In the United States, there is a ban on wearing hoods as a form of crime control

In the United States, legislative authorities came up with an initiative to ban the wearing of clothing that hides the face. When the bill is adopted, hoods, in particular, will be banned. The law is up for public discussion.


The essence of the hood ban in the USA

In America, an amendment to the law was introduced that prohibits wearing a “hoodie”. This is a jacket without a zipper with a hood. Violating the law can result in fines of up to $500.

It is believed that this clothing is similar to the attire of the Ku Klux Klansmen.

In addition, after the incident in Ferguson, it is believed that people wearing hoods pulled as far as possible over their foreheads are trying to disguise themselves so that they are difficult to recognize when committing illegal actions.

Hides the face

Such a law could soon take effect throughout the state of Oklahoma. This initiative was supported by Senator Barrington.The amendment states: this measure is required to make places with large crowds of people safe, depriving lawbreakers of the opportunity to hide their faces during illegal actions.

Exceptions are possible only in certain cases: Halloween, rain, circus performances, religious ceremonies.

Reference! It must be said that today there is already a bill in Oklahoma that prohibits the wearing of masks. This law remained after the fight against the Ku Klux Klan.

For what reasons is such a measure necessary?

Now that supermarkets, subways, busy streets and other places are equipped with video cameras, a hood is one way to hide your identity.

Naturally, attackers are well aware of this. Jackets with a hood can be bought at any clothing store; they are purchased by completely respectable people. And there should be no suspicion towards a citizen in a hoodie who enters a store. But supermarket employees know from experience that this decent citizen can instantly turn into a criminal, who then cannot be recognized from video camera recordings.

In the hood

How did society react?

This law has caused great irritation among many. For example, several priests said they would start preaching in hoodies. They believe that the church has an obligation to speak out against discrimination.

Senator Barrington gave an explanation on this matter. As he says, the law does not contain the word “hoodie”, so hoods are considered in general, and not a specific type of clothing. “The law is not intended to ban hoodies, but to prevent the use of masks during a crime. This will increase the protection of citizens, but does not limit their rights.”

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