Five reliable ways to check the quality of clothes

At least once, everyone has encountered such an unpleasant situation: they bought a beautiful thing, and after washing it turned into an unpresentable rag. What emotions took possession of us at the same time? This is annoyance and disappointment, mixed with a feeling of deliberate deception. At such a moment, one involuntarily recalls the words of the classic: “Ah, it’s not difficult to deceive me, I’m glad to be deceived myself.”

Five reliable ways to check the quality of clothes

How to buy clothes that will please its owner for a long time? What should you pay close attention to so as not to be deceived and pay for poor quality? Very Pre-installation helps, which is worthy of becoming a shopping slogan: “Trust, but verify!” Let's find out what methods of quality control are available to us even before going to the checkout and are reliable.

How to evaluate the fabric of a product

The first thing that catches your eye is the fabric.

Checking the quality of the fabric

One possible surprise: the clothes are made from stale material.It is impossible to determine the age of the fabric by eye, but it is possible to slightly pull the seams.


Advice! If visible holes form at the seams, then it is better to discard the item.

Of course, the defect may be a manufacturing defect, and the holes may be a result of the negligence of the seamstresses who used the wrong size needles for stitching. Controversial issues can be easily resolved experimentally: you need to compare two identical models.

Pay attention to the smell

The second surprise is a sharp and unpleasant smell. More likely, “aroma” is evidence of the presence of hazardous chemicals in the paint. Maybe it will fade, but how will it affect your health?

We check for “resilience”

A reliable way to check the wear resistance of fabric is the following test: take a piece of fabric into your fist and crumple it. Is the fabric in no hurry to return to its original shape? This is a “bell” warning of fragility.

fabric check

Having done this test, it is advisable to move on to the next one: lightly pull the fabric.

Important! If after stretching marks are visible or the shape is lost, the quality leaves much to be desired.

Don't forget about the lining

Another important point is the lining. In a high-quality product, the lining fabric is necessarily smooth, making it easier to put on clothes and not visible from the outside.


The color of the lining also gives away the quality. Imagine: a business dinner, an unbuttoned plain classic black jacket lined with pink fabric with small flowers. This combination will, at the very least, cause confusion among business partners.

Reference! A good item usually comes with a lining that matches the color of the main fabric or creates a nice contrast.

What does the hardware tell you?

Paradox: the fittings are often not visible, but their absence is striking! After all, it is rare to find clothes without various trims, buttons, zippers, hooks, and buttons.


  • Ideal if sewn metal zipper, covered with a strap on top. A plastic lock is used to reduce the cost of the product, and is also unreliable in operation.
  • Unscrupulous manufacturers do not ensure that the zipper is sewn in correctly. A common flaw is that one side of the clasp is shorter than the other.. As a result, the dress or skirt looks crooked.


  • An undoubted sign of care for the consumer is buttons with loops.

Important! Honest companies sew on buttons with high quality: they do not dangle and there are no threads sticking out of them. The loops are even, tightly stitched and cut.

Seams and stitches matter

Be sure to check the following important points.


  • Thread color matches fabric color. Only decorative stitches are made with contrasting threads.
  • The lines are even, made with fairly small stitches. If, when stretching, “gaps” are visible between the stitches, this is a hack!
  • If the fabric has a pattern, for example, a checkered pattern, then you need to pay special attention to it. Some companies, in order to save material, do not care about matching the pattern on the seams. Such a discrepancy not only indicates the low quality of the product, but also “cheapens” it in the eyes of others.
  • Seam allowances are another indicator of quality.

Important! If the allowance is very small or completely absent, the skirt or blouse will “unravel” after a couple of washes.

Attention to label and label

Sewing products are marked with a cardboard label and fabric tape label. They contain a great variety of information, you just need to be able to read it.


  • From the label, they learn, firstly, the country of origin, size, features of the product, and price.
  • Secondly, the composition of the fabric. Based on the percentage of fibers, you can “predict” how the fabric will behave after washing. Natural cotton will definitely “shrink”, but it will never roll up or become covered with pellets. Also, artificial fabrics such as viscose, cupra and acetate are practically not pilled. Mixed fabrics are less susceptible to pilling, but with a large amount of synthetics in the fiber, pilling is inevitable.

Important! It is considered optimal to have 5 to 35 percent synthetic threads in the fabric. An additional advantage of such things is that they do not change in size, that is, they do not stretch, do not deform and are worn for a long time.

  • The fabric label is usually sewn into the garment. Its task is to maintain its original appearance for a long time, since it is on it that the company logo is placed. Until recently, labels and labels had only utilitarian meaning. Nowadays, effectively designed tags attract attention and “work” as a kind of advertising for the product.


Important! If a company allows itself to invest in label design, it means that it values ​​its reputation. For the buyer, this is practically a guarantee of a successful purchase.

Is packaging important?

"Yes!" - this is how marketers answer. Bright, stylish packaging attracts attention. In addition, it, like an information board, conveys the following important things to a potential buyer:

  • the manufacturer takes care of the safety of the product during transportation;
  • the product is genuine.


Important! If, nevertheless, a product is purchased that does not meet quality standards, and the store is in no hurry to resolve the conflict, an independent examination of the quality of the goods is called upon to help the buyer.

True, it is not free, so it is justified either for moral satisfaction or in case of expensive purchases.

Let us once again remember the shopping slogan: “Trust, but verify!” Checking for five main parameters (fabric, accessories, seams, labels, packaging) takes only a few minutes. Is this a high price to pay for the pleasure of wearing good clothes?

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