

All this indicates the use of special psychological secrets of the store so that the buyer leaves the boutique with a purchase.

fitting in a store

Former clothing store employees reveal the secrets of how they manage to convince customers to buy this or that item. For example, some boutiques they deliberately dim the lights in fitting rooms or make mirrors smokyto encourage a girl to go out into the sales area wearing the thing she is trying on. And there the “correct” mirrors, good lighting and helpful consultants will be waiting for her, always praising the value of the purchase.

It is noteworthy that most buyers know about all these tricks, but continue to fall for the tricks of sellers. Modern women's closets are filled with clothes that do not suit them or do not meet all the requirements stated before purchase.

How not to make mistakes when buying clothes

A woman needs to know some rules that will help her buy a truly beautiful and high-quality item, and not acquire another unnecessary rag of dubious quality. To do this, you need to have an idea of ​​certain actions that can neutralize the tricks of store managers.

mirror in the fitting room

We are looking for an objective reflection

During fitting you should:

  • evaluate your appearance in the offered mirror, spin around and look at yourself from all sides;
  • sit on a stool, installed in a booth to evaluate how the dress fits in different situations;
  • go out into the sales area and look in other mirrors, it is best if this happens in natural light.

Often, seeing her reflection in a window glass, a girl can more objectively assess her appearance than in all the huge mirrors before.

We are skeptical about the reaction of consultants

Don’t rush and listen to consultants’ assurances about how well this dress fits your figure and emphasizes your beauty. A thing should be liked first of all by yourself, and only then by those around you.

Advice! If you need an outside perspective, don't shop alone. Choose as a companion someone whose objectivity you are confident in.

view from the outside

We “chase” not only fashion, but also individuality

Don't forget about the right prints. Today, stores offer a wide selection of clothes with different patterns. Animal prints, inscriptions, portraits, geometric shapes and ever-popular floral motifs are especially popular this season.

selecting a print

However, you should keep in mind how they fit with your body shape.

  • Large floral or animal prints on clothes visually plump up the figure. It is better to use them in an image in doses, without overdoing it with patterns.
  • Horizontal stripes or large checks also visually expand the silhouette. But thin, slender girls who are tall can afford wardrobe items with this trendy print.

Have a pleasant and useful shopping!

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