How to wash a down jacket

Today the market is very rich in various types of outerwear. Anyone can choose what they like. Be it a coat, fur coat or jacket. But relatively recently, a down jacket appeared on the market; at one time it seemed unusual, but now, probably, every family has one and more than one copy. The down jacket overshadowed its comrades, because it attracted attention with its lightness, weightlessness and warmth.

Time passes, it gets dirty and the question arises of how and what to wash it with so as not to lose those qualities for which it was once loved.

So, let's take it in order.

What are the dangers of choosing the wrong detergent?

how to wash a down jacket without streaksNoticing that our favorite down jacket is dirty, clean housewives try to quickly solve this problem by washing it with ordinary powder in the machine, without even thinking about what will happen to it next. But if you do this incorrectly, it can become deformed:

  • divorces may appear;
  • color will change;
  • the filler will lose its qualities;
  • the appearance will change.

To prevent this from happening, you need to know which product is better to choose.

How to wash to avoid streaks

special detergents for washing downI really want it to look beautiful after washing, without stains or streaks, but often after washing, you notice that there are stains on your jacket, sweater or even trousers. Why is this happening:

  • you need to reduce the amount of detergent (you may have added a lot);
  • use high-quality detergents;
  • start the rinsing process again (perhaps once was not enough).

When washing a down jacket, do not use regular washing powder and bleaching agents, as they will only harm the product. Crystals that are part of the powder, when dissolved, cause streaks to appear. The best ones for this are:

  1. Special gels for washing.
  2. Shampoo.
  3. Liquid soap.

Features of choosing powder products

powder selectionYou cannot wash a down jacket with powder, because powder products contain substances that can harm the natural filler and the product as a whole. After this, unwanted changes may occur such as:

  • Changing the color of the down jacket;
  • Loss of shape;
  • Clumping of filler;
  • White stains;
  • Destruction of the fat layer, which protects the down from moisture loss and gives it elasticity.

washing capsulesAs a result of all this, the down jacket loses its original shape and ceases to fulfill its main duty - to keep you warm in cold weather.
Special products for washing natural down.

Natural down, unlike unnatural, is very sensitive. You need to wash it carefully, because if you do something wrong it can get damaged. Use mild detergents if your product is filled with fluff or wool.

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